Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 114 Black Castle

Senior Byron, why did you turn into human skin and hang from a tree? Seeing Byron who had already returned to the carriage, Saul asked with a dark face.

Just now he really regarded Byron as a monster!

Hmm... Byron was a little hard to say. He glanced at the coachman who had been healed and continued to drive, with a small gash on his neck. I just... took a shower.

So you just hang yourself up to dry?

Sol was speechless.

During the conversation, they had already arrived at the gate of Black Castle.

Saul and Byron got out of the car in turn.

Sol looked at the sluggish coachman with the mushroom umbrella on his head, and said: The mushroom on your head is basically fine, and it will fall off automatically after two days when it withers.

In fact, the mushrooms on the driver's head were not full at this time, and they looked a little wilted.

The coachman, who had been emotionless all this time, suddenly raised his head, looked at Sol with tears in his eyes, then knelt down suddenly, and kowtowed hard.

The mushroom umbrella smashed into the ground with a bang.

The coachman said nothing, for it was useless to say anything.

He has worked so hard in the wizard's tower until now, and he has already understood the rules of survival.

Useful, can live.

But he still kowtowed twice fiercely to Sol's back, the mushroom umbrella was smashed into the ground, and pulled out again, becoming more and more sluggish.

Although Sol didn't look back, he also heard the movement behind him.

Actually, the senior saved him.

Yeah. Byron nodded to Saul and pointed to Saul.

Saul understood that Byron was affirming that he had not given up on the coachman.

Byron's mouth cracked, The coachman is a tool. When you go out, you must be good at keeping and maintaining your tools.

Byron's words may sound a bit cruel, but this is the philosophy of wizards. As long as it is useful, you can protect it conveniently.

The two came to the gate of the slender castle.

This gate is also slender, one meter wide and four meters high, and even fatter people cannot squeeze in.

Byron stepped forward, bent his knuckles, and tapped twice.

Sol could feel that these two strokes of Byron actually contained magic power.

A vertical pupil suddenly split in the middle of the gate, and circles of rune circles formed its pupils.

The pupils first swept all over Byron's body, and then took Thor behind him into his eyes.

Then the vertical pupil closed, and the door opened automatically with a click.

The gate of the black castle can be entered when it opens outwards. When it opens inwards, it is the entrance for sending materials. Don't enter by mistake.

After speaking, Senior Byron walked in first, followed by Sol.

The two walked through the gate, and the gate closed automatically.

The interior of Fort Black is not eerie, it can even be said to be magnificent.

It's just that the interior decoration is also slender.

The height of the hall is ten meters, and the crystal chandelier hanging from the top can reach five meters.

It was wobbly and felt like it could fall down at any moment.

The hall is only three meters wide, but it is tens of meters deep. At the end is a symmetrical curved staircase, and it seems that the steps are only one meter wide.

It really doesn't give fat people a way to live.

When Sol was observing the entire black castle, a dark green branch suddenly emerged from the gate behind him, like a hideous mummy, approaching the back of Sol's head bit by bit, soundlessly.

The hand slowly transformed into a claw, and it was about to strangle Sol's neck.

Suddenly, a black tentacle came out from the back of Sol's neck, neatly wrapped around the sneaky branch, and a death strangulation followed by a whirlwind whip, easily wiped out the attacker.

When Byron and Saul heard the movement, they hurriedly turned their heads, only the dry branches broken into several knots remained on the ground.

Byron saw the branch and immediately realized who was making trouble.

Huh? He faced the hall and whispered.

Haha, haha, don't be angry, don't be angry.

Hearing the voice behind him, Sol turned his head again and saw a slender man walking down the stairs.

The man could be more than two meters tall, but he was as thin as a bamboo pole.

Byron turned coldly at the visitor, Yeah!

Got it, got it. The person who came was still smiling. He looked at Saul, put his hands on his knees, and bent down, Hi, hello, you are Saul. I am the wizard tower Keeper at Castle Black, I'm Mochi Mochi.

Saul hesitated for a moment, wondering whether this person's name was Mochi Mochi, or whether he said it twice simply because of his oral habit.

Hello... Mr. Mochi Mochi.

The other party was still smiling, his eyebrows arched like two brackets.

Don't be angry, don't be angry. I was just curious, curious about who, who can help Byron successfully enter the third level before the age of 30. I was also thinking that after he was kicked out of the wizard tower, he reluctantly let him Come and help me, help me watch the gate.

It's a fluke. Saul replied modestly.

Hearing Saul's answer, Mochi Mochi was even happier.

Oh, I like you, I like you, little guy. You are so thin and as good-looking as me. My tutor is An Ze tutor, are you too?

I'm following Mentor Katz.

Oh, tutor Katz is also very good, but a bit boring.

Byron: Huh?

...It's just that I'm not stable enough, haha, I'm not stable enough.

I'll take Saul to rest, you go back. Byron couldn't take it any longer. He saw Saul coming alone, full of doubts, and didn't want to waste time with Mochi Mochi anymore.

Okay, okay. Mochi Mochi was not angry either, he took a step to the left, cleared the passage of the hall, and watched the two go upstairs with a smile.

Byron took Saul up the stairs on the right to the second floor, and brought him to a room that was also as slender as a coffin.

How did you come here by yourself, Nick?

Sol quickly explained his affairs in Mofan Town briefly.

After hearing this, Byron's expression was not very good.

He opened his throat, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

Saul, remember. No matter who takes the task in the future, as long as you don't see the specific content of the task, you can't complete it for others.

Sol was taken aback, Is there any inside story about this mission?

Think about it, Mo Shengguo calms the mood, if someone in the tower needs it, who is the most likely?

Sol was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, Nick? If he needs to sharpen his voice, why doesn't he go there himself?

That's the problem. Obviously his mission is to go to Mofan Town and express the attitude of the Wizard Tower. But he said that there is still a secret mission to investigate the reason for the production reduction of Moshengguo. But is there such a secret mission? , you don’t even know, what you have is just a reprimand letter from Rum’s mentor, doesn’t it?”

Sol's face was a little ugly.

Besides, he asked you to investigate the cause. Do you need to solve the problem? If you know the person who made the moshengguo reduce production, how should you deal with that person? You don't know all of this, right? Because you are not the one who takes the task.

Saul knew that he was really careless this time.

Since the first test, he has been favored by various mentors. Although he will not receive any special treatment, the crises in his life are indeed much less, and even the diary is rarely used to predict death.

Even though Thor had told himself over and over again to be vigilant at all times, his vigilance inevitably dropped a little.

Senior, are you saying that Nick may have lured me to Mofan Town on purpose? But what is his intention in doing so?

Thor was asking, but really he was asking himself.

Does Mofan Town have any powerful enemies? Even if they want to use barbarians to kill him, it is impossible.

Sol can run even if he can't beat it.

Nick doesn't know what happened in Mofan Town?

While Saul was thinking, Byron suddenly said leisurely: When Nick arrives, ask him.

Sol looked up in astonishment, then laughed again, Yes, ask him first.

Sol folded his hands on his chest, If I hadn't been temporarily promoted to the second level this time, those red-skinned savages would be really difficult to deal with. Nick must pay me more.

Byron: Um...huh?

Byron looked at Saul again, and only then noticed that the first-level assistant he hired had upgraded on his own.

The original reward for Saul...was it a little less?

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