Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 366: 4 The suspicion of the garden

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"Eh?? Computer?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Takagi touched his chin and approached the desk and said, "It's true that this place can put down a computer, but it's also possible that she didn't buy a computer?"

"No, she bought it."

Tang Ze smiled and pointed to the digital camera placed on the shelf beside him, "A person who uses a digital camera doesn't have a computer at home, isn't it a bit too strange?"

"Indeed... if there is no computer, then the digital camera is basically useless..." Takagi nodded and said.

"If you can't confirm this alone, let's take a look at this." Tang Ze picked up the phone and turned it back, "Sure enough, it's very clean.

You see, although the telephone line connecting the computer dial-up is gone, the groove is clean. It is obviously just unplugged. If there is no computer with Internet access at home, there must be some dust here. "

"Well, that's true..." Takagi turned to look at the empty desk, "So the prisoner took the computer because there might be some evidence against him in it?

Like... evidence related to a case from a year ago or something? "

"Yes, there is a high possibility that this is the case." Tang Ze nodded.

"That, Tang Zejun, I have something to ask you."

Instead of continuing to discuss the computer, Takagi instead looked at Tang Ze and asked, "You said yesterday that Miss Teraquan had something that you were very concerned about. When I asked you, you said that now is not the time. ,Right?"

"Yes, that's right." Tang Ze nodded and said, "What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking..." Takagi said with a hesitant look on his face: "You said that now is not the time, is it because the police department of Sihuayuan is making up the scene?"

"Oh? You found it." Tang Ze raised his eyebrows, nodded and admitted: "That's right, I didn't mention it because Sihuayuan was present at the time."

"Then what exactly was that sentence Miss Teraquan said yesterday?" Takagi's face gradually became solemn, "Isn't it possible have made up your suspicions about the Sihuayuan Police Department because of this sentence?"

"Takagi Criminal, you really have made great progress." Tang Ze exclaimed: "Do you even see this?"

"After all, I'm also the person who has partnered with you the most." Takagi smiled and said, "How can you make some progress?"

"Yes, I did not say it because Sihuayuan was present."

Tang Ze nodded, and immediately told Takagi the details of his meeting with the deceased Teizumi Keiko yesterday.

And the sentence that made Tang Ze care about was the sentence that Teizumi Keiko accidentally leaked.

"—I must be upset that my husband was taken away..."

"Wait... I remember that in that case a year ago, the reason why Miss Teraquan was released was because of the support of the Sihuayuan Police Department.

Another big reason is that Teizumi Keiko kept denying it at the time, and she didn't find the motive for Teizumi Keiko to kill the deceased..."

Speaking of this, Takagi's face sank in vain, "But Teizumi Keiko accidentally leaked, exposing the fact that the two had an extramarital affair. If there is an emotional entanglement, it is not surprising that there is a motive... In other words, Teizumi Keiko is really possible. Is it a criminal!?"

Speaking of this, Takagi suddenly realized an even more shocking fact, and turned his head to look at Tang Ze, "Tang Zejun! I remember hearing this sentence with you yesterday, only the police department of Sihuayuan made it up!?"

Speaking of this, Takagi suddenly understood why Tang Ze kept his mouth shut at the time, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

After all, Sihuayuan was the one who advocated the innocence of Teizumi Keiko. It can be said that more than anyone else believed that Teizumi Keiko was innocent.

Tang Ze could notice yesterday's sentence, and so could Sihuayuan.

And compared to Tang Ze, Sihuayuan is probably even more unable to accept this fact, because she has always believed that Teizumi Keiko deceived her.

The real culprit is Teizumi Keiko, and he is still trying his best to exonerate her.

If it is out of such a mentality, then Sihuayuan, who feels that his trust has been betrayed, is not unreasonable.

Even Takagi can imagine what happened between the two parties after Miss Teizumi Keiko left yesterday.

As Sihuayuan who once supported Sihuan Keiko's innocence, the natural relationship between the two is not bad, and naturally they have the contact information of Siquan Keiko.

After Teizumi Keiko said that he leaked and left in a panic, Sihuayuan called and contacted the other party and asked the other party to meet and said that they wanted to talk.

After that, Teizumi Keiko went to the meeting place where Sihuayuan agreed to meet, and was killed by him, disguised as an accidental fall and died...

"Could it be that you have already noticed this in Criminal Tang Ze?" After Takagi figured out the overall situation, he asked unacceptably: "Is it possible that the police department of Sihuayuan is really the prisoner?"

"I didn't say that. In the end, it's just a possibility." Tang Ze smiled slightly: "But don't forget, preconceived notions are a taboo in searches."

But just after the conversation between the two was over, UU read www. When was about to search Teizumi Keiko's apartment again to see if they could find anything, the door of the apartment suddenly opened.

This movement naturally caught the attention of Tang Ze and the two. When the two turned their heads to look out the door, the familiar figure that came into their eyes surprised them.

"The Sihuayuan Police Department will make up for it!?"

Seeing the pretty figure standing in front of the door, Takagi's words were full of horror, "Why are you here!?"

Obviously Tang Zejun had specifically instructed her not to allow her to participate in the case, but why did she appear in the deceased's room at this moment?

Acting on your own? Unwilling to be persuaded by Tang Ze, want to investigate alone?

Or... come to Teizumi Keiko's room to find something...

In general, in the case that Teizumi Keiko may have been the prisoner of the case a year ago, the convicted Teizumi Keiko was completely motivated to kill the other party.

And she did not obey Tang Ze's advice at this moment, and came to the apartment of the deceased's house without authorization, and she was alone!

This is a big no-no!

Even if Tang Ze and others, if it is not a special situation, it usually requires two people to act together!

"You...why are you here?" Sihuayuan asked involuntarily after seeing the two people in the house.

"This should be my line." Tang Ze looked at Sihuayuan with a cold face, "I have already warned you not to get involved in this case."

"Sorry...On the way back, I heard the criminal from the local police station said that he was going to bring Miura Miyoko and the two back for interrogation..."

Sihuayuan looked down at the ground and said, "I think this approach is very dangerous... You can't target only two people, so I wanted to come over to see if there are any clues...

I acted on my own...sorry..."

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