
The latest website: The appraisal of the technical team verified Han Bin鈥檚 conjecture.

Assuming that it is true that Hu Jiaxun was strong, according to Han Bin鈥檚 speculation, Hu Jiaxun was still angry after leaving Beiyuan neighborhood, and the car on the roadside became his vent.

He is involved in two cases. He is both the victim and the suspect.

Hu Jiaxun stood up and said, 鈥淐omrade police, I have already said about the situation of the case. I leave it to you for the investigation. If there is nothing else, I will leave.鈥?

鈥淢r. Hu, please wait a minute, I still have something to ask.鈥?Han Bin stopped the other party.

鈥淵ou said.鈥?

鈥淚f you think about it, did you go to Yanxin Road near Hui鈥檃n neighborhood that night?鈥?

Hu Jiaxun sighed, sat down and was silent for a while, 鈥淚 remembered it carefully, as if I had been on that road. But this is also normal, as you said before, it happened when I went home Passed by.鈥?

Han Bin went on to say, 鈥淛ust because it is normal, I asked you if I found anything abnormal?鈥?

鈥淣o.鈥?Hu Jiaxun still answered this question.

鈥淭hen have you ever touched those roadside vehicles yourself?鈥?

Hu Jiaxun spread his hands, 鈥淚 haven鈥檛 come near, so how can I contact?鈥?

鈥淎re you sure?鈥?

鈥淵ou have asked me several times and I have the same answer, because I did that. Real gold is not afraid of fire.鈥?

Han Bin laughed, 鈥淚 have never tried real gold because I am afraid of fire, but I can be sure that you are definitely not real gold.鈥?

鈥淐omrade police, what exactly do you mean? I鈥檓 here to report the crime. What鈥檚 the use of you telling me about it? You might as well investigate the woman who bullied me if you have this skill.鈥?

鈥淒on鈥檛 worry, we investigated that case, but we are investigating the case of a roadside vehicle being destroyed.鈥?At this point, Han Bin looked solemnly, 鈥淗u Jiaxun, I will officially inform you now. You were arrested.鈥?

鈥淎rrest me? Why!鈥?Hu Jiaxun asked loudly.

鈥淗u Jiaxun,

You really thought that the action of smashing the car last night was seamless. Our police have already obtained enough evidence that you are the suspect of deliberately damaging the car near the Hui鈥檃n neighborhood. 鈥?/p>

Hu Jiaxun fiercely stared at Han Bin fiercely, 鈥渢alk nonsense, you guys are putting hats on them, what evidence do you have that I am a suspect?鈥?

鈥淭he police found the suspect鈥檚 fingerprints on the damaged car. After comparison, they are exactly the same as yours.鈥?Han Bin鈥檚 tone increased a bit.

Hu Jiaxun trembled, 鈥淭his鈥aybe there is any misunderstanding?鈥?

鈥淢isunderstanding, then tell me what is the misunderstanding?鈥?

鈥淚鈥?may have accidentally bumped into a car. Having touched that car does not mean that I am the suspect of damaging the car.鈥?Hu Jiaxun refused to give up, still trying to exonerate himself.

鈥淵ou made it clear just now that you have never touched a car near the Hui鈥檃n neighborhood. As long as you have not touched the car, how could you leave your fingerprints. Even more how after careful identification, the suspect left behind Those fingerprints are the fingerprints of the crime, not just accidental contact as you said.鈥?Han Bin snorted, 鈥淗u Jiaxun, I dare to be clear. The police have enough evidence to persuade you not to mistake yourself.鈥?Now is your only chance to reduce your sentence. If you miss it, your sentence will increase.鈥?

Hu Jiaxun was silent, sweat dripping from his temples to his cheeks.

Under Han Bin鈥檚 hard work, he has no retreat.

Hu Jiaxun entangled again and again, opened the mouth and said, 鈥淐omrade police, you suspected me at first, so let me follow to the police station.鈥?

鈥淵es. Don鈥檛 be lucky. If you don鈥檛 explain things clearly, you don鈥檛 want to leave today.鈥?

鈥淚鈥?I regret how I went to her home to deliver the courier. If he hadn鈥檛 suffered an extraordinary shame and humiliation, he would not fly into a rage out of humiliation and retaliate, and he would harm himself as a result Now.鈥?Hu Jiaxun showed a regretful expression.

Guo Tianxu asked, 鈥淪o, you admit that you smashed the car near Hui鈥檃n neighborhood on Yanxin Road.鈥?

Hu Jiaxun gritted his teeth, 鈥淵es, I did it.鈥?

鈥淲hy do you do this?鈥?

鈥淚 was holding a fire in my heart. You simply couldn鈥檛 think of what kind of torture I suffered that day. He fed me some medicine鈥?and then kept bullying me鈥︹€?Hu Jiaxun choked and started sobbing.

鈥淚 was originally a strong man, and I still have abdominal muscles. Since the day of the fight, I feel that my body is no longer good, and I feel uncomfortable everywhere. I feel like my whole person is broken. Not only physically but mentally鈥︹€?

Hu Jiaxun said intermittently, but Han Bin still understood what he meant, but this does not mean that Han Bin can understand his approach.

鈥淓ven if you have been illegally violated, you should immediately come to the police station to report to the police. Our police can investigate and collect evidence in time to return your innocence. Instead of going to the roadside and smashing the car, do you know that you have changed from a victim? Becoming a suspect, in the eyes of those car owners, you are no different from the suspect who violated you.鈥?

鈥淣o, I am not the same as her, that woman is pervert.鈥?Hu Jiaxun shouted, eyes full of anger.

Han Bin doesn鈥檛 want to argue with him, it鈥檚 boring. 鈥淭ell me about your crime.鈥?

鈥淐omrade police, I鈥檓 here to report the crime. You can check my case first. I鈥檓 already here and I won鈥檛 run. But the woman who bullied me is different. She might run away at any time.鈥?

鈥淚 just said that I have asked my colleagues to investigate the suspect鈥檚 situation, and we will naturally take action when the investigation is clear. By the way, do you remember the name of the woman?鈥?

鈥淚鈥?can鈥檛 remember.鈥?

鈥淲hat about the mobile phone number?鈥?

Hu Jiaxun took out his mobile phone to read, 鈥?3244586XXX鈥?

Han Bin wrote a note on the note, and then handed it to the small eye on the side. 鈥淲ith these clues, we will locate the suspect as soon as possible. You first explain your situation.鈥?

Hu Jiaxun looked at Han Bin, then glanced at Guo Tianxu next to him, bowed his head and said, 鈥淚 want to wait until the woman is caught.鈥?

鈥淧eng!鈥?Guo Tianxu was angry and slapped the table, 鈥淲hat are you doing, ask the police. Do you know where this is? I warn you and give me an obediently and honestly account, otherwise鈥?Humph鈥︹€︹€?

Hu Jiaxun shuddered, wondering if it was related to the experience that day, which made him less courageous, 鈥淚 said, I just said it.鈥?

Guo Tianxu is snorted again, and he looks similar.

Hu Jiaxun fell into the memory, 鈥淭hat night, I was out of Beiyuan neighborhood, and my heart was particularly uncomfortable. UU reading I wanted to die, I wanted to kill the woman who bullied me, and I wanted to call the police. , But this kind of thing is what I say.鈥?

鈥淚鈥檓 not that kind of hypocritical person. If I鈥檓 really bullied by a good-looking woman, even if I鈥檓 older, it doesn鈥檛 matter. The key is that the woman who bullied me is old, ugly and strong, I It鈥檚 disgusting, and it feels like falling into a cesspit.鈥?

鈥淚鈥檓 angry, I鈥檓 not at peace. I was foul-mouthed along the way. All kinds of thoughts appeared in my mind and I didn鈥檛 want to see the road. At that time, even if the train rushed over, I dared to stand up and walked to Hui鈥檃n neighborhood. When I was nearby, I ran into a car. I took a closer look and discovered that it was a vehicle parked on the side of the road. It was obviously a pedestrian road and there were blind roads. As a result, I was blocked by those cars and I could only walk on the road. To get around.鈥?

鈥淚 was angry at the time, and I thought to myself, that stinky woman bullied me, and your broken cars bullied me too. I鈥?I smashed those cars in my anger.鈥?At this point, Hu Jiaxun covered Crying with a face,

鈥淚 was murdered by that woman. I never thought about committing a crime, let alone going to jail, wu wu鈥︹€?

鈥淏oom boom.鈥?At this moment, the door of the lounge rang and the swallow walked in, 鈥淕uo Sergeant, Han Sergeant, the situation of the suspects has been found.鈥?

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