“The police.” The man hurriedly stood up, somewhat surprised, “You want who?”

Zeng Ping looked at each other up and down, “What is your name?”

“Chu Shaohui.”

“What is the nature of this apartment, is it all under your control, or is it only part of it?”

“This apartment is owned by our company, only renting but not selling.”

Zeng Ping clicked nodded. After he saw the structure of this apartment, he had a certain guess, not because he didn’t want to buy it, but because of the property rights.

“We are looking for a person named Fan Pengyi. His address is your apartment. Please check it out.”

Chu Shaohui asked, “What is his mobile phone number?”


Chu Shaohui sat at the computer desk, crackling on the keyboard, “found it, Fan Pengyi lives in room 317.”

Zeng Ping leaned over to check the computer, “How long has he lived here?”

“He has not lived for a short time, he rented here last year, and also adjusted the house once. I can’t call his name, but he often meets.”

“Does he live with someone or live alone.”

Chu Shaohui touched his nose, “I am not quite clear.”

“Is he in the apartment now?”

“Should be there, he works night shifts and rests in the apartment during the day.”

“Please take us to him, please.”

Chu Shaohui hesitated a little, “Comrade police, what are you doing with him? Did he commit something?”

“Don’t think too much about it, we are looking for him to get some information.”

“Okay, then I will take you up.”

Out of the office, Chu Shaohui led Zeng Ping and the others to the elevator.

“How many elevators do you have?”

“Just these two elevators.”

“Where are the stairs?”

“There is a staircase to the east.”

Zeng Ping told Wei Zimo on the side, “You take one team member up the stairs, and let two team members guard another elevator.”

“Yes.” Wei Zimo complied, arranged some arrangements, and took people up the stairs.

“ding dong…” The elevator door opened, and a man and a woman walked out of the elevator, looking like a couple, holding hands and walking out of the elevator.

Zeng Ping and the others entered the elevator and went directly to the third floor.

After getting off the elevator, Chu Shaohui pointed to the east, Room 317 was there.

Zeng Ping took a look and found that there are rooms on both sides of the stairs, which add up to at least 20-30 rooms.

“ka-cha …”

Within two steps, a room opened in front of him, and a man walked out with a cigarette in his mouth.

Chu Shaohui has sharp eyes and quick lips, “Comrade police, this is Fan Pengyi who opens the door.”

The man with a cigarette turned his head and looked over. After seeing Zeng Ping and the others, he swallowed saliva and said, then turned and ran east.

Sun Xing of 1st Squad chased after him, “Police, don’t move!”

Fan Pengyi ran faster, and all the smoke in his mouth fell.

At this time, Wei Zimo also led people to climb the third floor. Hearing the phrase ‘police, don’t move’, he understood the situation here.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way.” Fan Pengyi waved his hand to signal Wei Zimo not to get in the way.

Wei Zimo was wearing casual clothes, and the other party did not recognize him. Wei Zimo obediently gave way to the wall and gave Fan Pengyi a way to escape.

This corridor is not too far away. While speaking, Fan Pengyi ran over. Just when he was about to pass Wei Zimo, one leg stretched out, just blocking his raised foot.

With a muffled sound of “peng!”, Fan Pengyi fell to the ground.

Wei Zimo and another police officer rushed up in two steps and directly pressed him to the ground, “Police, don’t move!”

Fan Pengyi was thrown into a daze. After hearing this voice, he was shocked to wake up again.

He is very honest and did not resist at all.

Wei Zimo dragged him from the ground.

Zeng Ping looked at him up and down, “What is your name?”

“Fan Pengyi.”

Zeng Ping said to Chu Shaohui on the side, “Go ahead.”

“Oh.” Chu Shaohui was stunned for a moment, looked at Zeng Ping, then looked at Fan Pengyi, and then left.

Zeng Ping asked, “How is it, I am not injured.”

Fan Pengyi rolled his eyes and said, “Hey, my leg hurts. I must have fallen.”

“pa!” Wei Zimo gave him a head straight away, “I’m polite to you, and I climbed up smoothly, I don’t know how many catties and how many taels.”

Fan Peng shrunk his neck, “I just fell, it hurts a bit, and it’s probably fine. That…comrade police, what can you do with me?”

Wei Zimo replied, “What did you commit yourself, do you not know?”

“I haven’t committed anything. I am a good person. There must be some misunderstanding.”

Wei Zimo snorted, “What did you run without committing a crime?”

“I…I…” Fan Peng froze for a while, but didn’t make it clear.

“Why run?”

“I didn’t run, I just… was scared.”

“Who scared you?”

“The man in that building said that you are the police, when I heard… right.”

“What is it? The police are not Old Hu. If you are not offending and not guilty, what can you run away?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, maybe it was all of a sudden.”

Obviously, his explanation does not satisfy Zeng Ping and the others.

Zeng Ping said, “You ran away when you saw the police. Did you hide any dangerous items? You have a guilty conscience.”

“No, what dangerous items can I hide? Nothing.”

Zeng Ping winked at Wei Zimo, “Go and search in his room.”

Fan Pengyi shouted, “Hey, why are you searching my house? Do you have any documents?”

“We suspect that you have hidden dangerous items in the house, which may endanger the safety of other residents in the apartment. In an emergency, you need to search your room. Is there a problem?” Zeng Ping finished, waved, ” Search.”

Fan Pengyi is a little anxious, UU reading www.uukanshu. com “What the hell are you doing? How did I provoke you.”

Zeng Ping took the opportunity to ask, “Do you have a car?”

“Yes, what’s up.”

“What car?”

“White Toyota.”

“License plate number?”

“Lu B372XK”

This license plate number is the same as the parking lot license plate.

“Where is the car?”

“I don’t know, I lent it to a friend.”

“What is your friend’s name?”

“Zhang Li.”

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