
The Municipal Public Security Bureau, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang did not follow Han Bin on assignments, but were responsible for taking notes for Gao Aixia’s ex-husband.

Wang Xiao checked the situation of Gao Aixia’s husband Su Wentong in the public security system.

The address on Su Wentong’s ID card can be found, but this address is in Qindao City Yan Family Village, some distance from the city.

If Su Wentong works in the city, he is impossible to live in Yan Family Village.

In other words, the address in the police system is not the current address in most cases. To find Su Wentong, you have to think about other methods.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang thought about it, and finally decided to call Su Wentong directly.

No one answered the first call. After a while, Wang Xiao made the second call. This time the phone was connected.

“Hello, is this Mr. Su Wentong?”

A man’s voice came from the phone, “It’s me, who are you?”

“My name is Wang Xiao and I belong to the Municipal Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation team. There is a case I want to find out about you.”

The man didn’t believe it, “Why are the Public Security Bureau looking for me? You are not liars, right.”

Wang Xiao turned around, “Do you know Gao Aixia?”

“Get to know.”

“What is your relationship?”

“It’s okay.”

“Now it is the police who will question you. After thinking about it clearly, you are legally responsible for deceiving the police…”

“Hey, she is my ex-wife, but we are already divorced. It really doesn’t matter.”

Wang Xiao asked, “Do you know the disappearance of Gao Aixia?”

“I know, after her parents reported the crime, the comrades at the police station also called me. Did you find her?”

“She is also your ex-wife anyhow, so you don’t care about her so much?”

Su Wentong sighed, “You also said that it is an ex-wife. We are already divorced. It doesn’t matter anymore. How can I care about her.”

“Regarding the case of Gao Aixia’s disappearance, we would like to make a supplementary record for you. Come to the City Criminal Investigation team as soon as possible.”

“Comrade police, since the two of us divorced, there has been no contact. I really don’t understand her affairs. It’s useless to go.”

“Don’t worry about whether it is useful or not, the transcripts are all to be done, you should come first.”

Su Wentong was a little reluctant, “Okay, I’m going to work now, and I must be unable to make it today. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will make time to go there.”

“The case we are investigating is very important to your ex-wife. You better come over now.”

“I am providing broadband to the client’s home, and I am waiting for two more. I really can’t make it. If I run halfway, the client must complain to me, the company will not open me yet.” Su Wentong paused, his tone eased a little, “Comrade police, it is not easy for me, I also want to work, I hope you can understand me.”

Wang Xiao thought for a while, “Let’s do it, tell me an address, we will come to you, we can talk in the car, it won’t take up too much time for you.”

Su Wentong hesitated for a moment and made up his mind, “That’s okay, you are willing to come over, I am not the kind of ignorant person, I am in Yuhua District, Hengbin Road near Nanhua Department Store, after you arrive Call me, this one is almost finished.”

“Okay, let’s rush over within half an hour.” Wang Xiao hung up his cell phone, packed up his equipment and left the office with Jiang Yang.

In the car, Jiang Yang drove the car, Wang Xiao sat in the position of the co-pilot, right hand holding a pen to write and draw in the notebook.

Write down the transcript in advance, when the time comes can save a lot of time.

While driving, Jiang Yang generally said, “This Su Wentong is quite indifferent to her ex-wife. It seems that he may not be able to ask any valuable clues.”

Wang Xiao put on his pen cap and hung the carbon pen on his notebook. “This couple can break up peacefully after divorce, and some even become enemies. Su Wentong’s attitude is reasonable.” /p>

Jiang Yang said, “I just think the relationship between husband and wife is the closest, even if it is divorced, it should not be able to let it go for a while.”

Wang Xiao shook the head, “Maybe I had this idea when I first divorced,

But time can change everything. Don’t say anything. In only three months, you will most likely find a new life. “

“Using a popular saying, the best way to forget about the previous relationship is to start a new relationship. Although it sounds a bit uncomfortable, it’s really the way it is.”

Jiang Yang shrugged and said nothing.

Ten minutes later, the two drove to the vicinity of Nanhua Department Store on Hengbin Road.

Wang Xiao called Su Wentong again, and Wang Xiao told him the model, color and license plate number.

Soon, a man rushed over on an electric car. The man was wearing a light gray overalls. He put the electric car not far from the car and walked towards the car.

Wang Xiao got out of the car, he already recognized that the man was Su Wentong.

“Mr. Su.” Wang Xiao actively waved.

Su Wentong seemed to have heard his voice, “You are Officer Wang.”

“It’s me, get in the car.”

Wang Xiao invited Su Wentong to the back row. In order to make the transcript easier, Wang Xiao drove out the Jinbei car in the game. It was spacious and more suitable for questioning.

After getting in the car, Su Wentong glanced at his watch, “Officer Wang, there will be a customer who wants to install broadband in a while. I only have half an hour.”

“Okay, let’s start taking notes.” Wang Xiao opened his notebook and asked routinely, “Name, gender, age…”

Su Wentong frowned, “Does it need to be so formal? Don’t you just ask a few words?”

“Mr. Su, the more formal the transcript, the better. You are also very busy. We will call you again if we save it.”

Su Wentong was nodded, and cleared his throat, “My name is Su Wentong, male, 33 years old this year…”

“What is your relationship with Gao Aixia?”

“Gao Aixia is my ex-wife. We are already divorced, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Why divorce.”

“Eh.” Su Wentong sighed, “The matter between husband and wife, one sentence or two can’t be said clearly.”

“Then the main reason?”

“The personality is different, she is stronger, I like to let the flow go. People live for a lifetime, so tired to do. She thinks I am too lazy, not self-motivated, at first glance I am not pleasing to the eye, two people quarrel Hey, plus we don’t have a child, we just broke up after arguing.” Su Wentong showed a self-deprecating color,

“Maybe we are not suitable originally, it is better not to know each other to save everyone from delaying each other.”

While speaking, Su Wentong seemed to be a little moved, “Did my ex-wife found it? What happened to her?”

Wang Xiao asked back, “I thought you didn’t care about her?”

“If you don’t care at all, it must be false. Two people have lived together for so long, no matter how they quarreled, she has become a part of life, and she must be chattering when she suddenly leaves. “Su Wentong twisted his hands together,” I am not saying that I don’t care about her, but I don’t know how to care. This feeling is quite complicated.”

“Said relatives are not relatives, and friends are not friends. It will only be embarrassing to meet each other. How can I care?”

“Then you are not worried about her safety?”

“This is not a foreign country. What can happen to a big living person. UU reading” Su Wentong shook the head, “Furthermore, there are police comrades, right? When it comes to police officers, There may be no good things. But we are about to encounter something, we people still trust you very much.”

Wang Xiao laughed, “There is nothing good about what it means to say that we usually have nothing good.”

Su Wentong said with a smile, “No. It’s just nonsense. Just like our customers, we say that we charge high fees, slow internet speeds, and Barabara. Then we will still use our products in the end. One reason, there is no perfection. To put it bluntly, which company in all walks of life has not been scolded.”

Wang Xiao turned to the topic again, “When was the last time you saw Gao Aixia?”

Su Wentong bared his teeth, “I can’t remember, it’s a bit long.”

“Think carefully then.”

“It should be when I got the divorce certificate. I haven’t seen it since.”

“What about the last contact? Mobile communication, WeChat, and other software count.”

Su Wentong shook his head and laughed, “I haven’t contacted again after the divorce, and I didn’t talk to each other. I still talked about WeChat. I can’t talk.”

“So when she disappeared, you didn’t find anything unusual?”

“No. At that time, it was her dad who called me and asked if I had seen it. I said I hadn’t seen it, so I hung up. Later, 2nd day or 3rd day, the police station called me Call, let me go over and make a transcript. After that, it’s okay.” At this point, Su Wentong asked back.

“Comrade police, what’s the situation with Gao Aixia, haven’t you found it yet?”

Wang Xiao replied, “A few days ago, we found a female corpse, Gao Aixia, a suspected missing person. Please come here to let Mu help identify it.”

Su Wentong jumped down, got up abruptly, and banged his head against the roof of the car.

“What, female corpse!”

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