            After a while.

Forensic doctor Li Can finished the preliminary examination and got up and said, “Ma Section Chief, the preliminary autopsy has been completed.”

Ma Jingbo asked subconsciously, “How did he die?”

Li Can organized the language. “The body of the deceased found two obvious scars, the first was on the neck and the second was on the lower back. The lower back should be electrocuted and the neck should be strangled. ”

” There is no obvious feature of drowning, which can rule out the possibility of drowning. The cause of death is strangulation caused by strangulation of the neck. “

” What is the time of death? ” Ma Jingbo asked.

“It didn’t take long to die, between 9:30 and 10:30.” Li Can recalled and continued, “The deceased was about 22 years old, and there were no obvious characteristics that could prove his identity. “

” Have the victim ever been invaded by a surname? “

” The scene is not convenient, and there will be a further autopsy after returning to the laboratory. “

Ma Jingbo was nodded, “Waiting for your report.”

“I will do it as soon as possible.” Li Canzhen said the next sentence and went to dispose of the body.

Ma Jingbo pointed to Han Bin, “I’m staring at the scene, you go talk to the reporter and the person in charge of the swimming pool.”

Han Bin complied, called Shang Baoxing and Li Qin went outside.

At this time, it was twelve in the morning, and the whole city was quiet. Han Bin stood on the steps in front of the building and stretched a lazy waist, taking a breath of fresh air.

Bao Xing yawned, “No, I’ll have a cup of coffee in a while, or I can’t stand it tonight.”

Li Qin glanced at the phone and smiled Road, “You can’t stand it at just how old you are, I’m so old to you, staying up late is a common thing.”

“Sister Li, you are a heroine in the middle of school, how can I compare with you.”

While speaking, the three went down the steps.

The reporter Liu Yongshan and the person in charge of the swimming pool Li Cihong stood not far away.

Han Bin called Li Cihong first to get to know the swimming pool.

Han Bin looked at the other side. He was about 40 years old and very rich. His expression seemed a little flustered.

I still have to wait for Han Bin to speak,

She couldn’t help but say, “Comrade Police, if you say I’m so bad luck, then this kind of thing will happen.”

“You Is it the person in charge of the swimming pool? “

” Yes, my name is Li Cihong, and I have this bag. “

” How do I pack it? “

” It is I rented it out for a period of five years, and the rent increased by 3% per year. To tell you the truth, I regretted the first year after I rented it. This is a lost money, and the rent is increased by 3% per year. I am going to die … “Li Cihong cried, complaining.

Bao Xing interrupted her, “Did you not inquire about it before renting it?”

“I feel that this place is quite big when renting it, and the rent is relatively cheap. The people in the stadium The traffic is not small, thinking that as long as you work hard to make money, who knows that it is not the case at all. “Li Cihong sighed, reaching out all around,

” This shop is in the stadium, and it is not on the street, it holds events When people came in, they were mostly at night, and who would go shopping in the surrounding shops. It does n’t mean that the number of people can be converted into foot traffic. It ’s hard to say whether my swimming pool can earn rent back. ”

Han Bin asked, “What time does the swimming pool close?”

“Generally, if there is no guest, it will close at eight o’clock, if there is a guest, it will close at ten.” Li Cihong said.

“How many staff members are there in the swimming pool?”

“The swimming pool does not have much work. Basically, I am alone. The door opens at about eight in the morning and closes at about eight in the evening. , Also hired a person to clean, there is nothing else to do, labor is too expensive to afford. “

” When will you leave the swimming pool tonight? “

“About eight o’clock.”

Han Bin took out his notebook and took a note, “Do you know if anyone else is inside?”

“I know.”

“Who closed the door after you left?”

“The stadium is closed at 10 o’clock. If I do not close at 8 o’clock, I will greet the stadium security in advance and let them come over at 10 o’clock to see, they will Persuaded the guests to leave and lock the door for me, by the way. “Li Cihong said.

Han Bin glanced at her and said, “You’re really big-hearted.”

“What’s the matter, I don’t make any money, there is a swimming pool in it, and there is nothing to steal.” Yes, I ca n’t afford it at 10 o’clock every night. I ’m exhausted and not enough for the medical expenses. ”

“ Do you know the dead? ”

” Count it. ” You know, it ’s our member. She comes here often, but she did n’t say anything. ”

” How do you pay for your members? “

” There are several charging models There are time-based, monthly, quarterly, annual. There are also times-based, ten, thirty, fifty times. Depending on the type of member, the price and degree of discount are not the same.

“What kind of dead person? “

” She should be Bao Ji. “

” How many people were there in the swimming pool before you left? ” “

” It seems to be three people. In addition to the deceased, there is a husband and wife who are also members here. ” “

” Is the swimming pool monitored? ” “

” Before and after, it broke down, so I didn’t change it, and I didn’t have anything of value. ” By the way, there is monitoring at the stadium entrance, you can watch the monitoring there. ”

“Where do guests leave their belongings when they swim?”

“You can go to the toilet when you change clothes, and there is a locker next to the swimming pool, which can be there.”

“Dead person’s storage cabinet” What’s the number? “

” I can’t remember this, I should remember in the book, I have to look it up. “

Li Qin asked,” You don’t even have a computer “”

“I have been stolen before and after, and the police station has not caught anybody. I will keep a notebook. It is a long-term member anyway, and it is easy to manage.”

Han Bin didn’t say much. In front of Li Zither Dao, “Sister Li, find out the identity of the deceased, and the number of the locker, and notify the family of the deceased to recognize the body.”

“Yes.” Li Qin called Li Cihong aside.

Bao Xing called the reporter Liu Yongshan over.

Liu Yongshan looks more than 40 years old, medium, with dark skin, wearing a security uniform, and greeted Han Bin. “Police are good.”

“You are reporting the crime.” Liu Yongshan. “

” Yes, I’m the security guard of our stadium. I’m on the night shift tonight. “

” When do you go to work? “

“The evening shift is from 8 pm to 8 am, and we usually hand over at about 7.50.”

“When did you find the dead?”

“9: 5 More than ten, the stadium will close at 10 o’clock. I usually go around the yard and see that the swimming pool is still lit. I want to go in to remind the swimmers that the stadium should be closed.

“I didn’t see anyone after I went in. I thought everyone was gone. When I was about to turn off the lights and left, I saw a person floating in the swimming pool, that guy, it scared me.”

“I ran out quickly, and called the police. I’ve been fluttering in my heart, and I’m not afraid of you laughing It ’s the first time in my life I have seen a dead person, and I was scared. ”

“ Did you see the deceased’s items when you arrived at the scene? ” I didn’t dare to watch it, so I ran out. “

” How many security guards are there in the stadium at night? “

” It depends on whether there is activity or not. Too much. If there is no activity, I will keep the door alone after 8 o’clock. Before, I quite liked the night shift, and it was fine, and I could play the mobile phone safely, who knows … “Liu Yongshan showed a bitterness,

“Okay, this security can’t be done, I’ll change it.”

Bao Xing laughed, “It’s really not suitable for you to be a security.”

Liu Yongshan chuckled, “Comrade police, don’t be afraid of your jokes. My dream when I was a kid was to be a police officer, and I felt prestigious when I grew up. I didn’t know that the police didn’t want to do it.”

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