            Ding Xifeng Pats Han Bin’s shoulder, “I’m in charge of the scene, go talk to the foreigner living here.”


Han Bin complied, glanced at the scene, his eyes fell on On Zelaj.

This girl from a foreign country has become single and is sitting on the steps and crying.

Han Bin walked over and handed her two paper towels, “Zerai, please change your grief.”

Zerai looked up at Han Bin, “Why, why Are you here again? “

Han Bin” … “

Do you think my brother wants to come?

The affairs of the Chinese people can’t be controlled, and your foreigners also add chaos.

After a while, Zeray shook the head, “I’m sorry, I’m not accusing you, but I don’t want Shallman …”

Who wouldn’t say that Han Bin spread his hand, “OK, I can understand, if you need to calm down, we can talk later.”

“No tears can save Salman, I want to find a kill His killer, take revenge for Shalman, you ask. “Zelaj wiped her tears.” I’m sorry again for the rude behavior just now, sorry. “

” You can Tell me about today’s itinerary?

Zelai nodded, remembering for a while, and then slowly said, “This morning, I got up at seven o’clock. After breakfast, I’ll go. I fell asleep. Last night, Shalman attended a party and drank a lot of alcohol. I didn’t ask him to eat. I wanted him to sleep more. “

” I will go to the teaching building after dinner. ” Now, I have a class at 10 in the morning. I have to prepare the course content in advance. After class, I talked with a few classmates for a while, and received Elizabeth’s Then, Elizabeth said … Shalman was in trouble. “

” wu wu … “Zelaj’s voice choked,” After I heard it, everyone was stunned, and my mind was blank. I did n’t know how I got back to the dormitory, so I saw Shalman fell to the door. He was already … ”

“ Is there anything unusual about Shalman these two days? ”Han Bin Asked.

“He often suffers from insomnia recently and can’t sleep well at night. He drank a lot of alcohol last night and slept well.”

“Where are you partying?” “

” It’s in the dormitory building of foreign teachers.

It’s the Bureau of the Hal Group. “

” Who? “Han Bin thought he heard it wrong.

Zelaj repeated, “Hal.”

“Hal also lives in a foreign teacher’s dormitory now?”

“Yes, he now Live in Mike’s previous room. “

” He also wants to be a foreign teacher? “

” I don’t know, but I think he may stay in Qindao Foreign Language Academy. ”

“Who was there for the party that night?”

“I, Sherman, Haruk, Elizabeth, Director Sun.”

“Who is Director Sun?”

“I am the new deputy director of the English Department, taking over Chen Haijing’s job. The man with glasses over there is.”

Han Bin turned his head to look At a glance, it was a tall man with rimless glasses that looked quite gentle.

“Who was on the scene when Shalman died?”

“Elizabeth, she heard what happened and came up to check, and found that Shalman fell to the door, according to She said that Shalman was dying at that time. “

” Is there any symptoms of allergies in Shalman? “

” No, I have never heard him say it before, and I have not seen it He has had allergies before. “

” OK, you will take a break first, and I will notify you if there is a situation. “Han Bin said, and went to Elizabeth,” Hi, ma’am, very Nice to meet you. “

” Hey, Mr. Police, I also want to see you, but this is not the case, you know. “

” Of course. “Han Bin booth After spreading his hands, “I want to know something about you.”

“No problem, but I don’t know exactly what the situation is, I can only tell you what I see and hear.”

“OK, I will listen to you.”

At the time, I was preparing lunch. I liked to cook and eat by myself. I heard there was movement upstairs, at first I was not too I noticed that the sound became louder and louder. I turned off the fire and was going to check it out. When I walked to the third floor, I saw that Sherman fell to the door. His expression was very complicated, and his body was constantly twisting. “

” I have never seen him like that, I was terrified, I did not dare to approach him, so I called Zelaj. It didn’t take long for Shalman to stop struggling. I … maybe not doing well enough at the time, but I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do except to call Zelaj. “

Han Bin comforted, “OK, I can understand that you have done a great job.”

Elizabeth lamented, “Oh Karma, first Mike, then David, now Shalman also … I don’t know what happened. Although I don’t like them and think they are not qualified to be teachers, this is not the reason for their killing. “

” Shalman’s accident happened Did you still see anyone else? “Han Bin asked.

“No, there was only me at the time, at least I saw it like this.”

Han Bin asked, “Doesn’t your dormitory building have surveillance installed?”

“Oh, on this, we followed your suggestion and have applied to Academy, but I don’t know why it hasn’t been installed yet.” Elizabeth sighed.

Han Bin wrote it down in the book, “I heard, you guys got together last night.”

“Yes, believe me, you won’t want to participate.” Elizabeth shrugged his arm.

“Are you dissatisfied with this party?”

Elizabeth showed her helpless expression, “Yes, I didn’t want to go at all. I didn’t go all the way with that guy named Hal, but Zelaj thought I should go, and Hal would probably be Our new neighbor, I also hope to live in harmony with our neighbors. “

” How do you feel about the new director Sun? “

Elizabeth hesitated, Slowly said, “I feel pretty good at the moment. If he can help us install monitoring sooner, I will like him better.”

Han Bin laughed, “I will help you ask.”

“Thank you.”

After Han Bin talked to Elizabeth, he found Director Sun, “Hello, I’m the Criminal Investigation Division Han Bin in the city.”

“Hello, Office Han.”

“I heard that you are now in charge of managing foreign teachers.”

Director Sun pushed his glasses, helplessly said, ” I just took over the job, didn’t expect something to happen so soon. “

” Hal, why Will live in the dormitory teacher? “

Director Sun asked,” Do you know Hal? “

” Mike and I have been involved in the case of David. “Han Bin Road.

“Disrespectful and disrespectful.” Director Sun hurriedly shook hands with Han Bin and wondered if he remembered his appointment.

“Hal’s situation is more complicated. Now that you understand Mike’s case, you should know that his relationship with Mike is not ordinary. It can even be regarded as half of Mike’s relatives. Mike’s follow-up matters are handled by him. “

” Um, Mike ’s dead Academy is not responsible, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. However, Hal and Mike ’s family members have different views. They hope to receive compensation from Academy, but always Nothing was settled. Later, Hal proposed to replace Mike as the foreign teacher of Academy. The leader of the Academy at first did not agree, but Hal said that as long as he was allowed to be the foreign teacher of Academy, he could help make peace and let Mike’s family give up the investigation. Academy’s responsibility. “

” But the Academy leader also has his own concerns, so let Hal live in Academy first, and wait for the results of Mike’s case to talk. “

After listening After that, Han Bin couldn’t help laughing, “Isn’t Mike dying in Academy, nor is it a work injury. Does Academy need to be so afraid of them?”

Director Sun shook his head. I think so, but school leaders may have other considerations. “

Han Bin asked,” Monitoring? Why did n’t Academy learn the lesson after David’s death. “

“The foreign teacher told me about the installation monitoring, and I also truthfully reported to the Academy leader. The leader also agreed with this decision. They also plan to add a batch of cameras in other places in the Academy, when the time comes to unified purchase and unified installation.” Speaking of which, Director Sun is also a bit helpless.

“Who knows that it hasn’t had time to install yet, and something happened again.”

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