After Chen Haijing was arrested back to the city bureau, Han Bin did not immediately proceed with the trial. The evidence is not sufficient now, and the trial may lose initiative.

Ma Jingbo also agreed with Han Bin’s opinion, and the two led a separate investigation.

The next morning, with more sufficient evidence, Han Bin began to raise Chen Haijing.

Compared to yesterday, Chen Haijing looked even more embarrassed. Her two hands were twisted together and she looked at Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing who were sitting behind the interrogation table.

Han Bin looked at each other and asked, “Name, gender, place of origin …”

“Chen Haijing, female surname, native Qindao …”

“Do you know why we invited you here?”

Chen Haijing shook the head, “I don’t know, there should be some misunderstanding.”

Han Bin was not in a hurry, took a sip of tea and continued to ask, “What is your relationship with David?”

“Colleague relations.”

“anything else?”


“How did I hear that you are David’s girlfriend.”

Chen Haijing spread his hands. “Ha, Officer Han, you are really joking. How can I be David’s girlfriend, we are really just ordinary colleagues.”

Han Bin took a note in the book and continued, “When did you leave Qindao Foreign Language Academy the night before?”

“It seems to be more than eleven in the evening.”

“Why did you leave so late?”

“I haven’t been in a good mood lately, so I went to the school playground and sat for a while. I sat down and forgot my time.”

“You’ve been on the playground?”


“Can anyone prove that?”


“Have you been to the foreign teacher’s dormitory building last night?”




“Have you ever met David?”


Han Bin said positively, “Director Chen, I have always had a good impression on you, and I advise you not to lie to the police.”

Chen Haijing said sincerely, “Officer Han, I also respect you very much. All I say is the truth, and I do not lie.”

Han Bin stood up, picked up a few photos from the table, and put them in front of Chen Haijing, “Look at it.”

Chen Haijing hesitated a moment, took the photo and saw the complexion changed greatly.

The angle of view is like the monitor in the elevator, a picture of a man and a woman together.

Han Bin pointed to the photo and said, “Although the surveillance of the foreign teacher’s dormitory building is gone, the surveillance of your neighborhood is still there. The surveillance video of you taking David home for a date is well preserved.”

“Oh, here’s another kiss. It looks like French.”

Chen Haijing started sweating on his forehead and was silent for a moment. “Sorry, I lied. I am indeed David’s girlfriend.”

Han Bin asked, “Do you admit that you killed David?”

“No, I didn’t kill David, I just admitted that I was his girlfriend.”

“Since you didn’t kill him, why should you hide your relationship?” Han Bin asked.

“I … we are colleagues. Both of us think that open romance affects work. This is the consensus of the two of us. Now David is dead. I don’t want to break this consensus.”

“So cheat the police and ignore the police investigation?”

Chen Haijing assured, “Sorry, I know I’m wrong, and I will never lie.”

“I’ll give you another chance. Have you been to the foreign teacher’s dormitory building the night before?” Han Bin asked the topic for the second time.

Chen Haijing hesitated for a long time, bit her lip and said, “No.”

“Have you met David?”


Han Bin stared at each other. “Can I believe what you say?”

Chen Haijing quickly nodded, “Yes, I promise I didn’t lie this time.”

Han Bin took out a tablet computer and played a recording of a mobile phone call. It was the suspect’s call to Cheng Haibin.

Hearing this voice, Chen Haijing’s face changed, and Shua ”s face changed, and her hands were trembling with imperceptibility.

Han Bin played the call recording twice, “Chen Haijing, is this the woman who sent Cheng Haibin to Qindao Foreign Language Academy?”

Chen Haijing squeezed a smile, “Officer Han, don’t make a joke, this person speaks a strange tone, and when he hears it, he is a foreigner, which is different from my accent.”

“You just have to answer, yes or no.”

Chen Haijing gritted her teeth. “No, this woman who called is not me.”

Han Bin picked up a document from the table and put it in front of Chen Haijing. “This is a voiceprint identification report. After comparing your voice with that of the woman who called.”

Chen Haijing lowered her head, her hands trembling even harder.

Han Bin continued, “You call Cheng Haibin with David’s mobile phone, and let Cheng Haibin come to Qindao Foreign Language Academy, but you want to plant stolen money for Cheng Haibin, but you overlooked that David does not speak Chinese, and Cheng Haibin cannot Speaking English, 2 people cannot communicate directly at all. “

“One more thing, you shouldn’t think that Cheng Haibin would record the call, which is exactly the proof of your crime.”

“You said that you hadn’t been to the Foreign Teachers’ Building and hadn’t seen David the night before. How would you explain that you used David’s cell phone and that David’s cell phone stayed at the scene?

Chen Haijing did not answer, because she had already spoken to elute the suspicion, and now she could not explain it at all.

“Shalman is also the one who planted the stolen goods. We went to your house and searched it. You wore a yellow coat that day, and the sleeves of your clothes were stained with curry. Although you have wiped them, you still have curry residue And the ingredients of this curry are exactly the same as those in the Salman trash bag. “

“This explains why the beer cans that Shalman drank appeared in David’s house.”

“One more thing, according to Cheng Haibin’s description, the woman who gave him gifts that night was fatter and wore a black coat. At that time I was wondering if I would wear an extra piece of clothing for the eyes, so it seemed bloated. “

“We went over the trash bin downstairs of your house and found a black coat. David and your DNA were found on the coat, and curry was found on the inside of the sleeves of the jacket. The curry was found on the yellow coat. Exactly. “

Han Bin sternly said, “These evidence can prove that you have been to the foreign teacher’s dormitory building. You killed David and planted it to Shaman and Cheng Haibin.”

“Wu wu …” Chen Haijing sobbed in a low voice.

Han Bin walked back to the interrogation table and took a sip of tea. The interrogation also needs to be relaxed. If Chen Haijing is forced too hard, she will not be admitted if she bites her, but the case will be more troublesome.

Li Qin took a pack of paper towels and handed them to Chen Haijing, “Director Chen, I’m also a woman who can understand you.”

“It was originally David’s fault that he failed you. This kind of scumbag is not worth your sadness, and you don’t need to be too guilty.”

Chen Haijing wiped his eyes and still didn’t respond.

Li Qin was not in a hurry, and continued, “I know foreigners like David. They have no sense of responsibility and do not know what love is. He is just using you to get a job as a foreign teacher.”

Chen Haijing lifts the head, “No, David is not using me completely, he has me in his heart, all Cheng Lu’s to have no shame woman seduces him, otherwise things won’t be like this.”

Li Qin asked, “When did you know Cheng Lu?”

“Hu ……” Chen Haijing sighed, “I felt something wrong a few years ago, but David refused to admit it. I chose to believe him, and David went to see Cheng Lu again that night.”

Chen Haijing’s tone was helpless. “Cheng Lu is pregnant. She wants David to marry her. David doesn’t want to. He doesn’t love Cheng Lu at all, but … he made a mistake.”

“Later, Cheng Haibin found the school. This was a big deal. I also understood Cheng Lu’s pregnancy. I had a big fight with David, but I still couldn’t let him go. I chose to forgive him.”

Li Qin handed Chen Haijing a glass of mineral water and moved a chair to sit next to her. “But as far as I know, David has proposed to Cheng Lu.”

Chen Haijing sang the crak caught by the mineral water bottle. “No, David didn’t want to marry Cheng Lu at all. It was Cheng Haibin who found the leader of the school and asked David to marry Cheng Lu, otherwise Cheng Haibin would continue to make trouble.”

“The school leadership weighed it, and eventually pressured him like David to marry Cheng Lu.”

Li Qin asked, “Aren’t all foreigners longing for freedom? Why did David listen to school?”

“Freedom was bought with money. David didn’t even have a serious job in the United States. He even took relief. But he is now a teacher in the foreign language Academy of Qindao. He is respected, has a relaxed job, and is well treated.” Chen Haijing showed a weird smile, “Do you know how much money David can make in a month?”

Li Qin guessed, “2 10000?”

“Double it again.”

“In other words, David promised to marry Cheng Lu in order to keep the job of a foreign teacher.”

Chen Haijing’s eyes were red, and tears slipped from the corner of her eyes. “Yes, David likes the job of a foreign teacher very much. He is also very happy with me. It’s her fault that Cheng Lu ruined all this.”

Li Qin asked, “Have you ever talked to David?”

Chen Haijing said slowly, “I went to David the night before, when he was drinking beer, steak, and pan-fried 3 sardines on the balcony. My favorite, UU reads I eat, I beg him not to break up with me, what do you guess? “

“He refused.” Lee Zither Dao.

“No, he agreed, and he agreed very happily.” Chen Haijing showed a touch of ironic expression. “He said that marrying Cheng Lu was just no way. The person he really loved was me, and he was willing to continue to maintain this relationship with me. Let me stay with him tonight. “

“I was almost crazy at the time, I didn’t expect that he could say such things, but also so casually …” Chen Haijing’s tears couldn’t stop falling, “I was particularly angry at that time and pushed him A hand, I didn’t expect … didn’t expect he would fall. “

Li Qin reached out to Pats Chen Haijing’s shoulder, comforted, “All have passed.”

Han Bin is also sighed in relief, Chen Haijing’s initiative to admit is good for everyone.

There is no direct evidence in this case, and conviction is not easy.

Of course, proactive confession is also good for Chen Haijing, and sentencing is reduced to a certain extent.


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