“Han Bin, let’s talk about it first, Ding’s detachment doesn’t boast about you in front of me.”

Ding Xifeng is the Section Chief of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Qindao Public Security Bureau and the Section Chief of the Criminal Investigation Team.

In private, Ma Jingbo will call the other party’s Section Chief, and in front of outsiders will call the Deputy Branch Section Chief.

At different times, using different names is still very particular.

It is not the first time that Han Bin and Ma Jingbo have met. At the time of the 101 project, two people had also cooperated. Han Bin was no stranger to him.

“I think it is possible to locate the suspicious mobile phone number. It is naturally the best to locate the current location; if this mobile phone number is not in the service area, the location of the last call of the mobile phone number can be located. The suspect must have appeared in the vicinity. Maybe What evidence will be left. “

Han Bin’s proposal is not very clever, but it is the most direct way to find suspects.

Ma Jingbo nodded: “Wang Xiao, call the technical team of the municipal bureau and ask them to contact the person in the communication company to locate the suspicious mobile phone number.”


“What else do other people think?”


Li Hui cleared his throat: “The family members of Zhao Xiaoshan should be contacted in time to determine if Zhao Xiaoshan is really missing. If it is determined that Zhao Xiaoshan has disappeared, the family can also provide some clues before disappearance.

“Li Hui, right.”

Ma Jingbo added: “It is not only Zhao Xiaoshan’s family members, the family members of the first two victims, Ren Jianhua and Cao Da, also have to notify them to come to the branch station to make notes, and then cross-check their notes to see if they can find common clue.”

“The wreckage of two deceased was found in the dog’s stomach. One of the deceased could be identified as the second missing person, Cao Da, after DNA comparison. It may be the first missing person, Ren Jianhua, so it ’s best to have immediate family members come to inform Ren Jianhua. “

“That’s the situation at the moment, let me arrange a task.” Ma Jingbo said this and ticked it on his laptop: “Section Chief Zeng will be responsible for the location of the mobile phone and the tracking of the suspect.”

“No problem,” Zeng Ping said.

Ma Jingbo pointed to Wang Xiao aside: “You need to assist Section Chief Zeng in his work.

In the process of tracing the suspect, once you have exceeded the jurisdiction of Yuhua Branch Station, you will investigate under the name of the City Criminal Investigation Division. “

“Yes,” Wang Xiao answered.

The Municipal Criminal Investigation Division has enforcement power throughout Qindao, which is more convenient than the Yuhua Branch Station Criminal Investigation Division.

“Section Chief, it takes a certain amount of time to locate the phone. I want to go to Zhao Xiaoshan’s home and see if there are any clues.” Zeng Ping suggested.

“Wang Xiao has Zhao Xiaoshan’s information, you can directly ask him.” Ma Jingbo said.

Zeng Ping nodded, leaving Conference Hall with Wang Xiao, Li Hui and the others.

Watching Zeng Ping and the others leave, Han Bin suggested: “Ma Section Chief, since Zhao Xiaoshan may still be alive, I suggest that he start investigating first, and maybe find some valuable clues.”

“I think so too. The other two cases are far away. Zhao Xiaoshan lost contact yesterday and the clues left are easier to investigate.” Ma Jingbo agreed.

Han Bin continued: “Then I will inform the technical team and let them contact the communication company and print out Zhao Xiaoshan’s communication records.”

Ma Jingbo waved his hand: “Let me contact the municipal bureau’s technical team. They have always cooperated with the communication company and the procedures are simpler.”

Han Bin was also happy: “Horse, what do we do now?”

Ma Jingbo glanced at Han Bin, Zhao Ming, and Tian Li: “If all three victims have been confirmed, what do you think the purpose of the murderer was?”

Zhao Ming touch the chin: “These three victims are all young men. Will they be retaliatory killings, like the first victims of the Yeti case, these three young men are substitutes for someone? Product. “

Ma Jingbo took the remarks: “I have read the file of the Snowman case. The murderer in the Snowman case is not a standard serial killer. If you guess that the murderer in the 131 case is more mature than the snowman case.

Han Bin also agreed with Ma Jingbo that the first victim of the Yeti case was a substitute for the murderer’s wife. But the second victim was for revenge.

If the killer in the Snowman case is not caught and he continues to kill, it is likely that he will continue to find a replacement for his wife, which will evolve into the 131 case murderer and become a standard serial killer.

Once there is no revenge factor, there is no direct connection between the murderer and the victim. The murderer is likely to take a look at the victim on the street and treat the victim as the next substitute.

This will increase the difficulty of the investigation.

The mask was a bit uncomfortable, Han Bin shrugged the mask: “Zhao Ming’s guess has a certain possibility, but now we know too little about the nature of the case.”

While discussing the facts of the case, each of them made a bowl of instant noodles, each with a piece of ham, even today’s lunch.

In order to avoid mutual infection, when eating instant noodles, 4 people are separated by 2 meters.

The efficiency of the City’s Criminal Investigation Division technical team was indeed higher than that of the branch station technical team. As soon as 4 people finished eating instant noodles, Zhao Xiaoshan’s communication records were sent to Ma Jingbo’s WeChat.

The public security system does not have the phone number of Zhao Xiaoshan’s relatives, and can only find the more common contacts through Zhao Xiaoshan’s communication records.

After a comparison, Han Bin found a number that most frequently talked to Zhao Xiaoshan and dialed it.

“Hey.” A woman’s voice came from the phone, and it sounded young.

Han Bin also did not know the identity of the other party, and tentatively said, “Is Zhao Xiaoshan here?”

“Who are you?” The woman asked back.

“Isn’t this Zhao Xiaoshan’s phone?”

“I am Zhao Xiaoshan’s girlfriend, and I am looking for Zhao Xiaoshan.” The woman said.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Ning Yuerong. Who are you and why did you call me?”

“I’m from the Yuhua Branch Station Criminal Investigation Division, and I want to tell you something about Zhao Xiaoshan.”

“What happened to Xiaoshan, I was looking for him, what happened to him?” Ning Yuerong’s tone was agitated.

“When was the last time you contacted Zhao Xiaoshan?”

“Yesterday morning, we were still on the phone. Later, his mobile phone stopped, and I couldn’t reach him. He didn’t return when wechat, I have been worried …” Ning Yuerong cried:

“Comrade Police, what happened to Xiaoshan?”

“According to our current knowledge, Zhao Xiaoshan is likely to disappear.”

“Missing? How did he disappear? Was he abducted or not?”

“His specific situation, our police are also investigating. Do you have contact information of his parents?”


“Do you know where he lives?”

“Xiaoshan didn’t live with his parents, he lived alone, room 100, unit 1, building 2, neighborhood 702, XNUMX Ziwan Road, Guangrong Road.”

“Do you have the keys to the house?”

“Yes, yes, I can take you there.”

“Okay, we’re trying to make a note for you.”

“That half an hour, let’s meet at the east gate of the neighborhood of 100 Ziwan.”


“Comrade Police, what do you call?”

“I’m surnamed Han.”

After hanging up the phone, Han Bin said to Ma Jingbo on the side: “Ma Section Chief, do you want to continue to check Zhao Xiaoshan’s parents’ mobile phone number from the communication records?”

Ma Jingbo hugged his hands in his chest: “Since Zhao Xiaoshan has the most calls with this Ning Yuerong, it proves that the relationship between the two people is very close, and he knows the most. We will now rush to the 2 Ziwan neighborhood. Zhao Xiaoshan’s parents’ mobile phone number. “

Later, Han Bin and a group of 4 got on the car. Li Hui called when they were looking for the mobile phone number of Zhao Xiaoshan’s parents in the car.

Zhao Xiaoshan had his address registered on his ID card. Zeng Ping and the others searched at that address and found Zhao Xiaoshan’s parents.

Now taking notes for Zhao Xiaoshan’s parents.

This is tantamount to saving Han Bin and the others. They only need to contact Ning Yuerong.

100 sub bay neighborhood.

There are a total of 100 doors in the Ziwan neighborhood, and 4 of them have been closed. Only the east door is still open, and the temperature should be measured when entering or leaving.

After arriving at the east entrance of 100 Ziwan neighborhood, Han Bin took out his cell phone and dialed Ning Yuerong’s number.

Then, from a white Tesla car, a woman came down and wore a gray mask. She was slender and dressed in fashion. From the vaguely exposed eyebrows, she should look pretty.

Han Bin and the others stepped out of the car: “Hello, is Ning Yuerong?”

“It’s me, you’re Office Han.” The young woman walked quickly. There was a woman behind her, a little older, and looked a bit like Ning Yuerong.

Han Bin pointed to Ma Jingbo next to his finger: “This is the Section Chief of the City’s Criminal Investigation Division.”

“Ma Section Chief is good, I just called Xiaoshan again, but the mobile phone still can’t get through, let’s go to his house and have a look.” Ning Yuerong urged.

The woman next to her dragged Ning Yuerong and said to Ma Jingbo next to her, “Ma Section Chief, I’m Ning Yuerong’s mother. Can you see your credentials?”

Ma Jingbo showed off his police officer’s card.

“Well, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is actually a comrade of the City’s Criminal Investigation Division. What happened to Zhao Xiaoshan, do you want to find him?” The woman wondered.

Ma Jingbo looked at each other: “What’s the name?”

“My name is Chen Xia, and I work for the Women’s Federation.”

“We are investigating a case and suspect Zhao Xiaoshan may be one of the victims.”

Upon hearing this, Ning Yuerong was anxious: “What case, what danger is Xiaoshan, Ma Section Chief, you quickly tell me, what is going on?”

Han Bin advised: “Ning Young Lady, don’t get too excited, it’s just an investigation phase, it might just be a false alarm.”

Ning Yuerong left tears: “No, no, this is not the first time, Xiaoshan has happened once. I asked him to call the police. He refused, he was just too kind.”


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