The first stage snow in 2020 is a bit later than ever …

When Han Bin left the city bureau, the sky was sparse with snow.

Han Bin likes snowy weather.

The air was fresh, the snowflakes were flying, and the vastness was white.

There has been no snowball fight for a long time.

A thin layer of snow fell on the sidewalk, and I don’t know how thick it will be tomorrow.

Han Bin’s home is not far from the city bureau. Han Bin didn’t take a taxi, so he walked home.

Han Bin has just finished training and is not in a hurry to go to the branch station.

I saw a stall of fried chestnuts on the road, although it was snowing, but not at all meant to be a stall.

A scent of sugar fried chestnuts came over, Han Bin walked to the stall and bought a pound of chestnuts just out of the pot.

Han Bin likes to eat fried chestnuts, but peeling is a bit laborious.

Han Bin walked home, not only wasn’t small, but snow was a little bigger, and the hat had become white.

Han Bin glanced at the dark sky, so that next night, snowball fights and snowmen will be possible tomorrow.

Han Bin arrived at the door of the house, and before he opened the door, he heard the lively voice in the room, knowing that there should be guests in the house.

Opening the door and looking, I realized that it was not the guest, but his grandfather.

“Grandfather, when did you come?” Han Bin said joyfully.

Originally, Han Bin was still thinking of going home and calling grandfather on a snowy day to keep him out of the house so that Lu slipped and fell.

“I came here this morning, and your parents said that it might snow today. I was afraid that the yard would knock me down, so pick me up.” Han Tingqian laughed.

Han Bin changed his shoes and put the fried chestnuts on the coffee table: “grandfather, eat chestnuts, it’s still hot.”

Wang Huifang came out of the restaurant: “Bin,

You change clothes first and wear this weird one. “

“What is delicious?”

“Your dad has to eat hot pot,” Wang Huifang said.

“It’s more energetic to eat hot pot on a snowy day. It’s comfortable to drink a small pot of wine.” Han Weidong’s voice came from the restaurant.

It is common for two people to stir their mouths. Han Bin is too lazy to take a brief wash. He changed into clean clothes and chatted with Han Tingqian.

“Bin, listen to your dad, have you been promoted to the rank of police?” Han Tingqian cared.

“Yes, I’m Level 2 Superintendent now.” Han Bin’s tone was a little excited.

“So are you busy for Chinese New Year?”

“It’s hard to say. It’s different from the police station. It depends on the number of cases.”

Han Tingqian hesitated a moment: “I thought, otherwise, I can live in the city this year, don’t go back to my hometown.”

Previously, the Han Bin family of four had spent the New Year in their hometown. This has become a tradition, and it was not easy for Lord to let loose.

Han Bin knows that this is grandfather’s consideration, otherwise Lord would definitely prefer to spend the New Year in his more flavorful hometown.

“Grandfather, where you are, this is Chinese New Year.” Han Bin laughed.

In fact, Han Bin also wants to go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year. It feels more like a new year. The big yard, walking relatives, burning fire … are memories of childhood.

But he is now a police officer, or a criminal police. Once there is a task, it is a major event. The old 100 cannot be separated from him, and Qindao cannot be separated from him.

“Well.” There was a knock outside, and Han Bin stood up. “Who?”

“Bin, it’s me.”

Han Bin opened the door, and a fat silhouette stood outside, carrying a lot of things in his hand.

“Well, what are you doing with these things?”

“Here, I didn’t buy it for your kid.” Wang Qingsheng planted things in Han Bin’s hands.

Wang Qing entered the room, and his face filled with laughter: “Uncle, how are you doing?”

“Okay, it’s fine.” Han Tingqian stood up and greeted Wang Qingsheng to sit in. “Come on, come, what else?”

“Yes, this is to honor your Senior.” Wang Qingsheng took off his jacket and was also wearing a down jacket.

Han Bin frowned: “Well, it’s so cold and it’s almost Chinese New Year, so don’t set it up.”

· “Cold is a little bit colder, but many people only have free and rich money at the end of the year, and the stalls still have to be set up. In the last winter, I’m trying to find a way to shop next year.” Wang Qingsheng rubbed his face, and his fat face was freezing. Some wood.

When the people arrived, the hot pot was officially eaten.

Wang Huifang didn’t like to eat hot pot at home. In her words, the house was full of soot.

Therefore, hot pot is usually eaten on the balcony. Fortunately, the balcony area of ​​Han Bin’s home is not small. I bought a rectangular folding table and eat hot pot directly on the balcony. .

Although the temperature of the balcony is definitely lower than that of the restaurant, eating hot pot and ironing a pot of white wine not only does not feel cold, but it is comfortable to eat.


Early next morning.

Han Bin opened the window, a fresh cold air assaults the senses, a white field outside, and the snow had passed the instep.

Han Bin had breakfast, earlier than the sunrise gate, called Li Hui to walk to work together.

It is slippery on snowy days, driving to work is not safe, and accidents are easy to occur.

Moreover, Qindao is a coastal city, the temperature is not too low, and the temperature during the day should be above zero, and the snow may turn into snow anytime.

It’s also a good feeling to walk around on snowy days, and you can’t meet it a few times a year.

At the police station, Han Bin was surrounded by a group of colleagues at once, asking about training.

Han Bin had nothing to hide, and introduced the training.

I ate something in the cafeteria at noon. Han Bin and the others then went to the courtyard. I was thinking about making a snowman and having a snowball fight. As a result, it was sunny. .

This was a little disappointing. Han Bin and the others returned to the office after a few snowball tours.

Putting the snowball by the window, Han Bin began his lunch break.


More than one in the afternoon.

Yanxi Road.

There is a Qiming Primary School nearby.

Children in small groups go to school together.

It’s snowing today and the children seem very happy.

A snowman was piled on the sidewalk, and it had begun to melt in the sun.

Three children walked to the snowman. One of them had a round face, and the fleshy kid group made a snowball and shouted, “Go, Shuriken!”

The snowball hit the snowman’s head.

“Yeah, hit.” The little boy seemed very happy.

A tall little boy was yelled and rushed towards the snowman: “Wood Leaf Whirlwind Kick.”

The little boy kicked the snowman.

Another child with a red scarf was not to be outdone, and a palm hit the snowman’s chest: “Thunderbird, 1000 birds!”

Three people’s turns attacking the snowman, so that the snowman who has already started to melt, began to drop snow masses.

Children of this age have a natural way of destroying yu. No matter who they make the snowman, they don’t care what the snowman thinks. They only care about being happy.

As long as the snowman is destroyed, they feel happy.

“Well, there seems to be something in this snowman,” said the tall little boy.

“Really, let’s look away,” said the fat kid.

3 people picked up the snow on the snowman’s head, and the deeper it went, the more red the snow became. The light red from the very beginning became deep red.

After thoroughly cutting away, a flesh-colored face appeared.

“Pa ta.” An eyeball fell to the ground.




Three exclamations sounded, and the three little boys were frightened.

Run with one leg.

One scared the pants.

There was another who squatted on the ground with a buttock and covered his face with tears.


At half an hour, Han Bin rushed to the scene with a guard line around the snowman. Several civil police stood outside the guard line and there were many people around.

After Han Bin showed the police officer’s ID, he entered the scene smoothly.

Maintaining order at the scene was the civil police of Yanxi Police Station, and the person in charge was Sergeant Qin Dingzhan.

After both parties introduced, Han Bin straight to the point said: “Qin Sergeant, what about the 3 children?”

“The children are frightened and taken away by their parents.”

“Have you left your contact information?”

“I kept the contact details of their parents, but the children were so scared that it would be difficult to take notes at half past one.”

Han Bin nodded, took someone to look over the scene.

“Pay attention to your feet and don’t damage the scene.”

“This is a sidewalk, and the nearby snow has been stomped on porcelain, and I guess the suspect’s footprints have been destroyed long ago.” Li Hui whispered.

Han Bin observed the scene, and indeed, as Li Hui said, there were a lot of footprints around it, and the snow around the snowman had been stamped on porcelain, and the suspect’s footprints were likely covered.

Everyone put their eyes on the snowman, the snowman was about one meter high, because of melting and destruction, it was already a bit broken, especially the head, and only about 2/3 remained.

A fleshy face was hidden in the middle of the snowman. The face was severely damaged. The five officers had been damaged and looked like they had been hit hard with a blunt instrument.

Zhao Ming stepped forward and pointed at a long hair: “This should be a woman.”

Tian Li shrugged: “A man can have long hair.”

“This Xue talent is high in one meter, can’t his leg be chopped.” Sun Xiaopeng stroked.

“This face has been smashed, and the killer is too cruel.” Li Hui smashed it and smashed it.

“The crueler thing is still hidden in the snowman, and it is estimated that it will become the nightmare of the three children.” Tian Li expressed sympathy.

“Da da da ……” Just then, UU reading Forensic Wu Xia came with the assistant.

Han Bin greeted him and flashed aside.

Professional work is better left to professional people.

Han Bin and the others not at all walk away, watching the forensic and personal of technical team dispose of the corpse.

The personel of technical team first set up a simple shed to isolate the sight of the surrounding people, and then peeled off the snow layers. In order to avoid losing evidence, the snow was sifted through a sieve.

After the snow was peeled off, the talent inside was revealed.

This woman is covered with red fruit, kneeling on the ground, with a lithe and graceful body, tight skin, and a long black hair covering her shoulders. If you look from the back, it will definitely make people think.

Zhao Ming grew his mouth and murmured: “I’m abused, this is too cruel, such a good girl, actually managed to … let the bachelor live.”

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