Liu Kai walked out this time with the task of tracking down the black cat. He knows that it is impossible to find, but he still has to behave.

With Xiaomei, I went in the vicinity for a few days. One proves that he is really looking for it, and the two take the opportunity to absorb the Spirit Stone and become familiar with the two spells they just got.

Three days later, Liu Kai returned to the base with Xiaomei. Xiaomei couldn’t get in, so she could only live in the safe station d223 again. Liu Kai entered the base alone and found Xu Yuan to deliver the task.

“Not found? Forget it, let’s wait for the hunters to be recruited and act together.” Xu Yuan didn’t care.

On one side, Team Leader Wang let out a soft hum: “It took so long and finally came home empty-handed. I really dont know what is the effect of your going out this time!”

< p>“At least I’m sure, there are no black cats in those locations. But I don’t know if you are in the base, what can help the mi ion?” Liu Kai retorted.

“You…hmph!” Leader Wang snorted, and stopped talking.

Xu Yuan is solely responsible for recruiting hunters. He has been busy picking up girls during this period, and he hasn’t really done anything serious.

“Okay. It’s all colleagues, there is no need to care about it. Hunter recruitment is almost complete, we can set off tomorrow.” Xu Yuan made a round.

The mi ion i ued by Xu Yuan requires the recruitment of fifty hunters. The lowest silver medal hunter is required, and the gold medal hunter is naturally better.

The Dongling base is not big, and there are not many silver medal hunters, let alone gold medal hunters. These days, although people continue to accept tasks, only 43 people were eventually recruited.

Among them, there are only three gold medal hunters.

Xu Yuan was slightly di atisfied, but there was no way. Hunters take on different tasks. Some people will not return to the base for a long time. They are impossible to wait.

“The number of people is a bit le , and there are not many gold medal hunters. But this is the East Spirit base, the biggest power that can be gathered at the moment. We can’t wait any longer, otherwise the black cat will run away and we will not be good. Explain to the top.” Xu Yuan sighed.

The departure time was agreed, Liu Kai left Xu Yuans cafe and returned to his home. I ate dinner with my family, and then took the younger sister to go downstairs a few times.

It wasn’t until ten o’clock in the evening that she returned home with the smiling Jiajia.

“Xiaokai, you have to perform the task tomorrow, but you must be careful!” Liu Yuan exhorted.

Liu Kai nodded: “Dad, don’t worry, there is no danger in this mi ion.”

“How could there be no danger.” Liu Yuan sighed and understood that Liu Kai was comforting himself.

“This mi ion is much safer than usual.” Liu Kai did not conceal, and revealed the goal of this mi ion to father.

“Black cat, is the one you said last time to protect us?”

Liu Kai nodded: “Yes, it is him.”

“That’s our benefactor, don’t hurt him!” Liu Yuan looked eager.

“Dad, don’t worry, it will be fine.” Liu Kai is full of confidence.

Liu Kai has also learned about the abilities of the black cat. As long as it is not its own courting death, no one can hurt it.

“It would be great if there were no war!” Liu Yuan sighed then said, his face full of emotion.

Without this war, their family must live an ordinary life. Although he won’t be so prosperous, he doesn’t have to suffer so much suffering.

Without this war, Liu Kai should be in school. You don’t need to be young, just go outside the base to fight with the aliens, just in exchange for the little survival resources.

Without this war, those relatives and friends of Liu Yuan would not be separated. It won’t be like this, where each side of the sky does not know life and death.


Unfortunately, there is no if. The war has happened long ago and everything cannot be reversed. The sigh today is just a little reminiscence of the past that’s all.

Liu Kai stayed at home for one night, and went out early on 2nd day to the meeting place agreed with Xu Yuan. When they got there, there were already dozens of silhouettes waiting, headed by Xu Yuan and the group leader Wang.

“The goal of our operation is a talking black cat. The specific origin is unknown. It should belong to alien creatures.

We are divided into three teams this time. The three are led separately, and each is responsible for searching in one direction. Once found, immediately notify the other two teams. After gathering all the strength, carry out a grab in one fell swoop.

Remember, we have to get it. Can not shoot as much as po ible If you dont shoot, even if you have to shoot, aim at a non-critical position.

If we kill it, even if our mi ion fails, all these efforts will be wasted.” Xu Yuan said. Arrange, and then looked towards the two people, asking if there are different opinions.

Team Leader Wang frowned and said, “We searched in three directions. What should we do with the remaining one? What if it is in that direction? Also, its been time since the black cat was discovered. Constantly, how to ensure that it is not far away from here?”

“For the remaining direction, I have contacted the military. They just cleared up that direction and will help us pay attention to the black cat by the way.


Is the black cat leaving? I can answer you on this point. It is still hovering around here. Just last night, a hunter reported its location and appeared in the east of the city.

So our focus this time is still in the east of the city. I will personally lead the team there, and I will take half of the hunters.”

“I have no objection.” Liu Kai nodded.

Team leader Wang thought a little, but also nodded.

Xu Yuan went to the east of the city. Leader Wang chose the Northern Part of City. Liu Kai has no choice but to go south of the city.

There are mountains in the south of the city. Liu Kai took ten silver medal hunters and searched all the way.

They carry the detection equipment provided by the secret service team, which can capture all living things within a radius of 100 meters. Ten people spread out and can sweep a range of 1000 meters. Not to mention an adult cat, even the rats in the underground one meter are clearly detected by them.

“Since I know that the target is in the east of the city, why do I need to search in other directions?” A hunter asked his doubts.

Liu Kai indifferently smiled: “Our goal is a black cat. It will not live in one area like Mo clansman. It is very likely that it is still in the east of the city today and will be in the Northern Part tomorrow. of City. In order to avoid omi ions, it is natural to search together with other directions.”

Liu Kais response is actually Xu Yuans reason. But in Liu Kai’s heart, he always felt that Xu Yuan had something to hide from himself.

Eleven people searched forward, needle to say, there will be no discovery. After searching until 30 li outside the city, everyone stopped.

“Resting on the spot, I will go around.” Liu Kai commanded and walked to a small mound not far away.

When I searched here just now, Liu Kais spirit-finding technique had a hint of where he felt. Liu Kai gue ed that even if there is no Spirit Stone there, there should be an item containing Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

The distance is not far, Liu Kai has reached the mound in le than five minutes. But he doesn’t have the kind of instrument to search for Spirit Stone, so he can only search a little bit with his Spiritual Consciousness .

Spiritual Consciousness is powerful, but it also has its limitations. Penetrating objects requires a little effort and the distance will be affected. After searching half of the area, Liu Kai felt exhausted and could only recover the Spiritual Consciousness for a while.

“I always feel that it is not a Spirit Stone. Will there be other things?” Liu Kai thought in his mind, grabbed a handful of the soil and studied it carefully.

This look is really rewarding. In the mud, Liu Kai found a little silver debris.

The material of the debris is unknown, and there is a touch of Spiritual Qi attached to it. The abnormality that Liu Kai discovered before should be caused by them.

“The debris impossible was born out of thin air, something should be blown up and left behind. And that blown up thing itself is a spiritual object, which makes the debris contaminate the Spiritual Qi.”< /p>

Liu Kai groaned a little, and searched again. In the end, there was no gain, and I ran this trip in vain.

It was only an accident to find this place. Liu Kai came forward and searched casually, not at all, hoping to gain something. At this time, he came back empty-handed, without much disappointment.

But after just walking a few steps, Liu Kai’s footsteps suddenly stopped. At the moment his Spiritual Consciousness evacuated the mound, a strange wave of fluctuations spread into Liu Kai’s heart.

“The fluctuations are weak, but very regular. It should be a living thing.”

The fluctuations come from underground, and Liu Kai Spiritual Consciousness cannot detect the deep location. Thinking a little, waved to the ten hunters and told them to dig the mound.

Ten people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Liu Kai is going to do. Liu Kai was the team leader, and everyone couldn’t refuse his order, so he could only brace oneself and dig up the mountain.

“Digging down in this direction!” Liu Kai specified a location, and saw that everyone was unwilling, and then added, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you do anything in vain. After I go back, I will I will apply for a subsidy for you, and add two hundred to the original remuneration.”

When I heard that there was money, everyone’s expre ions improved a lot, and their hands moved faster. After a short time, a one-meter deep pit was excavated at the location designated by Liu Kai.

At the bottom of the pothole, there is a huge bluestone. Everyone didn’t have the tools at hand, and they couldn’t open it after working hard for a long time.

“This is not bluestone.” Liu Kai stepped forward and observed a little, his face sinking slightly.

“Isn’t it bluestone?” A hunter stepped on it with his foot, looking puzzled.

What he thinks, this is a huge and flat bluestone. Liu Kai’s words make it difficult for him to understand.

Liu Kai shook his head: “The appearance is similar to bluestone, but the e ence is very different. More importantly, this is the upper cover of the coffin.”

“What, the coffin cover! “Everyone was shocked.

The few people standing on top of the bluestone jumped to the old height and climbed from the deep hole to the ground. As hunters, it is normal for them to be born and die. This thing in the coffin is somewhat dreaded.

“It’s strange…” Liu Kai frowned, with a look of doubt on his face.

The burial of the coffin is a Chinese tradition. However, with the development of society, this custom was gradually faded and replaced by cemeteries. Only in some rural areas, it occasionally appears.

But even then, it is an ordinary wooden coffin, and sarcophagi rarely appear. Not to mention that the sarcophagus in front of me is a long one, not the normal size at all.

The fluctuation that Liu Kai felt before came from this sarcophagus. Liu Kai wanted to explore the details with Spiritual Consciousness , but found that this bluestone had the ability to block Spiritual Consciousness , and tried several times to no avail.

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