Desolate Hunter

Chapter 523

“This…how is this po ible!” Old Xu looked incredulous.

His methods have always been known as invincible. I dare not say sweeping the world, but at least in this continent, he believes that no one is his opponent.

But now, the other party just beckoned, and the means that he had bothered to prepare instantly di ipated. This person who shots must be above himself.

“The little native planet, there is a Golden Core Perfection, which is rare.” With the voice, a silhouette appeared behind Xu Lao.

“Who are you?”

“I, Liu Tai. On the order of the master, protect the safety of the master clansman.” Liu Tai said.

Liu Tai, recently there was a breakthrough in the cultivation base, and he has reached the fifth level of Human Immortal. So quickly, he benefited from the insights and memories he inherited from Situ Qing’s ontology.

Before him, Ben and Liu Kai met in the same generation and were called dao friends. But with the breakthrough of Liu Kai’s cultivation base, the influence of Beasts on Liu Tai intensified, and his mentality gradually changed.

Liu Tai finally chose acknowledge allegiance, and his title was changed to the owner. Liu Kai didn’t care about it. It was just a title, and it made no difference whether to change it.

Liu Tais mi ion this time is to follow the human army in case someone secretly kills him.

Among the Human Race army, there are not a few cultivators. Anyone who walks out can kill the old Xu. Liu Tai shot it himself, but that’s all for a while.

Xu Lao doesn’t know the inside story, but he has lived for so many years, he instinctively feels danger. Not dare to entangle with Liu Tai, the rays of light under his feet flickered, and he must use extreme speed to escape from here.

But he trifling Golden Core, in front of a Human Immortal cultivator, how can he escape? As soon as his cultivation base was running, Liu Tai stretched out his hand a little, and all his struggles were eliminated.

“How could this be…” Xu Lao face deathly pale.

For so many years, he has been calling the wind and summon the rain in this continent, so he is so majestic and cheerful. I never thought that today, in front of this stranger, I didn’t even have the right to escape.

There is such an existence of foreign races, annihilating a country with no difficulty. This is his catastrophe, the catastrophe of the Song Dynasty, and the crisis of the entire continent and even the entire planet.

“You can solve it yourself.” Liu Tai’s voice was flat.

Xu Laos cultivation base is too low, and Liu Tai disdains and does it himself.

“I can take refuge in you…” Old Xu said, wanting to make a living.

Liu Tai shook his head: “From the moment you shoot, your results are doomed.”

There is no shortage of high-rank cultivator beside Liu Kai. Immortal Realm has a lot, not to mention Nascent Soul Cultivator. Trifling Golden Core, not to mention that Liu Kai doesn’t like it, and Liu Tai didn’t see it either.

“I can help you win this war…”

“To win the war? If we really wanted to win, this war would have ceased long ago.”


“You use our clansman to train soldiers!” Mr. Xu finally understood the purpose of the aliens’ participation in the war.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and do it.” Liu Tai urged.

“I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go!” Old Xu roared and chose Self-destruction directly.

He did not continue to resist, he knew it was meaningle . Instead of being killed by Liu Tai, it is better to take Self-destruction directly, and perhaps it can make Liu Tai embarra ed.

Unfortunately, a Golden Core Self-destruction is still too weak. As soon as the power of self-destruction di ipated, Liu Tai grabbed it with one hand and suppre ed it. In the end, it turned into a Golden Core again in Liu Tai’s hands, and was swallowed by Liu Tai.

From the appearance of Xu Lao to his death, there are only two minutes in total. This existence that used to be rampant in the mainland has disappeared in this World silently.

The Human Race army below, and the Ming Tang army not far away, didn’t notice anything. The night is still quiet, quiet and depre ing.

2nd day, the campaign will start again. Ming Tang was a isted by Human Race to resist the coalition forces of the two countries with the strength of one country, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome for a time.

This war lasted for a full half a month. After half a month, the two sides withdrew their troops, temporarily ending the war.

It’s not that the winner is divided, but that both sides have difficulties in supply. If you don’t withdraw the rest, these hundreds of thousands will starve to death on the battlefield.

“It would be great if there were more advanced means of transportation!” Ming Tang’s country lord visited again, with a somewhat tentative tone.

Liu Kai can come with a large army, and he must have extremely advanced means of transportation. If Liu Kai is willing to help, Ming and Tang’s dominance of the entire continent is just around the corner.

“Unfortunately, there is no such means of transportation.” Liu Kai shook his head.

Thirty thousand human race cultivator soldiers participated in the war in order to sharpen and grow in the flames of war. With Liu Kai’s help, the balance of war will tilt, and his arrangement will be meaningle .

Rejected by Liu Kai, the lord was slightly disappointed, but his face did not show the slightest. He has been in control of this country for several decades and has been in a vortex fight all the year round. He knows how to choose more advantageous.

The matter is no longer mentioned now, but to discu the future direction of the war with Liu Kai.

“I believe that Ming Tang will become the master of this continent.” Liu Kai gave him a rea urance.

The lord is overjoyed: “many thanks little friend!”

“The ore I want?”

“Don’t worry, little friend, I have arranged for someone to mine. During this period of time, there have been some gains, but the ore is heavier and it is more laborious to transport it.”

“I will handle this.” Liu Kai opened his mouth, waved a few monster cultivator, let They returned to the capital with the lord.

They have a storage ring on them, which is more than enough to collect those ores.

The ore is relatively scattered, even if the monster cultivator is shot, it took several days to transport the first batch of ore back to the Human Race base.

Liu Kai gathered these ores, then set up a starry sky array, and personally visited the auction stars. Sell these ores and get a lot of Spirit Stone.

Liu Kai used these Spirit Stones to purchase a transport ship and a batch of living supplies. These materials are enough for the 300,000 Human Race to survive for several months.

Liu Kai took the goods and returned to the planet where he was temporarily staying. The giant eagle also returned with him. The giant eagle stays at the auction star and is responsible for collecting information for Liu Kai.

After trying for this period of time, giant eagle feels that he is not up to the task. He is a monster cultivator and lives in the space of Beasts all year round. Let him fight for the fight, that’s certainly no problem, but gathering intelligence seems reluctant.

Compared with him, Black Hawk is much better. During this period of time, Black Hawk opened up the relationship with the auction star, like a fish back in water.

All kinds of information Liu Kai obtains is collected and sorted by Black Hawk, and then transmitted to Liu Kai.

The auction star prohibits fighting. Although the Black Hawk has a low cultivation base, as long as it does not leave the main city, there will be no danger. Where the giant eagle stays, there is no use, it is better to return to Liu Kai, or be able to play for one or two.

A transport ship is not enough to solve the difficulty of transporting more than 300,000 Human Races. After Liu Kai returned to the planet, he found the Lord of Ming Tang and asked him to speed up the mining of ore.

“I have ordered and urged, but I have limited land in the Ming and Tang Dynasties. Although there are many such minerals, they are not endle . If we can defeat Song and Zhulong, the number will be more.” The lord sighed.

I still want Liu Kai to help him and defeat Da Song and Zhu Long.

Liu Kai chuckled, how could he be at his mercy. Farewell and left, and took a trip to Song and Zhu Long.

Zhu Long got closer, Liu Kai got to his capital city first. Go straight into the depths of the Imperial Palace and find Zhu Country Lord Long.

Zhu Country Lord Long is not very young and has just succeeded to the throne for a few years. This young country lord is not weak in courage. Facing Liu Kai who suddenly appeared, there was not much panic on his face.

Waving a hand, Zhu Country Lord Long ordered someone to serve the tea and invited Liu Kai to sit directly. The guards who had poured in were blasted out by him. The guardian master guarding the front, appeared behind the lord, did not get the order from the lord, and did not take action for the time being.

“You are the stranger who came from Ming Tang, right?” the lord asked.

This is not difficult to gue , after all, the appearance of Human Race and the natives are too far apart.

Liu Kai nodded: “Yes, I am someone from outside the sky.”

“Is here to kill me?” Zhu Country Lord Long asked.

“To kill you, I don’t need to do it myself. I am here this time to do a busine with you.” Liu Kai said.

“What busine ?”

“I will give you advanced technology, and you will send someone to open for me mining stone.”

“Ore? It is Ming Tang Which ones are being mined?” Zhu Country Lord Long asked.

Zhu Long has spies in various countries, and the mining of ore in Ming and Tang Dynasty can’t hide their eyes and ears. Even after getting the news, Zhu Country Lord Long has already ordered people to mine some.

Unfortunately, those ores cannot be used by them. Finally piled up corners and gave up to continue mining.

Country Lord Long was delighted to hear that Liu Kai wanted to cooperate. But on the surface, he wants to shirk one or two and fight for more benefits.

“I can agree to this deal. It’s just that Zhu Long and Ming Tang are at war. Zhu Long does not have so many manpower to mine ore.”

“Oh, what do you mean?”

“Why don’t you help me Zhu Long win this war and defeat that Da Song. As long as my Zhu Long controls the entire continent, I will help you mine these ores free of charge.”

“You think too much.” Liu Kai shook his head gently, “Your request, Ming Tang also said. If I really agree , Your Zhulong has long ceased to exist.

To tell you the truth, I send soldiers to help Ming Tang, mainly to sharpen my clansman. You cooperate with me, and I give you a fair chance to fight. Otherwise, I Order immediately to destroy your Zhulong country.

Dont doubt my words, it is not difficult for me.”

“Your voice is too big!” No After Zhu Country Lord Long responded, the guardian master behind him let out a sneer.

He couldn’t feel any cultivation base breath from Liu Kai. It is gue ed that Liu Kai was able to come here because of other means.

He has never encountered an opponent in Zhu Longguo. Even in the whole continent, only the surnamed Xu cultivator of Ming and Tang Dynasty can dominate oneself. He didn’t believe that the youngster in front of him really had more power than himself.

Liu Kai didn’t seem to hear him, his eyes remained on Zhu Country Lord Long, waiting for his final answer. Liu Kai didn’t seem to hear the words of the master protecting the country.

Zhu Country Lord Long, face revealed a pondering look. He is not only considering whether Liu Kai’s words are true or false, but also waiting for the next step for the master of protecting the country.

He knows his Guardian very well, knowing that this person will not give up.

Sure enough, Liu Kai’s ignorance made this protectorate master very angry. Coldly snorted, before the leader of the country ordered, he rushed towards Liu Kai.

This person is a cultivation base Golden Core, and he is not a fool to have today’s achievements. The shot is full, without the slightest contempt for Liu Kai.

Liu Kai still doesn’t move, letting the master of protecting the country attack him.

“It’s crazy!” The guardian master lightly shouted, slamming a punch on Liu Kai’s head.

Peng sound, Master Huguo smashed a punch, and it fell on Liu Kai’s head. Master Huguo showed joy on his face, thinking that this fist was enough to smash Liu Kai into the air or even kill him.

But a punch fell, and the expected scene not at all appeared. Liu Kai was already sitting there with a faint smile on his face without any change.

Master Guardian was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt a sharp pain from his fist. Looking down at his fist, he didn’t know when it became a bloody ball.

“What kind of cultivation base are you…” The guardian master staggered back, with a look of horror on his face.

With one punch, he didn’t hurt his opponent without saying, but he was shattered by his fist. He had never thought of such a thing.

“My cultivation base? No in this world.” Liu Kai shook his head and responded to this cultivator for the first time.

“No in this world, is it the legendary Nascent Soul?”

“Um, Nascent Soul…you think it is good.” Liu Kai didn’t want to do more Explain, once again set his sights on the Lord.

“How are you thinking about it?”

“I promise!” Zhu Country Lord Long was busy nodded.

He was worried about any further delays, and he couldn’t even get this benefit. With the battle strength shown by Liu Kai, he is fully capable of forcing himself to do anything.

The two reached a deal, and Zhu Country Lord Long arranged for his men to continue mining ore. Liu Kai left the border of Zhulong and entered the capital of Song Dynasty.

The capital of Song Dynasty is far more prosperous than Zhulong. Liu Kai stepped in, as if he had seen the Great Tang where Earth Human Race was once flourishing. The only difference is that these shuttles are all alien races, which look very different from Human Race.

Liu Kai also wanted to complete a deal with Da Song and let them mine ore for themselves. It was originally thought that the matter went well without too many twists and turns.

But when Liu Kai wanted to enter the Imperial Palace, he realized that things were not so simple. A large formation blocked Liu Kai from moving forward.

Formation is not powerful, at best it can block the entry of Human Immortal. With the realm of Earth Immortal, Liu Kai can easily break open.

The trouble is that this Formation is connected to the entire Imperial Palace and even the entire city. Forcibly breaking open will cause Formation to collapse and let the people of this city be buried together.

Liu Kai came here to trade with Song Dynasty, but not to slaughter the city here.

After hesitating a little, Liu Kai gave up and broke in directly. Before coming to the palace gate, speak to the guards to meet the lord.

Liu Kai Human Race, two-legged hands, is a different kind in this World. The guard dared not deal with it easily, and hurried in to report.

Liu Kai waits for the result while observing the Formation. He is very curious, this Formation is who set up. In this way, the non-general cultivator can complete the array.

Liu Kai suspects that this World has a hidden high-rank cultivator.

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