Desolate Hunter

Chapter 485

“I see how you escape this time!” Wu Tong sneered and stopped the grenade Self-destruction for an instant, confining Liu Kai close to him.

“I didn’t intend to escape.” Liu Kai said, his voice was flat and there was no panic of being captured.

Wu Tong frowned, feeling something wrong: “You don’t seem to be afraid?”

“What is there to be afraid of, you can’t kill me.” Liu Kai responded.

“Can’t kill you?” Wu Tong sneered, and he tried to kill Liu Kai with his hands.

At this moment, a golden light flashed on Liu Kai’s body, but it was the golden body technique that protected him. Although Wutong’s strength is strong, under this golden body technique, he was resisted by 80%.

The remaining 20%, with Liu Kais powerful fleshy body, is safe and affordable. Wutong’s plan to kill Liu Kai was completely failed.

“en?” Wutong was taken aback, didn’t expect this result.

When he wanted to come, a Human Immortal cultivator, after being suppre ed by himself, it was easier to kill than to crush an ant.

This stupefaction gave Liu Kai a chance to fight back. The Flying Sword wandering around was invisible, and one flashed in front of Wutong, directly hitting the soul-shaking power.

At such a short distance, Wutong could not dodge at all. Unsuspectingly, this soul-shaking power directly invaded the Primordial Spirit.

Such a sudden attack, even Wutongs cultivation base profound was affected. There was a blur, and there was a moment of lo of consciousne .

The absence is very short, almost le than half a second. If placed in peacetime, even in the midst of fighting, it would not have much impact on Wutong.

After all, he is a high-level Earth Immortal, even if the fleshy body is not controlled, it instinctively has the ability to protect. This can ensure that he can still resist the moment when he is sneak attacked.

But this time is different. When Wutong fell into a moment of lo of consciousne , another silhouette appeared beside him. This is a slender woman, wearing a purple gown, it is Little Zi who walked out of the picture of beasts.

Little Zi appeared without the slightest hesitation. Directly use the technique of time to envelop Wutong.

Under this power, the soul-shaking power Wutong received was directly extended ten times. The effect that was originally le than half a second was extended to nearly four seconds.

Four seconds is already extremely long for a cultivator, especially an Immortal Realm cultivator. Liu Kai and Lu Yun used these four seconds to launch a frantic attack.

All the methods and magic weapons that can be used were thrown out by their old brains, and they all fell on Wutong. Liu Kai even grabbed the super-power grenade and detonated it directly beside Wutong.

This is their best murderous intention meeting. If you mi this time, Wutong will never make the same mistake again.

The formidable power of the super grenades is huge, and Liu Kai is worried that it will affect too many people in the base. When the grenade exploded, he slapped Wu Tong with a palm, pushing him out a dozen or more li. Keep the center of the explosion away from the core location of the base.

Utong is a high-level Earth Immortal, but it is only an Earth Immortal, not an invincible god. After being attacked by so many, his defensive power was instantly penetrated. The defensive treasure worn on his body was also shattered under the attack.

The outer layer of protection, the treasure of defense, resisted for a second. The outer layer is lost, and it is the Wutong fleshy body that bears the attack.

Earth Immortal fleshy body is strong, but after losing control, it is difficult to withstand this huge energy impact. Just persisted for more than a second, and was destroyed by this huge energy.

The fleshy body is lost, and the Primordial Spirit is exposed. The formidable power of the super grenade has not disappeared, and it is wrapped towards the Primordial Spirit to obliterate Wutong directly.

The treasure of defense, Earth Immortal fleshy body, was completely destroyed in le than three seconds. Wutong is still in a state of lo . It takes about a second to fully recover.

This second time is enough to completely obliterate Wutong. Liu Kai saw it in his eyes, and he felt relaxed in his heart, and felt that the overall situation was settled. Even Lu Yun had a relaxed smile on his face. This Wutong was the only enemy he saw in his life, and he also felt tremendous pre ure.

Whether it is Liu Kai or Lu Yun, they believe that the overall situation is set, and Wutong must die. The power of the super-powered grenade has already reached the Wutong Primordial Spirit, and it must be directly obliterated.

But at this moment, an earth-yellow light film suddenly appeared on Wutongs Primordial Spirit. This light film is i ued from a jade pendant, and this jade pendant is integrated in the Wutong Primordial Spirit.

This light film resisted the remaining prestige of the super grenade and awakened Wutong directly.

Wu Tong regained his sanity and instantly understood his state, his face became very ugly. For the first time in so many years, he suffered such a big lo . In addition to all the treasures on his body, even the fleshy body is ruined by others.

This is indeed a great blow to Wutong. The magic weapon was lost, the fleshy body was destroyed, and the cultivation base dropped greatly. Even if you can escape safely, it will be extremely long to restore Peak in the future.

“You guys, damn it!” Wutong’s eyes were red, and he wanted to tear the two lives apart.

“No, it’s you who damn it.” Liu Kai replied, killing him.

Lu Yun shot at the same time, besieging Wutong from the other side. This Wutong suffered extremely badly and was the best chance to kill him. If he does not take the opportunity to kill, once he recovers, it will be a great trouble.

Wu Tong understands his state and knows that if he continues to entangle himself, he will definitely suffer. Hately glared at the two of them, then turned and fled to the distance.

“Can’t let him escape!” Liu Kai sound transmi ion, speeding up the pursuit.

Lu Yun didn’t say a word, his feet flickered, and he disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, it was already behind Wu Tong, who suddenly pierced out like a knife with one hand.

Before that, Lu Yun could not keep up with Wutong’s speed. But after Wutong’s fleshy body was damaged, his speed was limited, but he couldn’t avoid Lu Yun’s pursuit.

Wu Tong didn’t dare to be carele , so he could only turn around to resist. After this delay, Liu Kai had already caught up to the front and joined the siege.

Super grenades, Liu Kai has already used them. Originally could not threaten Wutong, such a high-level Earth Immortal. But he still has Wuying, Wuying’s own formidable power is equivalent to Human Immortal ninth order. Coupled with the power of soul-shaking, it was enough to fight the badly damaged Wutong.

Wu Tong was besieged by the two, and soon fell to the bottom. After being injured, his cultivation base fell, and his battle strength was not as good as Lu Yun. In addition, Liu Kai and the shadowle attack and the strange power that attack Divine Soul from time to time made him feel difficult to deal with.

The sense of fear in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. Wu Tong knew in his heart that if he could not get out as soon as po ible, he was afraid that he would fall here today.

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, and Wutong quickly made a decision. There was a flicker above Primordial Spirit, and a simple talisman seal flew out and hung above Wutong’s head.

There are more than a dozen primitive characters on top of the character seal, which flashes rays of light after they appear. A white barrier was formed to block Wutong in front of him.

Liu Kai’s two attacks, plus Wutong’s surprise attack, were all blocked by this barrier. Wutong took the opportunity to flee, fleeing towards the distance.

Liu Kai and the two wanted to chase, but found that this talisman was extremely special. He seemed to have locked the two of them, no matter how they dodge, they couldn’t circumvent his interception.

“What should I do?” Liu Kai frowned, looking towards Lu Yun.

This talisman has no offensive power, but it prevents them from chasing after them. Seeing Wutong fleeing into the distance, if he doesn’t get rid of the talisman seal entanglement as soon as po ible, he will never be able to pursue it anymore.

“This thing is special and difficult to suppre and destroy. The best way is to use other treasures to contain it so that it can no longer stop us.” Lu Yun responded.

“Does Senior have treasure?” Liu Kai asked.

“Yes, but this treasure requires me to personally control it to be effective.” Lu Yun frowned.

The meaning is obvious, Lu Yun controls treasure and cannot continue chasing Wutong. Even if he could get rid of the entanglement of Fuzhuan, only Liu Kai would chase him down.

“I see, senior, please do it.” Liu Kai did not hesitate.

Although Wutong is a high-level Earth Immortal, he is only Primordial Spirit at this time, and the cultivation base has fallen even more seriously. Liu Kai chased by himself, even if he could not easily kill, but self-protection was not a problem.

Lu Yun was nodded, flipped his hands and took out a small clock-like treasure, which turned into a big clock with several meters after it was opened. The big clock floated in the air and fell towards the talisman seal, and the two treasures were quickly entangled together.

As a result, Fu Zhuan’s blocking power was small, Liu Kai took the opportunity to rush out and chased in the direction where Wutong left.

Wu Tong has been away for a while, when Liu Kai chased him out, Wu Tongs silhouette had long been invisible. However, Immortal Realm’s repair has its own tracking technique, and it is not difficult to find the trace of Wutong’s departure.

Liu Kai probed forward and quickly found the traces left by Wutong, and chased him all the way.

Wu Tong fled, but instead of leaving Earth, he headed north. This made Liu Kai a little surprised. When he thought about it, Wutongs fleshy body was damaged, the cultivation base fell, and it was the best choice to escape from Earth.

“Does he have any other players?” Liu Kai was a little more cautious.

Catch up all the way, Liu Kai soon arrived at Land of Extreme North. As the temperature drops, Liu Kai’s eyes are already white. Except for Snow Mountain ice field, there is hardly a silhouette of land.

The traces left by Wutong gradually decrease here, and eventually disappear in the center of the ice sheet.

Liu Kai stopped, searched all around, and quickly gained something again. At the corner of an iceberg, a group of bears that had been drained of blood was found.

Hundreds of them, lying all over the place. Every white bear has a small wound in its throat, which seems to be poked out by someone.

This white bear is not Earths original creature, but was brought by the Kunwu tribe. They live in groups and are fierce by nature. If it is not a monster cultivator, it does not lose to the general Demonic beast. Hundreds were killed at this time, or within a few short breaths, the people who shot must be extremely strong.

Liu Kai gue ed that Wutong was the one who made the shot. Why did he act on these white bears, Liu Kai was a little puzzled.

“Does he want to use this method to heal his injuries? But why didn’t he attack other monster cultivators, but came here to kill the white bears. Is there anything special about these white bears?”

Liu Kai groaned, walked a few steps closer, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

Liu Kai discovered that this white bear is very special, within the body blood contains spirit strength. This is a special species that is naturally able to absorb spirit strength. Kunwu brought them to Earth, or because of this trait.

Liu Kai couldn’t determine how Wutong discovered them. But he must do it to heal his injuries.

This is not good news for Liu Kai. Once Wutong recovers from his injury, it will not be easy to suppre him.

Liu Kai did not dare to delay, searching for clues left by Wutong, speeding up the tracking. Ten minutes later, Liu Kai found Wutong who was sitting cro -legged before chasing a huge ice crack.

Wu Tong’s face is still pale, and the body of Primordial Spirit Transformation is slightly unstable. The damage this time is too severe, it can be recovered in a short time.

Detecting someone approaching, Wu Tong’s heart sank. Spiritual Consciousness poked out and scanned Liu Kai’s identity. This made Wutong feel angry, and has several points of aggrieved.

Previously, a Human Immortal like Liu Kai can be slapped to death with a slap. But now, after he fell into the Pingyang, he was chased by a Human Immortal. Wu Tong’s heart is depre ed, and he can imagine it

But he knows that this time is not suitable for entanglement with Liu Kai. After the serious injury, the cultivation base was damaged, and the ninth level of Human Immortal had the po ibility of threatening him. Not to mention that Liu Kai, the ninth-order Human Immortal, is far more powerful than normal Human Immortal.

Seeing Liu Kai’s immediately, Wutong made a wise choice. Exercising his figure, he turned and left, not daring to confront Liu Kai head-on.

Its a shame to do so. But the generation of Wutong formidable person, how can they care about this face. He knew in his heart that entanglement with Liu Kai at this time would aggravate his injury even if he could win.

There is another Earth Immortal that hasn’t come, apart from this Earth, there must be other high-level repairs. At this time, working hard with Liu Kai to slow down and prolong his recovery is definitely not the best choice.

“You can’t go!” Liu Kai finally found him, how could he let him escape like this.

The cultivation base runs, and Liu Kai chases after him. At the same time, Wuying Lightning flew out, intercepting Wutong in front of him at a faster speed.

Wu Tong frowned and cast spell to protect himself. Want to withstand the shadowle attack forcibly and get rid of Liu Kai’s entanglement.

How could Liu Kai let him escape? While ordering Sword Spirit to control the shadowle interception, he speeded up and hunted down.

This is the best way to hit murderous intention. Even if Wutong cannot be completely wiped out, he will not be able to recover in a short time.

Wu Tong was entangled in Wuying, unable to get out for a while. After this delay, Liu Kai has caught up to the front.

Liu Kai Human Immortal Rank 9, Wuying’s battle strength is similar to him. This is equivalent to the high-level Human Immortal of the two, besieging an Earth Immortal cultivator who was badly injured and lost a fleshy body.

The Wutong realm was suppre ed, but the battle strength was weakened too much. Under Liu Kai and Wuying’s siege, they fell into a disadvantage for a while.

Wu Tong’s heart sank, and he knows that if he gets entangled, he will die here. With a sudden change of heart, Wu Tong realized that he could not keep his hands anymore, and began to call the Avatar who hides Earth to come and help him.

Utong Avatar, simply did not leave Earth. He ordered Avatar to hide, for the future plan.

But now the situation is critical, and he doesn’t care about all this. You can only call out the Avatar first to solve the immediate trouble.

Wu Tong ontology, no longer rush to escape. While dealing with Liu Kai’s siege, while waiting for Avatar to arrive.

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