Desolate Hunter

Chapter 479

“Previous experiment?” Dark King’s eyes flashed.

The previous experiment was very secretive, and she could be sure that no outsiders knew about it. Liu Kai suddenly mentioned it, which made her feel more certain. The cultivator who introduced foreign cultivation to the base before is Liu Kai in front of her.

But she doesn’t point at all. The Dark King knew in his heart that Liu Kai would simply not admit it. Even if it was determined to be him, the Dark King couldn’t do more to investigate.

Liu Kai now is no longer a small cultivator back then. His cultivation base and the strength he po e es requires a bit of fear even in 13 rounds.

“This…I also learned by accident. Knowing that you are experimenting, you can synthesize a high grade Spirit Stone.” Liu Kai laughed.

The Dark King gave Liu Kai a slanted look: “The experiment is going on, but unfortunately it was interrupted. All the previous efforts have been in vain.”

“This, cough cough cough…I don’t think it matters much. Now that the experiment has been interrupted, we can start again.” Liu Kai sneered.

“To start again, a lot of resource materials are needed. These materials were searched for a long time before, and I couldn’t collect them again in a short time.” The Dark King frowned.

“Those materials are scarce?” Liu Kai asked.

Dark King nodded: “Of course, otherwise how can a high grade Spirit Stone be made.”

“One thing, I dont understand. Since the material is so rare, even if the high grade is synthesized The number of Spirit Stones will certainly not be too much. It is very likely that the high grade Spirit Stones you will get are not as valuable as those materials.”

“Yes.” Dark King nodded.

“Then why do you do this?” Liu Kai puzzled.

“There is one thing you made a mistake. Our laboratory synthesized Spirit Stone, but also not Spirit Stone. Strictly speaking, it is a substance called Spirit Stone.

< p>This substance is the e ence of Spirit Stone. As long as there is this thing, middle grade Spirit Stone can be directly converted into high grade Spirit Stone.

This proce has some lo , under normal conditions Two middle grade Spirit Stones can be converted into a high grade Spirit Stone.

Such a conversion efficiency is almost like making a Spirit Stone out of thin air. The most important thing is that this kind of Spirit Stone can be introduced. After using it for a long time, you can get a lot of high grade Spirit Stone.”

“Should it also have its weakne es?” Liu Kai asked.

He doesn’t believe that there is such a thing against the sky. If all this is true, with the Spirit Stone in hand, does it mean that there is a Spiritual Mountain.

Of course there are weakne es. The high grade Spirit Stone that is transformed has much le spirit strength. If this Spirit Stone is used for cultivation, it takes five to be worth the original one. Stars.

Although the effect is almost the same, this conversion is still very valuable. Even if you dont use it for cultivation, it is a good choice as a currency for purchasing resources.”

Liu Kai nodded: “Can you give me a copy of this production method?”

“You can, but you need to get something in exchange.” The Dark King said.

The production method is not a secret, as long as she is given enough resources, she is naturally willing to exchange. Of course, whether it can be produced is not her guarantee.

Even the 13th round of his own experiment was interrupted at the final moment. Whether they succeed or fail in the end, they have no idea.

“What do you want?” Liu Kai asked. He knew that there is no free lunch in the world.

“Give me ten Jing Energy Stones, and I will give you the method of making them.” The Dark King laughed and said hehe.

The last time a foreign cultivator invaded, the Dark King used the energy stone as a reward. It is a pity that Liu Kai directly led people to the territory of the 13th inning, and forced the 13th inning to make a shot.

At this time, Liu Kai made a request again, and she would naturally not let this opportunity pa .

“Ten energy stones, too many! Your method of making has not yet undergone final verification. Whether it will succeed is unknown. If I give you the energy stones like this, I Didn’t I have a big lo ?” Liu Kai shook his head repeatedly.

“Ten are the lowest Earth Immortal. If you don’t agree, then we have nothing to talk about.” The Dark King shook his head, stood up and left.

“Five, this is my biggest conce ion.” Liu Kai gave a price.

“Deal.” The Dark King simply agreed.

“Damn it, too much!” Liu Kai muttered, his heart full of depre ion.

The Dark King agreed so happily, obviously Liu Kai’s price has exceeded her expectations. Knowing this a long time ago, he should lower the price and save a few more energy stones.

The words have been exported, Liu Kai naturally has no way to go back. Turning over his hands, he took out five energy stones and sent them to the Dark King.

The Dark King reached out and grabbed it, satisfactorily weighed it in his hand, and received the Storage Bracelet. Flip out a jade slip and send it to Liu Kai.

On the jade slip, what is recorded is the method of making the guide of Spirit Stone. Of course, these data are theoretical, and she doesn’t know whether she will succeed in the end.

Liu Kai got what he needed, so he didn’t have to delay too much here. Take the jade slip back to the base, rub the content on the jade slip onto the paper, and send it to Zhao Yang.

The synthesis of Spirit Stone’s introduction belongs to the category of chemical changes. Liu Kai doesn’t know much about these aspects, so Zhao Yang still needs to operate.

Zhao Yang read the information carefully and looked up towards Liu Kai after a little bit: “According to the steps recorded in the information, it shouldnt be a problem to synthesize that material. The trouble now is that the required materials are extremely rare. Its not easy to get together.”

“Uncle Zhao has to worry about preparations for synthesis. As for the collection of materials, let Hua Wuying contact other bases, and I believe I can gather the materials.” Liu Kai Replied.

The experiment conducted by the 13th inning was also in a small base. In the Early-Stage experiment, the base handles it by itself. Until it was close to succe , the powerful cultivator of thirteen rounds went to support, so as to avoid other changes.

Liu Kai concluded that it should not be difficult to find all these materials.

Facts have proved that Liu Kai’s speculation is not biased. After Hua Wuying contacted the major bases, she quickly gathered the nece ary materials.

Of course, these materials are not provided free of charge. Dongling Base received these materials and paid a lot of resources for exchange.

Zhao Yang got the materials and then began to prepare. Liu Kai sent someone to protect his safety, but he left the Dongling base and rushed to Snow Mountain where Li Qian had retreated.

He just got news that the snow and ice on Li Qian’s body has melted. Liu Kai wants to see if she can restore her memory. If that doesn’t work, you can only use the fruit of reincarnation for her as Xiaomei said.

The fruit of reincarnation is not a rare thing. Liu Kai went to the auction star this time, in addition to buying super weapons, he also bought two reincarnation fruits by the way.

The price of this thing is not low. But compared with the super grenades, this thing is cheap enough. Liu Kai buys two at a time, just in case one fails to work and cannot be found temporarily.

In a short time, Liu Kai has reached the top of Snow Mountain. Li Qian had recovered her fleshy body and was looking at Xiao Mei with a puzzled expre ion.

“Don’t you even know me?” Xiao Mei said, with a gloomy look on her face.

Li Qian shook her head: “I dont remember…”

Xiaomei shrugged and looked towards Liu Kai who just arrived: “It seems that the memory cant be recovered, or use Fruit of reincarnation.”

Liu Kai did not answer, looking towards Li Qian with a confused look: “Do you know me?”

Li Qian shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Liu Kai asked a few more questions and made sure that Li Qian still has no memories of her past. You can only take out the reincarnation fruit and prepare it for her to use.

But before he could do anything, a silhouette suddenly appeared. It was a woman in her thirties, wearing a snow-white gown.

The woman is extremely powerful, and only the breath that she exudes can suppre Liu Kai unable to move even a little bit. Liu Kai can be sure that this is definitely a high-level Earth Immortal, far from being able to compete.

“Are you?” Liu Kai tentatively said, thinking about how to respond.

“I’m here to take my discipline away.” The woman replied coldly.

“Senior’s discipline is?” Liu Kai probed.

“Isn’t it right in front of you?” The woman was lightly snorted, reaching out to grab Li Qian.

Li Qian seemed to be led, involuntarily floating up and coming to the woman.

“Senior, this is my friend, she is not your discipline.” Liu Kai wanted to stop.

Unfortunately, the woman simply ignores him. Reaching out for Li Qian, she was about to leave this place.

Liu Kai is naturally unwilling to let people go like this, and the cultivation base must be forced to keep people. But at this moment, Liu Kai felt a heavy body, and was forcibly suppre ed by a powerful force.

Liu Kai runs the cultivation base with all his strength, but he can’t resist this force. Under suppre ion, he was not able to move even a little bit, and could only watch the woman take Li Qian away.

“Senior, who are you?” Liu Kai hurriedly asked.

The other partys cultivation base is far superior, and people cannot stay. Liu Kai only wants to know the identity of the other party so that he can find Li Qian’s whereabouts in the future.

Unfortunately, the other party simply ignored Liu Kai’s thoughts. Silhouette moved away quickly and quickly disappeared into the sky.

“I suspect that the power of ice and snow on her body is the means used by this person.” Xiao Mei said, telling her gue .

“Do you know this person?” Liu Kai asked. Although he knew not very hopeful, he couldn’t help but ask.

Xiaomei shook her head: “It’s very strange, I have never seen it before.”

“What should I do?”

“There is no way. This person is too cultivation base Gao, even if you keep track of her, she cant be helped. Fortunately, this person claims to be her Master, I believe she will not be in danger for the time being.”

“I hope…” Liu Kai frowned, but also There is no way.

This woman’s cultivation base is too high, Liu Kai simply can’t catch up. Even if it can catch up, Liu Kai doesn’t have the ability to keep people behind.

There is only one thing, Liu Kai doesn’t understand when there is such an expert on Earth. This woman, Liu Kai has never heard of, should not be Earth’s original cultivation. Liu Kai suspected that this was an external repair.

“Foreign repairs, there has been too much during this time! The unfathomable mystery that Plunderer and invaders also come. When did the originally unknown Earth become a hot existence like this fire?” Liu Kai shook his head, slowly wondering.

Xiaomei shied away and still had something to deal with, so she didn’t delay it. Say goodbye to Liu Kai and leave here soon.

Liu Kai sighed then said, return to Dongling base.

Zhao Yangs experiment is being intensively prepared. But it takes some time to have results. Before the experiment was succe ful, the base still lacked Spirit Stone supplements. Those cultivators can only rely on absorbing the free Spiritual Qi cultivation in the air.

Earth Spiritual Qi is poor, and Spiritual Qi in the air is extremely rare. It is an extremely slow proce to advance by absorbing the Spiritual Qi in the air.

The cultivator team that went out to find resources has not returned yet. They reported the news of Liu Kai and have discovered several planets containing Spiritual Qi. But above those planets, not much Spirit Stone condenses.

They try their best to collect, but the speed is still slow, and the amount of collection is extremely limited. At this point, the Spirit Stone, they couldn’t use it by themselves, let alone provide the Earth to repair it.

In the hands of Liu Kai, the Spirit Stone reserves are limited, and it is impossible to support the base for public repair. The only thing that is adequate is the expensive energy stone.

The energy stone has a special purpose, so it is too wasteful and extravagant for low-level cultivator to use it. This was not Liu Kai’s choice. After some consideration, he decided to go to the Land of God’s Fall.

The land of the dead body trapped a fleet of invaders of the sea star. After they entered, the battleship was restricted and could no longer fly.

In the battleship, there must be a lot of resources. There should be a lot of Spirit Stones for the cultivator. Liu Kai didn’t want these to be wasted, he wanted to enter the search and take out the supply base.

Entering the Land of God’s Fall is not a difficult task. Liu Kai has entered several times and has long been familiar. After entering, I quickly found the sinking place of the battleship, and saw the more than 100 battleships stacked together.

Liu Kai didn’t approach immediately, but stopped 1000 meters away. He found that the battleship all around, gathered a large number of people of the sea star, had formed a tight defense system.

There are not many cultivators in the Pluto Sea Star fleet, but the level of technology is extremely high. Even their individual weapons have the formidable power that can threaten the cultivator. Liu Kai didn’t want to easily provoke him and became the target of their joint attack.

Liu Kai waited, looking for a chance to shoot. An hour later, the opportunity to shoot did not come, but a convoy came in the distance.

The land of the fall of gods, battleship cannot fly. But the land transport vehicle did not have much impact. This convoy consisted of ten war chariots, dragged a huge monster, grandiose back to the fleet.

Liu Kai glanced from a distance, his face was stunned. That huge monster turned out to be a Black Ox with a size of 100 tons.

Such a huge Black Ox appeared in this land of God’s Fall. Liu Kai can be sure that this is not a monster cultivator, it must be a Demonic beast.

“The sea star invaders are really sturdy, and they can continue to dominate in the land of the gods. Judging from their appearance, they regard the land of the gods as a hunting ground.

Fortunately, their battleship can’t fly, otherwise the land of God’s Fall might not be able to trap them.” Liu Kai secretly sighed and approached the fleet for a certain distance.

As the convoy returned, Pluto’s eyes were attracted by them. There were some omi ions in the side defense. Liu Kai takes the opportunity to sneak in and search for the resources he needs.

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