Desolate Hunter

Chapter 297

The cooperation was reached, Liu Kai did not delay and left Wu Family. Instead of returning directly, he went to a location close to the base building and paid for a building.

This is what Liu Kai promised his parents to improve their living environment for their aunts. They definitely don’t want to pay them directly, and maybe they can make sense if they change houses.

After doing this, Liu Kai called a car and returned to his aunt’s house.

“Xiaokai, are you okay?” Aunt greeted her with a look of concern.

Although Liu Kai was invited to leave, will of the people is vicious, especially the existence of Wu Family, is even more difficult to gue . My aunt was worried that they would suddenly turn their faces and bring danger to Liu Kai.

“Don’t worry, aunt, they don’t dare to hurt me. But if you continue to live here, you will inevitably have trouble coming to your door. How about this, I will find you a new place to live.” Liu Kai said.

“Find a new place to live? This…” Aunt hesitated.

“Auntie, this is something from your nephew. You can’t refuse it! Besides, Wu Family conflict has occurred. If they continue to live here, they are afraid they will come to make trouble. Not only will it affect you. My cousin will also worry about his life.” Liu Kai persuaded again.

“Didnt you say that Wu Family dare not trouble us?”

“I am here, they naturally dare not. But I cant stay too long, I always want to return To the Dongling base. Patriarch Wu Family, I have already said hello, he will not embarra you.

But dont forget, aunt, that Wu Tian is still alive. He has eaten so much. He will definitely be unwilling to suffer from his lo . He dare not retaliate against me, but it is impossible to guarantee that he will not attack you.

The place I found for you to live is located at the core of the base. The security is tight in that place. Even if Wu Tian wants revenge, he doesn’t have that chance.”

“Well then.” Aunt did not continue.

“The room is not small, so let’s move in with my cousin and cousin. We can reunite and take care of each other.” Liu Kai looked towards Chen Cheng.

Chen Cheng naturally has no opinion, and turned to look towards his wife. The cousin thought a little, but also nodded. Their living space is not very large. In addition, the child gradually grows up, it becomes more and more small.

Although Liu Kai’s gift is not known how big it is, since he suggested that the whole family live, it should be at least about 100 square meters. A family of four live in one hundred square meters. Although it is not spacious, it is much better than it is now.

The room they live in now can also be resold. Exchanging a sum of cash is also a great help to their current situation.

They gue ed in their hearts that the house Liu Kai gave was about 100 square meters. After all, the base housing prices are like gold, and a huge sum of money is needed for one hundred square meters.

But when the whole family went to see the apartment Liu Kai bought, Qi Qi was dumbfounded.

What appeared in front of them was a duplex apartment. The total area has reached 300 square meters, far exceeding the living area of the average wealthy households from all over the world. The apartment is divided into upper and lower floors. The interior has been renovated a long time ago, and even furniture and appliances are also fully furnished.

The aunts family can move in without any preparation. Liu Kai also left a management fee, among which is included fees such as water and electricity. Aunt’s family, even if it is used openly, it will be enough within a few years.

More importantly, the security facilities here are very complete, and there is a tight defense system under the building. Without the permi ion of the building owner, outsiders cannot easily enter.

“Xiaokai, it costs a lot of money, right?” Aunt’s voice trembled a little.

“I don’t have much money. This is my nephew’s little intention. Aunt, you can live with ease.” Liu Kai responded.

“Xiaokai, I really want to thank you.” Chen Cheng thanked. He has an understanding of the base housing prices. This apartment of 300 square meters will not make a profit even if he works hard for a lifetime.

“Cousin, I’ll see you saying this.” Liu Kai smiled and familiarized himself with the environment with his aunt’s family.

The Liu Kai family also lived here that day. Liu Kai’s family stayed in the room downstairs to rest. Liu Kai was in a room by himself. After entering, he closed the door and took a small box out.

This small box was bought from the consignor in the restaurant. This was originally Wu Tianzhi, but after he was injured by Liu Kai, there was no future trade.

The small box opens, and inside is a piece of jade stone, which looks unremarkable. But if you look closely, there are countle flashing characters on it.

It was Liu Kai who detected this character before he bought it.

Liu Kai can’t understand what the flashing character is. With a turn of his mind, he called the giant tortoise from the beast map and asked him to look at the jade stone. I hope that with his experience and cultivation base, he can gain something.

The giant tortoise has been observed for a long time, but finally shook the head: “Master, I can’t see the clues. I can recognize these characters individually, but they can hardly have any meaning when they are connected together.”


Liu Kai nodded, put him into the beast map, and then call python from the beast map. Python is also one of the three Great Perfection, but he cannot be transformed into a human form, Liu Kai has never called him out.

Except for the first appearance of the beast map, python still maintains its ontology. However, the body shrank a thousand times and became the thickne of an ordinary person’s arm.

After appearing, python circled jade stone a few times, but also couldn’t recognize the meaning of this character. Liu Kai had no choice but to take him back and summon the giant eagle who was in the comprehend space-time instrument.

“Master, it’s hard for me to get something. These characters can be recognized by high-rank cultivator. But they are arranged in such a disorderly manner. If you want to gue their meaning, the chance of succe is almost zero. I suggest that the owner go directly to the buyer, he should know something.” giant eagle gave his own advice.

This Liu Kai also thought about it, but didn’t want to see Wu Tian’s disgusting face. Now it seems that this side must go to meet.

Liu Kai took the giant eagle back into the beast map, and then walked out of the room. We greeted my parents, opened the door and went out.

Walking out of the building, Liu Kai called a car and soon arrived at Wu Family’s location.

Learning that Liu Kai is coming, the Wu Family greeted him personally and invited Liu Kai into the living room.

“I’m here to find Wu Tian.” Liu Kai said.

“You are looking for Wu Tian, this…” Wu Family’s complexion changed.

Hearing what Liu Kai said, he instinctively thought that Liu Kai was here for the previous things. Wu Tian is still di atisfied with the abolition of Wu Tian, and Wu Tian’s life must be further endured.

Wu Tian is his bloodline, even if it is the least succe ful one, he is not willing to give up easily. But facing Liu Kai, he didn’t seem to have the ability to refuse.

If Liu Kai really had a murderous intention, let alone a junior Wu Tian, even Wu Dezhi would not escape his death!

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to embarra him. I’m here this time, there are some things that I need him to explain to me.” Liu Kai explained.

Wu Dezhi relaxed: “Of course there is no problem, I will bring him out.”

Liu Kai nodded, sitting in the living room waiting. Wu Dezhi went there in person to find Wu Dezhi who was recuperating in bed.

Of course, he can also let his hands lead people. But he was worried that Wu Tian was improper and offended Liu Kai after he came out. Going in person is just to exhort you.

Not long, Wu Dezhi took Wu Tian out and came to Liu Kai. Wu Tian’s face turned pale, and his feet were slightly soft. After walking this little way, he was already exhausted gasping for breath.

“Are you looking for me?” Wu Tian said, his voice very weak.

“Is this something you want to buy?” Liu Kai took out the jade stone and let Wu Tian watch it.

Wu Tian took a look and silently nodded: “Yes, this thing is what I want to buy. But except for the later things, I will leave this thing behind.”

< p>“Why did you buy this?” Liu Kai asked.

“This…” Wu Tian appeared hesitant.

“Why, can’t you say?” Liu Kai said again.

“Hurry up! Dare to hide a little bit, I will break your leg!” Wu Dezhi yelled.

Wu Tian smiled bitterly: “Of course I can say, but this thing is really difficult to be elegant.”

“It is difficult to be elegant, what do you mean?” Liu Kai was taken aback.

“If you stare at the jade stone, you will understand what I mean.” Wu Tian responded.

“Look at jade stone?” Liu Kai glanced at jade stone for a long time, but simply couldn’t tell.

Seeing Liu Kai’s expre ion on his face, Wu Dezhi directly reached out and slapped Wu Tian: “You bastard, I still don’t tell the truth yet!”

“Everything I say It’s the truth!” Wu Tian called Qu.

“Look now, what’s on it.” Liu Kai moved the jade stone into Wu Tian’s hands.

Wu Tian received his hand and stared at jade stone for a while, breathing quickly again.

“What did you see?” Liu Kai asked curiously.

“Beautiful, so beautiful…” Wu Tian muttered to himself.

“What is so beautiful?” Liu Kai became even more weird. Spiritual Consciousness scanned the jade stone, but found nothing.

“It’s so beautiful…” Wu Tian has fallen into obse ion.

Wu Dezhi browsed tightly frowns, reached out and grabbed jade stone: “Not good to answer the question, talk about nonsense here.”

Without jade stone, Wu Tian from here He recovered from this state, scratching his head and his face showed an awkward color.

“What did you see just now?” Liu Kai asked again, feeling helple .

This is already the third time he has asked. If it weren’t for Liu Kai’s patience, he would be angry soon.

“I saw beautiful women, a lot of beautiful women. Moreover, they are all undre ed.” Wu Tian responded, recalling the previous scene, with an excited smile on his face.

“Is there such a thing?” Liu Kai’s Spiritual Consciousness probed, it is still difficult to find anything.

“Beauty?” Wu Dezhi frowned, lowered his head and took a closer look at jade stone, his eyes lit up.

“What did you see again?” Liu Kai hi ed, completely speechle .

Wu Dezhi’s appearance must have been discovered. It seems that in addition to themselves, both of them can see what is inside jade stone.

Just dont know. Why is there such a different treatment. Is there any special requirements for watching jade stone, or is it because their Wu Family bloodline is different?

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