
You can search for “demon is right by your side,” in Baidu to find the newest chapter!

Chen Zhao looked back at Sen Ge and said: “Simply put, if you want the original woman to be safe, then this demon cannot be eliminated, I can only make him a secondary consciousness. If you want to completely eliminate this demon, then your daughter will die too. At least I personally not at all. The method only eliminates the demon without harming your daughter. Of course, you can find other spiritualist, I don’t guarantee it will There is a spiritualist who is more professional than me.”

“Mr. Chen, is there no other way? No way at all?”

“My method is relatively simple, it is purely violent exorcism, so I can’t do fine things.” Chen Zhao glanced at the girl, and then said: “If you can find a more professional spiritualist, they may be able to Provide third methods, such as sealing the consciousness of demon. If there is no accident, maybe your daughter can spend this life peacefully.”

“Will there be accidents?”

“50% probability.” Chen Zhao said: “Even if the demon consciousness is sealed, her power will gradually grow. When the seal fails one day, when the time comes your daughter’s consciousness will be completely demon consciousness Engulfed.”

“Then if they are allowed to coexist, will they not be swallowed?”

“This is a habitual problem. If you exercise and lift weights every day, after three or five years, even if you cannot reach the level of an athlete, you will not be much worse. But if you do nothing, one day you will go What is the result of giving a 100 kg barbell? Your daughter is the same. If they coexist, your daughter will gradually adapt to the consciousness of demon, and the consciousness of demon is more derived from her bloodline , So your daughter’s consciousness will always dominate…In addition, the demon consciousness is your daughter after all.”

Chen Zhao looked at Sen Ge: “Of course, the decision is yours.”

This is not an easy choice for a father.

As Chen Zhao said, demon consciousness is also born from his daughter’s within the body, or awakening.

So agree to be Sen Ge’s daughter.

After Chen Zhao explained the situation, it was a difficult decision to kill any one, or leave two.

Singo looked at Chen Zhao: “Mr. Chen, what if my request is only to seal the power of the demon?”

“I can’t do it. The power and consciousness of demon and your daughter’s consciousness coexist. There is no such thing as a separate sealing power.”

“But I also need to live a normal life. If she keeps in this state, no matter if it is the daughter of I am still me or the demon consciousness, she will not be able to live a normal life.”

Chen Zhao looked at the girl on the bed: “Have you heard? While your father is making choices, you should also make your own choices. Accept your identity and live with your sister Or wait until one day your father is tortured by your mental breakdown, and finally find a spiritualist to solve you.”

Whether it comes from hell or the emergence of the human world.

Regardless of whether or not evil, demon also needs to consider interests.

There is no saying that the demon has to fight for his own life, and he has to make a mess of this family.

There are situations like this, but that’s because this kind of demon is not a complete demon, or a pure evil side.

A purely chaotic and disorderly demon consciousness, naturally only knows destruction and killing.

A truly complete demon has complex ideas that are the same as or similar to humans.

Chen Zhao has too many demons, so Chen Zhao knows that the so-called evil is only relative.

There is no absolute evil, and there is no absolute good.

The demon consciousness of the girl within the body is new.

But she is more like a copy of the girl herself, with the inheritance of demon added, so she has a different self-cognition from a girl.

But to say that she was born evil is nonsense.

“I ask for at least three days a week to be my personal time.” Said the Fear Descent.

“Impossible.” Chen Zhao shook the head: “This body is your elder sister’s body after all. Your only choice is to appear with your elder sister’s permission, not yours. Two, four, six, hers.”

“Then what is the difference between me and jail?”

“You must understand that you are a derivation of your elder sister. Your consciousness and power are all your elder sister. Unless one day you are strong enough to show up without being attached to the fleshy body. Before, your only choice was to have a good relationship with your elder sister.”

Chen Zhao paused and added: “Or you can teach your elder sister to use your power, which can give you more opportunities for communication.”

“There must be at least two days in a month, just two days.” The fear descendant was almost pleading.

“I agree.” Sengo said seriously.

Senge is not just a compromise.

More precisely, sympathy.

When Chen Zhao called this demon consciousness his daughter.

He was also moved by it.

Once that kind of feeling grows, it’s hard to stay calm.

Imagine being a daughter who can only hide in a dark corner for a lifetime.

What it’s like to be a father.

That’s why he agreed to the request of the feared descendant without discussing with the ‘eldest daughter’.

In fact, Chen Zhao can understand it well.

After all, Chen Zhao is a father himself.

In the end, Chen Zhao didn’t do anything.

This time the assignment is more like a family mediation.

His daughter also returned to normal, fearful descendants keep their promises.

Senge told her daughter the whole story.

Chen Zhao is a supplementary explanation.

His daughter is also very sympathetic to the other consciousness in her body.

not at all complain about father’s decision.

Senge sends Chen Zhao out of the house.

“Mr. Chen, thank you very much for your help.”

“You’re welcome. Actually, what I don’t at all do.”

This assignment is also special to Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao has performed so many assignments.

This is the only one assignment that does not use military force.

“Take good care of your daughter, including her, relationships need to be established.”

“I know that I can’t give her a new body, but I want her to be happy too.”

“It would be great if you could think so.”

As soon as Chen Zhao was about to leave, five spiritualists, three men and two women, came outside.

“Are you making trouble?” One of the outfits was exactly the same as Heilis, the decadent man looked at Chen Zhao coldly.

Chen Zhao frowned head: “Mr. Sen Ge, do you know them?”

Senge is also confused: “Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know who we are, you just need to know that you can live until now because we don’t think you are important, but now it looks like our thinking is wrong. You influence our plans.”

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