Vol 8 Chapter 853: Situation reversed

This is the highlight of the ceremony.

Cuio stood in front of the square, slowly raising her hands. With the recitation of the magic of the dragon language, the surging violent magic power wrapped up the mud and sand around the imperial city, the white square was dug out of the deep pit, and the tower was surrounded to begin construction. Sand and stone seemed to have life, and piled up layers of magic towers one by one.

The four lords stood idly by and watched Kuo's "show" together silently. The green dragon Morals next to Victor formed a line of green vines wrapped around the body's surface: "Would you like this?"

Where is Victor willing? But the situation was before him, and he was unwilling to bear it. The green dragons don't ask questions about the world all year round. They use natural spells, and their favorite thing is to hide in the forest. So what the patriarch says usually has nothing to do with him.

Victor was too lazy to involve more, and replied in frosty text: "At least for now we are all standing together, so we won't turn our heads against this."

This sentence is very lacking in sincerity, which is obviously perfunctory. Morals with dark green hair narrowed her eyes, and the vines on her robes returned to their original appearance. After a few seconds, she seemed to have a deep meaning: "Too much greed will always bring unpredictable results."

Victor frowned. He didn't understand who Morals was talking about, Queo? Or yourself?

In the past, the green dragon lord was a ghost, and suddenly appeared here this time, mostly because Kuo promised the conditions of "temporal fissure." Victor feels that the Green Dragons are indeed called "indisputable". I heard that the most common thing they do is disguise themselves as towering ancient trees, and then stay in one place for dozens or hundreds of years ...

It is really unrealistic for such a guy to become a dragon leader.

Victor thought so, turned his head, and found that Quio had used magic to build a complete magic tower on the square in front of him!

The width of the base of this magic tower is more than 100 meters, and the tower has a pentagon shape with a height of nearly 200 meters. For humans in this era, the scene in front of them may be called an experience that they can brag about in their lifetime ...

The two wars frightened by the soldiers who used ceremonies around him could not help kneeling when the tower was half-built. With their actions, almost all humans in the square reacted the same, controlling nobles in power, servile servants in the court, two daughters and sons of Charles II, and even patrolling around the inner city walls. This is true of soldiers.

Only Charles II, the monarch, has been standing in place, looking up at this towering tower slowly forming into the clouds.

My age is here!

He was so impassioned that he could hardly help himself. When Cuo came with a smile, the monarch's unconcealed hand wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and bent down to thank him.

"The Dragons have always wanted to help humanity in the field of magic. I believe that you, as the monarch of humanity, can accomplish this mission brilliantly."

Kuio is really a hard acting act. In fact, of all the dragons, the red dragons are the least attractive to humans. In his heart, the only thing that made humans feel desirable was the speed of reproduction. What's the difference between other ... and ants?

After speaking politely, he turned his attention to the four lords next to him, and strode forward to the crowd: "Cooperation with human beings, the Red Dragon tribe will temporarily take over. If you have anything to add, feel free to contact me That's it. It is enough for each dragon clan to leave a young junior as a magic guide. After all, the greater the human achievement in the field of magic, the greater our confidence in the future. "

These words were spoken by the dragon, and Charles II next to him did not understand at all, and the wizards could not tell the difference. Several dragon lords heard his face change, after all, Kuoao was now a "big brother" in the stance of giving orders. Even if he was mentally prepared, he would be said to be so uncomfortable at this time.

Fortunately, Queo is not too stupid to show his authority until now. Instead, he smiles and pulls up "homely". At the same time, he talks with Charles II next to him from Blinga and tells this group The lord's various views on the future alliance with mankind For Charles II, being able to talk to the world's top gangs is definitely a big face. He said humility in all manners. Although he stood and spoke, his verbal status was no different from kneeling.

After more than ten minutes of conversation, Charles II invited the lords to attend a carefully prepared gala dinner, but this time the big brothers didn't agree, and each left as an excuse for something. Such a scene was expected by Queo, but he stayed, and simply took a drink before leaving.

This is actually enough. Charles II didn't actually think that the other party could stay to attend the banquet. After all the dragons left, the banquet scene became a sea of ​​carnivals.

"This cup, King Kang En!"

"For the glory of the past!"

"The glory of the Karen Kingdom will surely reappear!"

"Cheers! Cheers!"

The aristocrats shouted loudly and arrogantly. Originally, high society would never make a loud noise at a banquet like a rude farmer, but today is different. As long as you have a clear head, you can understand that Charles II has an infinite future. "Five dragon lords gather in the imperial city" is enough to let him enter the annals of history.

No matter how many mistakes he has made and how many territories he has lost, since then, the ZTE of the Karen Kingdom has been unstoppable!

This banquet lasted one day and one night, and everyone was drunk. Even after waking up, he fainted again due to excessive joy. Charles II tried to maintain restraint, but after all, he was too drunk and vomited several times. After sunrise in the morning, he vomited his weak body after a night, let his son and daughter help him, and walked around in the magic tower built by Kuo intoxicated all the way ...

"Power, real power."

He reached out and stroked the smooth wall, and couldn't help sighing. And when the monarch all the way up the tower on the magic lift, overlooking the entire city from such a height, his eyes involuntarily turned to the west under the rising sun ...

"Wait a minute ... your doomsday is here."

Sales of "The Karen Times" fell sharply in March.

"Royal Weekly", an otherwise impassive newspaper, fought an epic tumbling battle within a month. Although it failed to occupy the absolutely dominant "Carron Age" before it was overwhelmed nationwide, in the east of the kingdom, Has become the most popular publication.

Needless to say, the news that "the Lord of the Five-Colored Dragons gathered in the Imperial City to meet with Charles II" has become a thing known to women and children of the Karen Kingdom today. Even the farmer who farmed the field could tell the story of the process of the "Dragon Tower" shaped by Lord Cuio.

The result was a large-scale "magic fever."

Prior to this, the magicians of the Karen Kingdom were either funded by the royal family or provided by large nobles, and they were not closely related to each other ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ can only be regarded as "owners of their own." However, Charles II turned around and had the indisputable dominance with the support of the Dragons. At this time, he ordered the magicians to come to the Dragon Tower to learn magic. Which other aristocracy would dare not stop?

Coupled with the end of the "Magic Exchange Meeting" in Elson City, after a group of magicians left Elson, they suddenly found that the royal family had opened a magic academy that was guided and taught by the Dragons. They said nothing at all. Run away ...

If it weren't for Roddy's strict information control, I'm afraid the mages that Elson just signed off may be gone. In fact, Crohn and Strange, who originally intended to stay here, eventually chose to leave, and really left behind by "information blockade", most of them were low schools that were poorly treated in those magic towers before Order magician.

And this is just a microcosm of the general situation. Queo's support for Charles II is far from simple. He really let seven or eight red dragons serve as "mentors" in the tower, and at the same time asked other dragons to send at least one to help "teach" cannibalism. Short-mouthed Victor and others will naturally not lie on such things, but no matter how negative they respond to this kind of thing, even if the dragons sent are of low strength or are not yet adolescents, they still mean to help the royal-led Karen The kingdom forces stood on the opposite side.

This scene was unbearable for Kardashian.

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