Galactic Pan Human Alliance.

This alliance consists of three different human branches, one is the Earth Era human branch that was once located in Gliese 581; the other is the human branch on Captain Star; and the other is from the original In the Huantai Civilization Trading Market, a large number of technological fleets have been brought back.

Because the tripartite split is too long and has formed its own identity, it becomes extremely difficult to integrate politically. Everyone is a Level 3 civilization, with similar military strengths. They all feel that their own civilization is the best and can lead the progress of the entire alliance. This is the perception both in the folk mood and among the high-level people.

Under such circumstances, the tripartite forces are unwilling to give up their political power and still maintain their own political rights.

Fortunately, the homology is human, and there is no problem with the fusion at the genetic level. Some political disputes do not affect non-governmental exchanges, so it is possible to re-allocate.

"The following is a discussion on the construction of a joint military defense plan, and a convention on mutual protection and mutual assistance between human beings..."

"Three years ago, we once encountered an interstellar pirate. That time the military action was seriously worse than expected, and it can even be said to be terrible! With our military strength far greater than the other party, we actually suffered a higher loss..."

The main reason was all influence. People are not uniform. When a war breaks out, everyone wants to keep a low profile and let others do their work. In this case, how can we fight the war?

"Do you have any comments on the current joint plan?"

The Alliance Leader Xi Peiming sighed. Now the strengths of the three parties are almost the same. , There is no main civilization in the alliance, and almost every important cooperation takes a long time.

Like the United Nations during the Earth civilization, his Alliance Leader seat is also a famous and unauthorised position.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the current interstellar situation is becoming more and more complicated. With the gradual withdrawal of the trading market of the Amoeba faction, the geopolitics of this starry sky has undergone major changes.

When there is a vacuum in power, there will inevitably be some civilizations willing to fill it.

There are more and more interstellar robbers or ambitious in this starry sky. Coupled with the emergence of the Level 5 civilization of Alev civilization, every civilization people were alarmed, but I don’t know. What should be done.

So, everyone has to hug each other, and even if there is a little contradiction, they will not be separated.

The quarrel in the Conference Hall began again. Alliance Leader Xi Peiming sighed again, and a staff member standing beside him whispered comforted: "Your Excellency, we all have our own technological advantages. , So this military cooperation negotiation can be negotiated in a short and half meeting."

"That's right, but this cooperation has dragged on for too long."

Humans from the Gliese planet have a War Star. This is the greatest military confidence. Now most of the population lives on the planet, including the populations of the other two branches of civilization.

Humans originating from Captain Star, also known as the branch of the Golden Sun, have a large number of spaceships and good military strength.

Humans in this branch are good at bionics technology, and their ideology is more inclined to transform themselves in bionics.

The fleet returned from the Huantai Civilization Trading Market has brought back a large number of advanced technologies. These technologies are gifted by the new human civilization or bought directly from the trading market. They also have their own Advantage.

Therefore, the three parties are complementary to a certain extent and have a competitive relationship. In this case, everyone does not want to give up their political power, so every time they cooperate, various trivial interests have to wrestle for a long time.

As for the Earth civilization side...Since there is no cosmic string near the solar system, it has become a difficult task to navigate the past. The Human Alliance really can't do anything about it, and can only temporarily abandon the Earth civilization.

"Hey, having curvature technology is such an enviable thing... Only when we become a Level 4 civilization can our planetary fortress be able to leave the cosmic string. But, where do we look for two What about a neutron star about to collide?

"As for the curvature, I simply don’t have any clues, and the Global Accelerator has not achieved very good results..."

"I don’t know about the Earth civilization. What happened to the side..."

"It's still the same. We don't want to control, but we are incapable, hundreds of billions of hibernating population, how do we manage? Let us take over those hibernating bins? "

A meeting ended. Because the military cooperation negotiations at this time were barely smooth, all the negotiators were relaxed and started chatting casually.

Throw away the politics. The troubles on the issue, the genes are homologous and the cultures are similar, normal life is naturally considered to be harmonious, and many common people have begun to marry each other. And the bad things on the Earth civilization involve the fundamental history of mankind, all Everything is recorded in the textbook, and you have to think about it seriously. Whoever can solve it is a great man at the historical level.

"In fact, we humans still have a branch. "

"Are you talking about the Kunlun Mountains Fleet?" Alas... they don't know where they are. "

These people talk about the Kunlun Mountains, and obviously don't hold any hope. This is already a story dozens of generations ago. Maybe the human branch of the Kunlun Mountains has fallen or even died out.

The Human Alliance is composed of three different forces. They have explored deep space for so many years, and they are not fledgling rookies. They know deeply that human beings are placed in the entire galaxy, that is, an ordinary civilization, quietly in a certain corner. What’s so strange about extinction and sinking silently?


At this time, at an astronomical observatory above War Star, astronomers suddenly received A piece of information.

This piece of information seems very strange. It is written in the most conventional human information coding. After translation, it turns out to be the most conventional Chinese, which is a bit unimaginable!

[Unknown civilization, hello! We are the Kunlun Mountains civilization.]

A person in charge yelled, "Are you sure you received the news from outer space?" Instead of a prank? ! "

The astronomer did not show any weakness, "Sir, we think this is still clear. It is definitely a message from outer space!" ! "

The person in charge was taken aback. If there is an alien civilization in the vicinity glare like a tiger watching his prey, things seem a bit big.

"... …Find out this alien quickly! It doesn't matter if it is written in human language or not. "

Astronomical Telescope searched over and over again. In the empty universe, searching for a small spaceship is not an easy task, and it will not be found for a while.

It wasn't until the third hour that the artificial intelligence discovered the anomaly: a very small spaceship sailing parallel to these fleets near the cosmic string, although the spaceship turned on the lights, it still looked very dim.

These astronomers are a bit dumbfounded, but such a small spaceship can cross the interstellar, indicating that it has a high probability of being the curvature spaceship of Level 4 civilization.

Level 4 civilization!

With a heavy heart, everyone knows the true weight of Level 4 civilization.

At the moment, these staff dare not take lightly, and quickly reported this information to the higher-level officials...


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