Ye Fan felt contemptuous in his heart and decided to return to the office to write an article to criticize this bad phenomenon. Zhang Yuan wrote the answer on the screen again.


"The answer is correct!"

Ye Fan's eyes widened, as if he was hell.

He still hasn't figured out how to calculate logarithms, and there is no way at all.

At this time, the other party started the next question again.

"sin(24°) (retain 3 significant digits)"

What is this again? How to calculate trigonometric functions? Double angle formula? Not right.

sin(24°), impossible to figure it out by hand!

I saw that this person wrote the answer on the screen again: "0.407"

" The answer is correct!"


Because of continuous invisible blows, Ye Fan can only give up the treatment.

He also asked sorry, but searched on his mobile phone and found the answer he wanted.

"so that's how it is, hand-calculating logarithms or trigonometric functions requires Taylor series expansion... Alas, these people who have been trained for a long time are also normal!"

He couldn't help curl one's lip, and thought unconvinced: What's so great about having a quick calculation? This kind of skill is completely useless, no matter how fast a human is, is it comparable to a computer?

Perhaps, I can write another article to criticize those educational institutions that teach mental arithmetic. There is no need to increase the burden on children and learn some insignificant things.

Just thinking about it, but quietly took out the mobile phone in his hand, opened the computer software, and thought: I press the speed of the computer, can't I still keep up with your mental arithmetic speed?

Zhang Yuan faintly felt the sharpness of his back, as if someone was watching him, he looked around, but found nothing.

But he didn't care too much.

A thief? Haha, I didn't bring any cash. The only valuable item was a mobile phone, and I had it in my hand.

And the things on the screen of my mobile phone are not very private, and I won’t lose a piece of flesh when I glance at it.

After working on a whole set of questions, the final result popped up on the screen: "Congratulations! It took 312.42 seconds in the end, SSS, ranked 28th today!"

"Please keep working hard! "

A second-time Young Master Yuan female admiring expression popped up on the screen.

Only 28th.

It seems a bit worse than expected.

Zhang Yuan secretly said in one's heart: "There are still a lot of geniuses in this world, and the results are normal."

If you train for a while, you may get better results. Upgrade again. But there is no need for that. He doesn't participate in any competitions, and his arithmetic ability is almost enough.

Open the Ranking List easily.

"The first place will last forever. It takes 0.01 seconds."

"The second place, writing a novel will eat dirt, and it takes 0.07 seconds."

"The third place, can you support the original version, it takes 0.11 seconds."

"The third place, when can you ask for leave, takes 0.12 seconds."

Zhang Yuan laughed, human It is impossible to complete 20 questions in 0.01 seconds. These results must be made with programs after capturing information with screen-reading software.

Some people just like this, using an external device to force it to appear to be very capable.

Human computing speed is impossible compared with that of hungry, he also puts out his thoughts in this regard.

"Long Bridge Station is here, please get off. Broad ICBC reminds you: Please be careful when you go out, pay attention to safety at your feet..."

Watching Zhang Yuan leave, Ye Fan is still Kind of dazed.

For longer calculations, the speed of his computer is really not as fast as the other's mental arithmetic!

Who is this person? Calculate the champion?

Ye Fan vigorously recalled how long it took to finish the 20 questions of the last super brain champion.

"How long does it take..."

300 seconds? 200 seconds? It seems wrong.

He searched again, and 10,000 alpacas floated by in his heart.

313.6 seconds!

Exactly one second more than the number I just saw.


The attribute of intelligence is composed of three factors, namely memory, reasoning ability and language ability. The arithmetic calculations are fast, not necessarily high in intelligence, but there is no doubt that the reasoning ability is higher than that of ordinary people.

In the whole training process, the exaggerated speed of progress also made Zhang Yuan excited.

From a rusty head to a flexible head, it is a trifling night time!

He even had another little guess in his mind: maybe...the speed of learning other subjects is so fast!

There is a faint feeling in my heart, this is a kind of extravagant hope.

Becoming an all-around scientist like Newton is impossible in this age.

There has never been the next Newton or the next Einstein in history. That is because the knowledge system of the entire civilization is already too large for the human brain to carry this knowledge.

No, it is difficult to carry even one ten thousandth of the amount of knowledge!

There have been too many amazing and brilliant figures in history, and these geniuses have established the knowledge system of the entire civilization.

From the first industrial revolution to the present, the entire world has undergone the transformation of Heaven and Earth turning upside down for hundreds of years.

But human Innate's intelligence level has not improved much, and it is still using a very primordial head.

The university taught Calculus 200 years ago, and the university still teaches Calculus today. It is not that science has not progressed, but that the intelligence of an ordinary person is just like this.

So, modern humans are not smarter than people in the 21st century, but they need more knowledge.

If you want to create new knowledge, you must first climb the shoulders of these giants. How difficult is it?

"If you really can..."

Zhang Yuan hopes to find his most interesting point, and then add some useful things to this mountain of knowledge. Great enough.

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