Zhang Yuan glanced at the coffee table and asked: "There is water there, so if you want to drink it, pour it yourself... Your psychological investigation work has also been established since the establishment of the project. It’s been several decades, are there any good results?"

Jin Kangyi saw Zhang Yuan half-paralyzed, and he was also impossible to treat the guests personally, but laughed, got up and poured some boiling water for everyone .

He replied: "Of course there are results. Returnees like you are selected under the most demanding conditions. Both in terms of personal quality and psychological level, they are better than normal people. .Like you this time, you have made great contributions again, which is really amazing."

Zhang Yuan sorry said: "That's not necessarily. The other party has no malice towards us. It's almost the same if you find someone else. It's just that everyone trusted me at that time, and I was the only one who was more proficient in the history of new civilizations, that's all."

Jin Kangyi shook the head: "Anyway, this is a pretty good result! According to our statistics, in the past two decades, more than one hundred returnees of trifling virtual world have been steadily increasing in the value of civilization contribution. The average positive impact per person is about 42 times that of ordinary person. "

Zhang Yuan was shocked. The contribution of civilization here is similar to the algorithm in the virtual world.

42 times the ordinary person is a very exaggerated number, because the society of the new human civilization is still in rapid progress, and most people's influence is positive. It's not the society in the virtual world, most people are negative numbers.

So, in the face of such excellent results, some members of the Science Council believe that the standard can be lowered slightly to allow more talents to return to the real world.

If it has reached a certain standard, there is no need to reincarnate in the virtual space all the time. The new civilization needs more talents to advance the entire civilization. The transcender is to lead people to the frontline, and now is the critical moment of the new human civilization.

"You still need to be cautious in this regard, and the standard cannot be lowered too low." Zhang Yuan tilted his head and said: "Of course, everything is still data, and perceptual judgment is never rational."

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have no strength to straighten his head. Only a few seconds later, the robot nurses around him found out his intentions, and then reached out to help him.

"Okay, let's get started right away." Seeing that Zhang Yuan was a little tired, Jin Kangyi quickly said: "In fact, it's nothing, just a few words."

Immediately afterwards, a girl sat in front of Zhang Yuan, "Do you think the morning is the best in the day?"

"I don’t feel that way...but I was in a great mood the past few days Okay, all day long." Zhang Yuan replied: "I think I will be able to move in a few days, and my mood will be better."

"Is it the same as before when I was in close contact with the opposite sex? Feeling happy?"

Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "It’s always been a pleasure to be in contact with two elder sisters, but it’s family affection, not other emotions."

"This I’ve been lying in bed for a while and haven’t had close contact with other people of the opposite sex for the time being. I think it’s very pleasant to have contact with the artificial intelligence Sigma. It even helped me. If I can be in contact for a longer period of time, I will be able to get more out of it. There’s so much information... Hey, it’s a pity."

"The series of artificial intelligence of the Gaia faction are very interesting. Every time we encounter one, it is our opportunity."

These doctors looked at each other in blank dismay, showing a slightly funny expression. In the past few hours, they have learned about the content of the meeting just now.

The girl who asked the question couldn’t help laughing: "You are too humorous."

"You have encountered some old acquaintances recently. Are you more enthusiastic about How about getting along with old friends? Old friends from the last life, such as Mr. Zhao Qingfeng."

This is a novel question.

"That's not true. I am very happy to meet an old friend. Looking back on the past, I always feel very embarrassed. We have grown from a weak point to the present, and each step is not easy. But I also like it. Get along with new friends. People’s psychological and emotional levels will fluctuate with physical health on a large scale. When the body is young, people will also be young, and when the body is old, people will also grow old. You will know this when you experience it a few times. It’s a feeling."

Zhang Yuan recalled the many like-minded friends he had met in the virtual world. He couldn’t help but sighed: "...If you don’t make new friends, you will always be just old people. Impossible forever to regain youth, if you are addicted to the glorious past, there is no way to stand out from the virtual world."

These boys and girls could not help but be nodded.

Every citizen of the new human civilization will eventually enter the virtual world for assessment. Even if they are still very young, they rarely think about this issue, but as psychological counselors in the "transcender project", they have seen many weird special cases, and they will always have some different ideas.

In particular, Zhang Yuan, the "600 million civilization contribution" Divine Grade character, is a legendary existence in many virtual worlds.

Don't look at everyone's "ages" being the same. In fact, the gap has widened. People who really know Zhang Yuan's identity can't help but feel a little bit of fear. It's good to learn more from him.

At this time, another girl asked: "I have a digression I want to ask you. When you upload your consciousness, will you feel lonely and scared when you go to another river system? In the vast but infinite starry sky, facing an unknown civilization, I don’t know if the other party is kind or malicious. If it were me, I would definitely be frightened."

This question is what everyone wants to know.

Almost every new human citizen has stepped out of his mothership and faced the boundless space.

When you see the vast Star River, the infinite stars, compare the satellites, spaceships, and motherships realized by human civilization after thousands of years of hard work. This is simply not worth mentioning. The great journey of thousands of years is great enough for mankind, but compared to the universe, it is like a dime compared to nine cows.

Especially the first time out of the mothership, many children will directly cry.

Uploading consciousness to the distant Andromeda galaxy, clansman is a million light-years away, just think about it, it’s a matter of sending cold shivers down one's spine.

Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "Of course there is panic. This is the instinctive response of human beings to the unknown. For this reason, I also turned to the artificial intelligence that seems to have self-awareness to conceal myself. "As for loneliness..." He paused, sighing: "The loneliness caused by the empty space of deep space does exist, but it is not the ultimate loneliness. Because I carry To come to the fairy galaxy, someone must stand here. There are countless companions waiting for me in the distance, even if they are separated by a million light years, is this loneliness? Not alone."

"The ultimate loneliness It’s walking on the street, people coming, people going, it’s so lively, you can hear other people talking everywhere. However, you know deeply that in this World, there are no companions and no friends who can make heart-to-heart. Yours The ideal is always impossible to complete, and can only fall here forever."

"That is, the real loneliness......"


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