After listening to the conjectures of scientists everyone talking at once, Mr. Captain frowns said nothing.

He is still in a state of faint daze, almost the same as Zhang Yuan's original thoughts. If the future of mankind is destined and has been written into a certain cosmic function, then what is the need for people to struggle?

This idea is not only him, but also most of the people sitting. This is a topic that cannot be bypassed.

"Everyone can think so," Zhang Yuan replied: "The Gaia faction did not find the final functional solution of the entire universe, but only found some similar solutions. In theory, it should be the same as our actual situation. There are some subtle differences."

"They even think that the real function solution cannot be found. Because the process of'searching', this action, is enough to change the cosmic function. Everyone. May as well compare the image we just saw with the real surveillance video, and see if there are some subtle differences."

A staff member quickly debugged the meeting minutes, and everyone started staring. , Compare two different pictures.

Everyone just needs to stare at the picture of "self".

Sure enough, there are some subtle differences!

For example, a person’s eyes blinked a few more times within a few seconds; some people’s reaction was a little slower. If you don’t compare them carefully, you really can’t see it.

After a little difference, all talents are unfathomable mystery sighed in relief.

"So, we still have to rely on ourselves in the future."

"Before the number is actually calculated, no one knows what it is, it becomes semi-determined. Semi-uncertain number. Schrodinger's number?"

"I remembered some so-called parallel universe theory..." A physicist suddenly said: "Maybe we spied another parallel universe? A parallel universe similar to ours!"

After relieving from the deep shock, the whole Conference Hall immediately became lively.

"haha, it is possible! In another parallel universe, another human civilization is spying on us as well! Maybe, the pictures they observe are exactly the same as our behavior."

This World is too strange, with too many unsolved mysteries. In fact, the driving force of scientific research is not for the strength of the entire civilization, nor for personal honor or job duties, but from the curiosity of human beings deep in one's heart!

Curiosity is the strongest driving force of science!

"Can high-level civilizations be able to spy on our future without limits?" Everyone quarreled over this issue and couldn't tell a reason.

Listening to everyone’s discussion, Zhang Yuan waved his hand with difficulty and signaled everyone to be quiet. "Everyone, please listen to me. In theory, there is no way for high-level civilization to fully spy on our future. Because What they found were only similar solutions, the more inaccurate they got behind, the more inaccurate they got behind, and they couldn’t catch up with time by simply relying on traditional calculations to spy on the future."

"A special algorithm is needed, even if we Calculating π is the same..."

There are many different ways to calculate π. The most common method is to calculate it from beginning to end, 3.1415926..., counting down one by one.

But there are also other algorithms that can skip the previous series and calculate exactly one of them.

For example, the 193304th digit of π has a series of "999999". Using this special algorithm, you can skip a large amount of content at the front, and directly direct the precise number of a certain digit without knowing the previous content.

Of course, such calculations also need to pay additional costs, such as high complexity, calculation of each number requires independent calculations and so on.

"Even, many civilizations of the Gaia faction believe that they are impossible to find the characteristic function of the universe. Once they find it, the universe is likely to be pushed back to the past, creating a new Universe Great Explosion!"

"How to explain the logic in it... I just said, first of all, the action of'finding' is also provided by the universe. No matter how powerful the Gaia faction is, it does not escape the limitations of the universe. Secondly, If the universe is really this series of functions, you discover it, and equivalent to recalculate it, then the world will start all over again, so it will be Universe Great Explosion."

This statement is very confusing. But everyone understood.

"So, once the Gaia faction finds this function, or a very similar function, it may give up...probably so."

"Just know the idea It's correct, and it's over."

The rest of the people stayed in their seats for a long time, all kinds of desires to discuss, just don't know where to start.

In fact, these contents are too far away for human beings. Whether the universe is a mass point or its trajectory runs along a certain function, it is simply magical content for humans. , Even snooping into a corner is enough to make people feel shocked.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while and continued: "even more how, there are some high-level civilizations in the universe, and they don’t recognize the doctrines of the Gaia faction."

"So, It’s not necessarily true that this cosmological conception must be correct. It’s probably in this group of extremely smart guys, where they are thinking and disturbing themselves."

After a while, a hair grey- The white old man suddenly sighed: "I really want to know how other advanced civilizations think about this universe!"

The most important thing is to keep your feet on the ground and develop yourself!

a frog in well, there is no way to know the vastness of deep space. The only way is to use all your strength to jump out of this deep well to have the possibility to observe and think.

When talking about the speed of light thinking of Level 6 civilization, everyone also said it was effective, and the atmosphere gradually became warm.

Think about it with your toes and know how far the civilization of thinking at the speed of light differs from mankind.

"...Compared with the evolution of stars and the collisions between meteorites, what else in the world is more complicated than the evolution of civilization?"

"Our new The history of civilization predicts the evolution of civilization...haha, it’s an amazing subject!"

"The extreme low-level interstellar civilization can do is also good... I must praise our senior, praise Kaishan Ancestor Master Professor Qi Yuanshan. Of course, our work is also very important. Haha!"

Several hair grey-white professors of history of new civilizations even cheekily talk to each other in business. Congratulations to me, I congratulate you, you lift me, I lift you.

Even Zhang Yuan blushed a bit, and he seemed to be great.

But everyone knows this is a joke.

Predictive mathematics!

Compared with the disciplines of the Gaia faction, the crystallization of human wisdom has become a small branch of other people's disciplines. From my heart, it must be uncomfortable.

"Hey, there is no need to be frustrated." Mr. Captain smiled and shook the head: "At least, this small branch was not discovered by the Hicks civilization, right? That's why the other party will We exchange knowledge."

Yes, the exchange between humans and the Hicks civilization is the exchange of knowledge. This part of knowledge cannot be applied in practice, but it has broadened the horizons of mankind.

This intangible benefit is difficult to measure with numbers.

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