Spaceship shuttles at high speed in the trading market. It is estimated that it will take a month to reach the human base. In his spare time, Zhao Qingfeng often talks to him about the results he has gained from the trading market these days.

"We sold our own history and culture to the Hicks civilization, and got nearly 300 amoeba points in total. Equivalent to is an unprecedented huge sum of money, and you can buy quite a lot Something..."

"Scientists are arguing about this, mainly focusing on subatomic technology, gene editing, and human lifespan. In total, 300 points are simply not enough."

"Hey, the mystery of curvature technology is hidden in the subatomic sciences. We are missing a lot."

Curvature technology!

Zhang Yuan's eyes widened, The voice of "Uluru" came out from his throat.

The secret of curvature technology lies in...

"Uluru"! ! !

Zhao Qingfeng ignored the "Uluru" sound in his throat and continued to play said with a smile: "Didn't you ask for something from Hicks civilization? What a pity, great The beggar didn’t beg for anything this time, it’s really not your personal style...Any bit of super technology is good!"

Zhang Yuan couldn’t help rolling the eyes, and “Uluru” came out from his throat. "The voice.


Could it be...I, Zhang Yuan, the kind of shameless character?

It's not that I don't want to beg, it's true...

There is no chance to beg!

Zhang Yuan feels that in the face of that kind of super wisdom, all thoughts are likely to be transparent.

He has already gotten the clues of curvature technology, and he has also felt the strong artificial intelligence model and various perceptions. This kind of benefit is enough for the entire civilization. No matter how greedy you are, you will only be disgusted by the other party.

After all, the other party said that a civilization without wind and rain has no great future, so this Abel-ring impossible is as easy to negotiate as those cute and stupid artificial intelligences.

Hicks civilization has no obligation to support mankind, just because the other party learned the content of the new civilization history? This logic is very far-fetched, because it can be said to be an equal academic exchange. Humans have also learned a small part of predictive mathematics. From a certain point of view, humans may have made hundreds of millions of times more than...

Lao Zhao has switched to the next topic, "Oh... The ring-solar accelerator is quite attractive to us. After consulting with other civilizations, we have obtained some free experimental data. But we suspect that the energy level of the ring-solar accelerator is still not enough to discover the mystery of curvature technology. ."

Zhang Yuan blinked his eyes. After consultation, did he get a part of the data for free?

This is great, better than nothing.

However, if you think about it carefully, this should be a method for other interstellar civilizations to win over mankind. Such a little data, in fact, can not produce much results, only to attract the attention of human beings, and pay amoeba points for this.

This is a good calculation.

Zhao Qingfeng called up some information from the screen: "...The Circumsolar Accelerator is too delicate, the experiment is extremely difficult, and the failure rate is high. Only one experiment can be done in several decades, and all civilizations are queuing up. , How do you cooperate, how many scientists, how many amoeba points to pay. All kinds of wrangling is too troublesome. If we want to play with this big toy, we will have to line up for hundreds of years."

" Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a very heavy task, and everyone is under a lot of pressure."

Zhang Yuan's throat once again made the voice of "Uluru".

Zhao Qingfeng said with a smile: "You are also interested? You are not an expert in this field, you are definitely not in the turn. You may have to write a few days and nights for the report this time? Have you figured out how to write it yet?"

"By the way...The host of the trading market, Huantai Civilization, is very curious about our new civilization history. They want to pay for this subject, do you think How many amoeba points can be sold? Haha, in fact, this subject is of little use to their race, but it is still inappropriate if you don’t blackmail a sum."

Nothing too much. Useful? Zhang Yuan disagrees with this statement. At least, New Civilization History is a small branch of predictive mathematics.

He has seen how powerful the mathematics of prediction is.

If you let him see second time, even if he is mentally prepared, he will still be scared to death.

Do other Level 4 civilizations want to know this knowledge? Of course they wanted it, even if they knew just a few words.

A diplomat nearby heard Zhao Qingfeng’s talk, said with a smile: "If you really want to sell, you must sell it thoroughly. We can also sell to the rest of Level 4 civilization. Anyway, a gimmick. It is "a subject that makes Hicks civilization feel novel", let them pay a higher price, or exchange for some Level 4 civilization technology."

"But they are definitely not willing to exchange curvature technology for it. New civilization history, this is the core of Level 4 civilization! I guess it can only get a little bit of the basic technology of Level 4 civilization, such as nanorobots, molecular dynamics, and life extension technology, which are all good."

"Especially with life extension technology, the cultivation of longevity species is not only a transcender assessment. In reality, human lifespan should also grow slowly to slowly adapt to the ideology of longevity species."

Zhang Yuan agrees very much, lying on the bed quietly without making a "Uluru" sound.

To sell a new civilization history to a different civilization, whether it is to obtain technology or points, it is a good business. Talking about the bright future of the future, almost all the sober people were interested, and everyone talking at once began to discuss.

"Let me tell you about these contents, the key scientific research contents of Level 4 civilization, nanorobots, molecular dynamics, the core contents of which are...hydrocarbon functionalization."

"We have not made progress in this area for a long time. The result is equivalent to the "1+2" ​​proved by Mr. Chen Jingrun, and the functionalization of hydrocarbons is the ultimate "1+1". If the route is completely opened up, humans will It can really be announced that, at least for organic matter, we can manipulate atoms."

"Then imagine, this will have such a result? Synthetic drugs and other things are all in pediatrics. The key is, Human beings are also made of organic matter!"

"Our main direction now is bionics. There is not much gene editing content. A little gene editing content has already caused a great shock to the academic community. If we really It can handle the atomic-level reactions of all kinds of organic matter at will, so it’s not going to shake the sky?"

"Of course, this is just the beginning. After all, the human body is very complicated. After all, the reaction conditions have to be considered, but this prospect Just think about it, it’s already very exciting or scary. Maybe everyone can live for one to two thousand years in the future! We are not an Innate long-lived species."

"...Of course, better than From this, the most important thing in Level 4 civilization is curvature technology. Only having curvature technology means real security and possession of the entire galaxy!"

"We don’t need to rush for success. Everything. Everything is impossible to complete within a generation, especially the curvature technique. Hey, it's too difficult."

Zhang Yuan's blue veins jumped on his forehead, and he made a "Uluru" sound... …


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