Zhang Yuan is actually a very good at politics, but these diplomats have enough abilities. Apart from occasionally making suggestions, he doesn't point out too much.

The politics of this trading market are simpler than those of some virtual worlds. After all, each interstellar civilization is independent. Except for science and technology trade, cultural exchanges and commercial trade between each other are almost zero. If they are not pleasing to each other, then there is no exchange.

Like some virtual worlds, the trade and exchanges between countries are inseparable and integrated with each other. That kind of political struggle is truly complicated. People spend most of their strength and wisdom. Fighting...

In this way, one month passed again. After the embassy was established on a planet with suitable gravity, people communicated with the fleet behind. The first batch of scientists have already begun to try. Went to various exchange meetings.

This is the case for the exchange of civilization and civilization. Where there is a friendship that is really difficult to cut off, it’s okay to stay together for warmth, but when it comes to interests, you will immediately quarrel, but in the next second, you will have to be thick again. His face regrouped for warmth.


In addition to these foreign affairs, people have also obtained some information about the Hicks civilization, the Level 6 civilization remaining in the trading market. The trade application with the Hicks civilization has been submitted, and it is still in line.

Before it is the turn of humans, it is always good to inquire more about the news.

The Gaia faction is a rather mysterious faction in the universe. Since the lowest entry threshold is Level 6 civilization, no one knows what these ancient civilizations are studying. Their behavioral philosophy is unknown, and from the perspective of external performance, they have a certain degree of goodwill towards relatively weak civilizations.

As a member of the Gaia faction, the Hicks civilization communicates with the trading market through ultra-light communication means.

"This civilization likes to buy the history, culture, and art of different civilizations, and will pay a lot of money for it. In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is no artwork. As long as you sell your own history, you will get A large amount of amoeba points...The more tortuous the whole historical process, the better, and the more story-telling the better."

"What is this? For the new interstellar civilization, are newbies rewarded? Pen income."

While walking, Zhang Yuan said with a little puzzlement: "Moreover, how do they distinguish the authenticity of the artwork?"

Zhao Qingfeng replied : "I don't know, it's weird to think about it. However, most of the interstellar civilizations here have sold their own history and culture..."

They and these scientists have landed on a planetary fortress with suitable gravity. , Lived here for nearly a month, most of the time spent investigating part of the structure of the planetary fortress.

A planetary fortress is too big, and only less than one-thousandth of a place has been surveyed in a month.

The investigation at this time, of course, also requires money, not too expensive, 5 amoeba points, for poor humans, is a lot of expense.

Zhang Yuan shook the head and couldn’t help but vomit: “This Huantai civilization really has the true legend of capitalism. A little bit better service will have to be paid... I guess, this planetary fortress is a comparison of ages. For the ancient one, the internal mechanical structure of the star can be used for reference, but the weapon structure above is very outdated. It may be built by the Huantai civilization during the Level 3 civilization, and it is difficult to completely improve it. "

"This planet may be dealt with on auction. The entire market is about to relocate, and the ones that should be eliminated have to be eliminated directly."

Everyone discusses here, With a wry smile, mankind is absolutely impossible to afford such a battlestar... this kind of opportunity can only be missed.

The mountains and the sea on the surface of this planet have long since disappeared, and the plains are endless. Not far away, about one hundred thousand meters away, there is a giant war fortress, 300 meters high and the size of a small hill, which can accelerate the speed of a projectile-sized electromagnetic gun to sublight speed.

Farther away, there is an obelisk-like device with a total height of 30 kilometers. It should be a so-called curvature generator.

Only in the sac cavity 100 kilometers below the planet's surface is the artificially constructed sea, which reserves a large amount of water resources, metals and various mechanical devices. There is also an atmospheric environment that can accommodate life, and the residence inside has been rented out by a race named "Asman".

In short, everything, if you have to use human words to describe it: huge. The inner space of this planetary fortress was jointly dug out by seven different civilizations who spent 3000 years. More than half of the entire planet was hollowed out. After the development of this planet, several civilizations accumulated a lot of experience and chose to return to their home galaxy to develop their own planetary fortress.

This is also the benefit of cooperation between civilizations. Even if you work for others, it is not for nothing.

It is said that this is only a medium-sized, old battlestar. Standing here, facing the endless emptiness, people still feel a faint sense of depression, as if facing the oppression of the universe. .

This is not the War Star of human beings after all.

The car was driving forward at high speed. Zhang Yuan controlled the electronic instrument in his hand to record everything he saw...these all are what is allowed in the transaction.

At the end of the discussion, many scientists began to lament the poverty of their families. Being backward is not backward. In Level 3 civilization, it is considered to be medium-to-higher, especially after the invention of the auxiliary brain. Smart species too. But it is indeed poor! The background is too bad!

"By the way, are we really going to sell our history? It feels weird...will it cause security problems?" Zhao Qingfeng touched his chin and said with a little doubt: "We don't know why the Hicks civilization collects the history of various civilizations, do they also have a new civilization history? How about we directly sell this subject to them?"

Zhang Yuan said with a bitter smile: "I don't know whether our history should be sold, or part of it... What will we think about the scientific agenda?"

"It is still under discussion, the quarrel is very fierce...Anyway, it's final. Can you tell the winner, what’s your opinion?"

"In the face of the unknown, you still have to maintain enough awe."

"You mean, don’t sell?"

"No, we must sell thoroughly. In fact, we have already made a deal with the Gaia faction...that is, the artificial intelligence Yita in the high-dimensional prison." Zhang Yuan said with a smile. "Selling these cultural history, will we lose what we already have? No, at most, let the higher-order civilization know that a human civilization has been born in the Milky Way and the solar system, and it is developing well."

"If the other party holds good intentions, it's actually nothing. By the way, you can also climb friendships; if the other party holds malicious intentions, can we protect ourselves well if we don't trade?"

"Weak...It's a cruel thing." Foreign Minister Chen Mu said these words calmly without changing his expression.

Whether it's a deadly friendship, begging, or whatever, human beings have very few choices.


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