After listening to Zhang Yuan’s whimsy, John exclaimed in excitement, “Quark energy? The beauty you want! But this kind of possible science fiction is indeed very beautiful. Now..."

The people in the surrounding cafes all looked over curiously, so that John quickly suppressed his excitement, and his voice gradually became quieter.

They talked enthusiastically about the humanistic changes, technological changes, and difficulties encountered in the new civilization, and then recalled the past.

John used to be a pessimistic scientist, but now he is benefiting from new technology, he is completely obsessed with massive knowledge, and he is full of expectations for the future.

There are more and more technologies that can be realized, including nano-robots, artificial cells and other highly complex things, which have been stuck for a long time in the past, and now they can continue to move forward. In the future trading market, mankind should also be able to harvest a lot of new knowledge and be able to peacefully access more powerful civilizations.

John has shifted the topic from the technical level to other directions. He recalled his experience in the virtual world and told a few short stories. He couldn’t help but sigh: “The reason why we feel it’s beautiful , Because the whole society is still advancing, and there are all kinds of novel things to explore and look forward to the future."

"If we don’t make progress, human beings will always fall into the vicious circle of internal games. No matter what, it will be bad."

"Yes", Zhang Yuan feels the same, "A world that is immutable, there will always be that many loopholes that can be exploited... …I’ve been thinking, what we’re after, is it constant change?"

"Like the heat death of the universe, once in a heat death state, all atoms are uniformly distributed, any It may be gone.

"What we seek is to avoid this state of eternal stagnation... eternal change? "

John was silent for a while, "You are right, and I hate that kind of long-term change." A dead civilization naturally death ends all one's troubles, but a living civilization is also immutable, which is really unbearable. Sometimes, it is better to be alive than to die. "

Everyone has their own different experiences in the virtual world.

However, it is difficult for people who do not have the ability to think on their own to return to the real world.

John is undoubtedly one of the well-known figures.

“So, as described in the history of new civilizations, our first goal is to pursue eternal progress, and the second The goal is survival, and eternal progress is always the first goal! "

"Whoever hinders this progress is our enemy. "

This should be the common philosophy of all transcenders.

After a while of silence, Zhang Yuan asked again: "Have you encountered other old acquaintances?" If so, I can chat together, he he coffee. Although it feels good to be with youngster, there are many things, and there is always a little generation gap with them. "

"I didn't look for it deliberately. I probably saw seven or eight. The return of the entire transcender has not yet officially started. We are the first batch of returnees. We are experimenters. The number will not exceed a hundred people. Don't expect too much. "

John shook the head: "Moreover, it's been so long. I don't know if they return to this World, or if they are not the people they knew before, hey, The high probability is to find disappointment for yourself. Maybe they will return after the restrictions are released, or maybe they won't. "

"When I saw you today, I couldn't help but ran over to greet him. I felt very happy... and there is no need to find a psychological burden for myself. "

Zhang Yuan is lightly sighed.

Yes, it’s been so many years. After that many reincarnations, every aging and death will witness the departure of relatives and friends. .

I have experienced more time and time again, and I will gradually see this.

What is the most important thing for a person to live in this World?

It’s me!

Except for yourself, no one can accompany you to the end.

Every reincarnation, there are new relatives and friends, a new life, if you indulge in Missing an old friend and indulging in the past, then personal eternal life will be a kind of pain.

This person will be lost in the virtual world and will no longer be able to return to reality.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan smiled: "Then, for our new life, cheers! "

"Cheers! "

With a bang, the two gently touched the cups, Zhang Yuan took a sip and played said with a smile, "The air is full of philosophy. "

"haha, we are all philosophers, but if a society is all philosophers, nothing can be done! "John said: "The society needs more doers!" "

"Doers! "

After the party was over, Zhang Yuan took a little bit of thought and returned home.

Turning on the computer habitually, he found that the mailbox was full of scientific research documents. The colleagues in the group , Is already enthusiastically discussing the next improvement plan. There are also some letters, which are questions asked by researchers from other institutes. Zhang Yuan settled down and responded patiently.

It was not until eleven o’clock in the evening that all the documents were replied and I read the book for a while.

Recently, he inexplicably fell in love with the one written by the writer Marquez thousands of years ago. The novel "A Hundred Years of Solitude".

The whole book describes the changes in Latin America in the 20th century through a family. People are always lonely, and it is difficult to disperse them in an effective way. The power of the united. A person with ideals and burdens is often assimilated by the whole society, just like the fact that Latin America did not rise in the end, the transformation of a society is really too complicated.

There is such a sentence: "You hate those people so much, fight with them for so long, but finally become like them, Human World has no ideals worthy of such a sinking price. "

Everyone who has complex abilities but chose simplicity knows the weight of this sentence.

This is also his normal day...

That’s it. Year after year has passed, the time to the interstellar trading market is slowly approaching, and the speed of the entire fleet is gradually slowing down.

Zhang Yuan got his wish because of his outstanding performance. Joined the interstellar diplomat's queue, but his usual work is still the same, and there is not much change, except for occasional personal quality training for diplomats...

You can know through news reports. , The entire fleet has received communications from the outer spaceship of Huantai Civilization.

Simple contact with each other has begun.

It is estimated that in three years, the two main motherships They will stay in the outermost void of the trading market, and then their diplomatic representatives will take some small spaceships to the exchange.

After all, it’s a civilized and civilized transaction. Impossible is like buying vegetables in a vegetable market. All members are dispatched, the overwhelming majority population will be in the mothership. It is enough to send some elite representatives.

"There are still three years..." Zhang Yuan took a deep breath, looking forward to that day. Coming.

When a great journey finally comes to an end, I don’t know what human beings can gain in the end...

Occasionally, one day, I meet an old friend, Looking at each other with a smile, drinking and talking, can be regarded as a little surprise in life.

As John said, Zhang Yuan is an earlier type of returning to the real world. He has only experienced 5 virtual worlds. The reincarnation in the world was kicked out by the artificial intelligence "Sita".

And 5 reincarnations are the minimum standard line. If someone has more than one reincarnation than him, he may be distracted from fifty in the real world. -sixty years or even a hundred years.

The entire new human civilization society has not yet prepared a large number of transcenders to return, so after so many years, Lin Xuanxuan, Li Zhendong, and Yamamoto Ichiro have not been found, Zhang Yuan didn't care too much. They may still be in the virtual world, insisting on their ideals and beliefs, of course, it may be even worse... These can't force anything, they can only rely on themselves.

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