In the following time, Zhang Yuan was completely bankrupt. There was no nobleman, and he could afford two failed ocean voyages. He became a desolate nobleman among people who talked about money after dinner. However, he quickly recovered and began to slowly develop technology and make some small inventions.

The younger sister is indeed a biological younger sister and is willing to support Zhang Yuan's daily life. The original property division was indeed wise. For Anna, as long as her big brother settles down, everything else is nothing.

For Zhang Yuan's talent, a little invention can make life better. For example, the principle of the air conditioner is not complicated. The low-pressure vapor of the refrigerant in the refrigeration system is sucked in by the compressor and compressed into high-pressure vapor before being discharged to the Condenser. Simply put, the indoor air does work to the outside.

Electricity is followed closely. As a Level 2 energy source, electrical energy is more applicable than steam.

People in this era are too poor, and it is almost impossible to spread electricity on a large scale. However, among the wealthy aristocratic groups, it is possible to use electricity.

And the most consumer-driven, of course, are these nobles. Doing civilian business is far inferior to doing aristocratic business. The key is that they should be attracted to it!

Soon, air-conditioning became popular again, and a large group of business people came to the door.

This is the case with capitalists. When you are down, they hit a person when he's down. They hate to bite a piece of meat. When you show great value, they want to hug this thick thigh.

Zhang Yuan has long been surprised about this...

In addition to technology, his more attention is still focused on the new continent. Yes, without a new continent, humans will still be ruined. Such a slapped living place, no matter how sloppy, is impossible.

New continent, new continent must be required.

Now that the North and South poles have been explored, there is a larger unknown area waiting for him.

That's the back of the planet!

A more distant trip.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief in deep summer and began to organize the data collected during the previous two voyages.

The original method of finding a needle in a haystack is not desirable. Terrifying with a low success rate. In this era, satellites are launched again. There is no computer, no rare earths, and no chips. Even if it takes a lifetime, it’s impossible. Launch a satellite. So he has to adopt another method...

On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the technology to make higher-speed ships, on the other hand, it is necessary to use a more scientific method to predict whether there is a continent on the back of the planet. .

The first two ultra-long voyages made him mentally and physically exhausted. After all, Zhang Yuan is a body of flesh and blood, after all, a ship is just a ship, and staying on it for a long time will also feel tired. You must take a good rest for a while, cultivate your energy, and be fully prepared.

In this way, twelve years passed in a hurry...

Some small thermal power plants appeared in this world.

Because there is no oil, the internal combustion engine has not appeared for a long time, and the whole society has not changed too much. The emergence of power stations provides a good guarantee for new types of electrical furniture.

A series of electric furniture inventions, such as air conditioners, kettles, and electric lights, have become the first choice of rich people's furniture, especially in some hot cities, air conditioners are completely miraculous existence!

Of course, ordinary ordinary people can't afford this stuff, they can't even eat enough, so air conditioning can at best be regarded as improving the lives of the rich, rather than making this World a qualitative change.

The emergence of power stations involves much more, including electrical operating procedures, transformers, and power control. Zhang Yuan has guided the entire world hand in hand and entered the electrical age, which has greatly exceeded He got the category of "cheat".

But without an internal combustion engine, it is a headache. Without oil, there would be no internal combustion engine. He once wanted to use animal and vegetable oils instead of gasoline, but the biggest problem was that the food in this World was quite scarce, and it was simply impossible to use food to make fuel.

Even if such an internal combustion engine is built, it is impossible to promote it on a large scale due to cost issues.

Without internal combustion engines, ships and trains can still only use steam power.

The entire technology tree is inevitably tilted in the direction of steampunk. Such a technology tree obviously has a relatively low upper bound, and it is difficult to solve the current dilemma.

"We still have to open up the frontiers, we must open up the frontiers!"

In 12 years, Zhang Yuan has perfected some theories about plate tectonics and ocean currents. .

The first two voyages were not without gain. The sailors measured the depth changes of the ocean along the way and accumulated a lot of data. Including these years, navigators in the new era have continued to explore, and the surveying of nautical charts has become more and more perfect.

"...Everyone, the reason for the formation of a large continuous continent is largely due to the collision between the crustal plates...Oh, yes, in my hypothesis, the plates, Just like the egg shell on the egg, there is only a thin layer."

"The land is formed by the squeezing and collision between the plates. It is like two slices of bread, squeezed against each other, in the middle It will be raised."

Zhang Yuan is speaking on stage, and there are many professionals and students from the university sitting underneath.

"According to the measurement data, the areas where the plates collide with each other are mostly shallow sea areas. Even if there is no continent, there will be more frequent volcanoes. Erupting volcanic eruptions may form relatively small islands."

"Such islands are not useless to us, they may have more abundant mineral resources. For example, Para Island is famous for producing all kinds of sulfur and gems."

"If you follow this approach to plate science, it will undoubtedly be much easier to predict the existence of continent. You see, some of the islands we have discovered in the past are actually the result of plate collision... I will connect this island into The line becomes a plate..."

This "plate theory" paper by Zhang Yuan soon caused a sensation among many geologists!

This earl is a very controversial figure in Boulder City. Many aristocrats who are down and down, see Zhang Yuan constantly ruining his family and making money easily, always feel like eating lemons in his heart. There are many people chewing their tongues behind their backs.

However, Zhang Yuan's reputation in the academic circle is quite good. After all, the academic circle is mostly "result worship", as long as you are good enough and others can't catch up, they will worship you. Zhang Yuan is also the sponsor of many scientists. Without his sponsorship, many projects simply don't have enough funds to research.

This paper is not a copy of the doctrines of previous lives, but is a fact, combined with a series of geographic data of this World, to infer the direction of the plate.

Finally, Zhang Yuan announced loudly: "According to the final conclusion of the paper, there is likely to be a new continent hidden on the back of the planet. A continent full of light!"

Yes, the back!

Many people in New Teton University exclaimed. Although Zhang Yuan had two failed voyages, he can be regarded as the farthest person on the planet.

Except for at first's frigid irony and scorching satire, which is a bit exuberant, the voices behind are actually praised.

"Lord Earl, are you going to start a new journey again?" a young reporter shouted with a flushed face.

Many people cheered for this.

"Yes! I have this plan!"

Of course, the biggest point is because he has status and money. After two squanderings, he did not go bankrupt. On the contrary, he became richer, even enough for him to squander the third and the fourth time. If he falls because of this, there will definitely be more criticisms.

One of the professors questioned slightly inconceivably: "Your Excellency Earl, you speculate that there is a continent on the back of the planet. Let alone its authenticity... If the climate is too hot or too cold, It will not be of much use. Especially the light zone, if it is not the north and south poles, it tends to be very hot, just like our light zone city."

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