this World, the sky is dark, and a few dark crows are crying "gu gu" from the horizon.

The sun will never rise from the east, here is the eternal night, there is only a starry sky, emitting dim rays of light above the head.

In order to adapt to the low-light environment, everyone's eyes are larger than the real world, especially the girl, just like the characters in the anime world, the eyes are big and beautiful. The main reason is that the larger the pupil, the more sensitive the perception of light.

"In the steam age, there is no daylight, a strange world..." Zhang Yuan spit out one mouthful of impure air in his chest.

He has lived here quietly for 18 years. At first, just like the previous world, he had a certain tendency to autism. However, this condition has completely improved with the awakening of self-awareness.

lifts the head Looking at the stars in the distance, he easily recognized the so-called "Polaris".

The starry sky here is completely different from that on Earth. "Polaris" is just a similar term in astronomy and is commonly used in navigation.

This World still has no abilities or magic. What he calls "cheat" is a very good noble origin, a strong body, and some blueprints about the mechanical design of the steam age.

Well, in addition to a good background, this kind of "cheat" is really better than nothing. Zhang Yuan even feels that the various knowledge in his mind is much more effective than any mechanical blueprint.

He turned his head and looked at the meniscus directly above. The shadow of the moon was actually because the sun was blocked by Earth itself.

"That is to say, this planet is still a sphere, so the shadow of the moon is an arc shape."

Because there is no sunlight, this piece of land can The number of people to feed is not large. Based on the information currently known, the entire world and several continents add up to only 100 million people.

The vast majority of people do not live well.

There is a small Earth instrument on the table, which was made by Zhang Yuan based on local nautical images, half dark and half bright. Due to the harsh environment of the planet itself, the area that humans have explored is only about one-tenth.

"There is no day in this place, only night, so there is only one possibility...This planet has been locked by the tide of the central star, so one side of the morning sun is always daytime, and the other side is always Night. We humans live at night."

Tide lock is a very common phenomenon in astronomy. For example, the moon always faces Earth with the same side. The time for a tide-locked celestial body to rotate around its own axis is equivalent to the revolution period.

So, this planet is actually illuminated, and at least half of the area is illuminated.

So, why don't human beings live in the light zone of planet?

The reason is that the planet is too close to the central star, and the illuminated side is extremely hot. Humans cannot survive the high temperature in the light zone, but can only live on the dark side where the temperature is relatively suitable. ……

“It’s a tragic world!”

However, according to the logical point of view of the physical rules, there is bound to be no lack of such a tragic civilization in the universe...Even if it is only a Virtual world.

Zhang Yuan is thinking, what can this civilization change with his arrival...

For him, it is already a habitual thinking.

"Lord Earl, you should prepare for the ball held by Duke Warta...The time has come." The old deacon interrupted Zhang Yuan's thoughts and made a unique aristocratic etiquette.

"Okay, thank you for your reminder." Zhang Yuan nodded, under the service of the servant, put on a dress and leather shoes, and then quickly boarded a steam locomotive.

In this World, due to his good reincarnation, he has the status of "Earl". His cheap father died a year ago because of a shipwreck, and then the queen granted the hereditary title to Zhang Yuan... This should be regarded as part of the "cheat", which allows him to live without effort. Very rich life.

The engine "suddenly" emitted smoke, and the steam locomotive started, but it did not tremble as expected, indicating that the steam car here has been improved for many generations.

This is Boulder City, the most eastern city of continent. The temperature is about 24-26 degrees Celsius throughout the year, which is very suitable for human habitation-the only drawback is that there is no sunlight.

The warm ocean currents from the western sunbelt bring continuous fish and algae, which are also food sources for urban residents.

Starting from Boulder City, the further west you go, the closer to the light, and the hotter the weather.

Five hundred kilometers west, is the junction of light and darkness-the dusk zone of this planet. In the twilight zone, the temperature has reached as high as 40 degrees Celsius. Humans settle in this area and can barely survive, but they are quite uncomfortable. But many animals and plants can live very happily.

No matter how unsuitable for survival in the dusk zone, with sunlight, it can naturally grow all kinds of plants, so it has become a very important plant production base on the west of continent.

Some people who are not very wealthy, as well as all kinds of slaves, endure the high temperature, and live in the dusk zone. Zhang Yuan’s family also has a small territory in that area. Of course, he just knew about it, and he hadn't seen it in person.

On the contrary, starting from Boulder City, the more eastward, the weather will get colder.

The continent of this planet is sparse, and the east is an endless ocean, with a year-round temperature of minus 20 degrees. The coldest place can reach minus 100 degrees Celsius, forming a thick layer of ice, which is the so-called forbidden zone for humans.


Humans are too difficult.

Zhang Yuan lightly exhales one breath saying, rubbing my hands and shrugging my nose, I can smell the unique smell of coal burning from a long distance.

Coal, the most precious material in the world without light, it means energy and rays of light.

If there is no coal, there will be no industrial revolution. Without the industrial revolution, human life will be even more miserable. At least for now, 100 million people live on the continent and the islands. It is said that in Far Ancient Era, the whole continent can only live several millions of people.

The steam locomotive runs slowly on the road. The pavement is paved with the scum from burning coal and mixed with asphalt, exuding a faint sulphur smell.

People coming, people going on the street, a gas lamp on the side of the road, bursting with dim rays of light. Many people can't light a gas lamp in their homes. The light source on the street is the only light source for them. Some children are doing homework on the side of the road.

Every household puts some bean sprouts-like plants in front of the door. This kind of negative plant can grow with a little gas lamp light source. For ordinary people, vegetables are precious. Anyway, the light source is provided by the government, so why not do it?

"Rum from the Gar Islands! And the freshest'Antima' ingredients, everything you need!"

"The Portuguese grass just caught, fresh! !"

Many vendors are yelling for business on the street. In this downtown area, food, wine, jewellery, and spices from different islands, everything, constitutes a false, yet The bustling picture scroll.

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