"It's really a weird and persuasive university." After reading the freshman instructions, Zhang Yuan couldn't help hooking the head.

The university here is very loose, there is no one to discipline, and the children of this World have no parents, and everything is responsible for themselves.

In contrast, universities in the Kunlun Mountains society are very strict. If they really drop out because of their laziness, then this student is likely to be hidden by society. Girls in the Kunlun Mountains all worship knowledge, and students who drop out of school inexplicably may not find a target.

Because of academic problems, impossible to find a good job, work involves a series of things such as future social welfare...

But it is undeniable that there are also loose things. The advantage...that is, the sense of happiness is quite high.

There are smart people from all over the country gathered here. Some of them are really pure scholars, just like Zhang Yuan, who can get happiness from studying.

Some people come to the university for various purposes.

For example, Ren Junzhe who is in the same bedroom with him, this guy is from the computer department, looks a bit dull, and wears a big spectacle on the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, you can't not go to college. The knowledge learned in high school is too little to achieve my goals, so I can only go to college."

This There are not many people who have myopia in the age, but in fact, Ren Junzhe is a big talker. In just a few days, he touched the whole school situation and then kept talking in the bedroom.

He lay on the bed, playing games while saying: "...Speaking of the math department next door, there are actually more professors than students. There are 40 professors and only 15 students. In the past few years, There are seventy-eighty ones, but it is getting smaller every year, and this year there are not many students recruited... Professors are like Mr. Chen Runjing, do you know who Chen Runjing is? He was an ancestor a million years ago. Thinking Math problems, the one that can hit the wall!"

"Now professors are proud of hitting the wall accidentally..."

"...a girl from the art department Very beautiful, one by one who can sing and dance, it would be nice to catch one...especially the little elder sister, too beautiful..."

Saliva splash across," said by Ren Junzhe," There is still an aerospace project where no one has signed up for thousands of years. Someone has signed up! I have been looking for it for a long time. It turned out to be you Zhang Yuan! By the way, why do you want to sign up for this broken major? You don’t even have a classmate, although it’s easy. , Even the exams are taken by themselves..."

The space city and space elevators in the past were not included in the self-maintaining robot system, so the entire aerospace project has long been in decline.

Commonly used satellites can be launched, but the spaceship to the moon has long been impossible to get out.

Zhang Yuan lay on the bed, with his head resting on his hands, he replied without a hitch: "I don’t have any special thoughts. I just want to go to the moon and use a rocket to launch a lunar rover. Look at it, it's like this anyway. What about you? Computer professional, planning to get software or hardware?"

"Of course it is software."

Computer hardware from this World It has almost reached its peak, and it is enough to meet people's needs.

"You have to make more money before you can make hardware. But making hardware is too difficult, and there is no need."

"Make money? Money is useless, right?" Zhang Yuan asked casually.

"It's not very useful, it's just a number..." Ren Junzhe said: "In fact, I really want to make a computer game of my own. This is the purpose of my coming to university. However, a person’s energy is simply not enough. A long time ago, when the economy was underdeveloped, the rich could use money to buy in exchange for other people’s labor, but now it’s not possible."

"You must find like-minded people. Partners, can work together... Hey, it's very difficult, so I came to the university to find suitable candidates, and learn more knowledge."

"Your idea is very good... …" Zhang Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

Yes, there is no employment relationship in this World.

If you give money, people don’t want it. People will not work because of the money, but they will feel it is an insult.

So, how to find relevant talents?

Only by interest, how many such aerospace hobbyists are there? This really requires hard work!

This is a big problem.

Ren Junzhe continued: "Of course, besides the human cannot buy, material resources can still be purchased with money... This amount is equivalent to the productivity created by the robot system. If you want to launch a rocket, A monthly subsidy of 100,000 may not be enough...at least a few hundred million in funding, but the relevant talents are hard to find. The tasks that robots can do are also limited."

Zhang Yuan can't help but feel a little distressed, his own rocket launching career seems to be a few steps difficult. With these few steps, the difficulty has reached an unimaginable level. No wonder that many capable people in the past have not been able to launch rockets in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

This kind of feeling is like the whole society is shrouded in a big gentle net, within this big net, people can live happily.

But once you touch the big net, everything will become extremely difficult and jerky.


The days in school passed quickly.

Zhang Yuan often goes to the courses of the next department and tries to find like-minded friends. In his spare time, he will help his roommate Ren Junzhe with a series of programming.

The two of them have agreed that Zhang Yuan will help him and play the game according to his philosophy, but a small amount of krypton content must be added to the game, and all the proceeds go to Zhang Yuan.

In this regard, Ren Junzhe readily agreed. He just wants to make a game of his own in mind completely, and then get everyone's appreciation. It doesn't matter how much money he can make.

With the help of a super great expert like Zhang Yuan, many of the original ideas can be completed, and the game screen can also be made better.

As for the follow-up income, he really doesn't care.

Or, people in this era don't care...Money is just a number. There is no equal relationship between "money and survival" in their minds.

For Zhang Yuan, it’s a compromise. Even if it’s boring to play games, there are still a lot of games in his cheat, but it’s always good to make more friends. .

Moreover, you can get a large amount of start-up capital, so why not do it?

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