As for this major earthquake, humans have not done a similar global experiment, or they are unable to do such an experiment for the time being, so there is no way to deduce the relevant data.

Furthermore, the development of marine resources by the Taipu civilization is still at a very primary level. If marine resources can be truly developed, in theory, the lack of rare earths will be greatly eased.

"Secondly, in addition to a series of changes in marine mineral resources, there is one more point." The geologist on the stage stretched out his second finger: "After the earthquake, due to the Squeezing each other, within 150,000 hours, near the equator of this planet, there appeared the first peak of the world, and a large super plateau with an average altitude of up to 10,000 meters!"

A satellite photo shows that this plateau is located near the equator. Because of the high altitude, there is still a certain amount of snow.

In this high gravity state, such a high altitude plateau appears, in fact, at first has attracted the attention of many geologists. The planet with higher gravity should have a gentler terrain, but the plateau of this planet is higher than Earth, which is simply counterintuitive. But if this plateau is unusually young and was born artificially, then there is a more reasonable explanation.

This plateau area called "Emilia" is located in 6 countries including Austria and Lai. Because the plates are squeezed too violently, small-scale outbreaks will still occur. The earthquake, coupled with the high altitude and low air pressure, is not suitable for the survival of the Taipu people.

Therefore, this plateau is sparsely populated and has become the dividing line of various countries, and has not been really developed.

But according to human eyes...

Zhang Yuan's pupils were slightly enlarged, and an idea suddenly popped out of his mind.

This is exactly...a natural rocket launch base!

There are five conditions to consider for the site selection of the satellite launch center.

The first is that the lower the latitude, the better. The lower the latitude, it can take advantage of the power of the planet's rotation. Launching a rocket near the equator, the initial speed of the spacecraft is large, and the fuel is saved, which can effectively reduce the cost and difficulty of launching.

This plateau happens to be near the equator!

The second is the climatic conditions. Due to the relatively high terrain, this plateau has a dry climate, little precipitation, and good air visibility. This planet, due to the vast ocean, is quite humid as a whole, and there are not many dry areas like this near the equator.

The third is the terrain condition, which is open and flat, and the terrain is relatively high relative to the surrounding area.

Fourth, traffic conditions. For the time being, this point is not in line with it for the time being. The plateau is still in a state of uncultivated land, and the traffic must not be able to keep up.

Fifth, safety conditions. The satellite launch center must be sparsely populated to ensure safety after launch failure. So the launch base is impossible to build near the downtown area.

Although the traffic environment is not very good on this plateau with an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, there is no doubt that it meets the four conditions...

And there are other benefits. Some waterways in the middle have exceptionally abundant water resources and can build large-scale Hydroelectric Power Plants, even solving energy problems.

Speaking of this, the experts on the stage are already excited: "In summary, if we follow this objective environment, our scientists have carried out a series of calculations..."

"The calculation is based on human technology at the beginning of the 21st century, if a rocket launch base is really built on this plateau, will it be possible to push satellites into space and start the real space age!"

The Conference Hall is very quiet. Everyone is sitting in distress, waiting for this final conclusion.

This conclusion is very important. If so many objective factors are combined, the Taipu civilization still has no way to enter the space age. It can only show that earthquakes are likely to occur naturally.

If the enlightened person caused the earthquake, the relevant "steps" should be calculated, and the "steps" should not be too high, making the low-level civilizations unable to reach the point. Otherwise, what is the meaning of this kind of help?

The expert didn’t sell anything, and directly came to the conclusion: “After discussion and analysis, we think it’s a bit reluctant, but with 0.Level 7 civilized technology, we can do it!”


With a sound of "hong", there was a boil in the Conference Hall, and there was even a slight applause!

A little bit of reluctance, and fundamentally impossible, that are two completely different concepts.

In other words, this "great" earthquake is indeed a probabilities of enlightening civilization, creating conditions for the Taipu people to enter the space age.

It's just that, as far as the Taipu civilization is concerned, it has not been discovered.

This series of operations simply stunned Zhang Yuan, which is simply...too violent!

He seemed to see...A very distant 150,000 years ago, the Enlightenment civilization passed by here, and suddenly discovered that this civilization in the primordial era was simply impossible to move in the future due to its poor geographic location. Into the space age.

So they figured out a way to trigger a strong earthquake and create this plateau, turning "completely impossible" into a little bit of possibility.

Then walk away in a cool manner!

As for the Tap civilization, whether it can enter the space age and whether it will take advantage of these created conditions, there is no need to think about it... At least the environmental factors have gone through a series of transformations. Impossibly bad.

Such probability is very high!

Li Zhendong suddenly sighed on one side: "It's really an interesting civilization. I really feel that this civilization does have a certain kind of goodwill, not the so-called'organic Reaper'... People live in In the world, there are always some higher pursuits, although I don’t know, this kind of weird move is a higher pursuit... Anyway, it’s very interesting. Interesting should be regarded as the highest pursuit, right?"

"Anyway, it should not be too much to call them'initiators'..."

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but drank a sip of water to calm his inner emotions, and followed: "Yes, there is such a forerunner in the galaxy, which is really a thing to be thankful for... But to trigger such a plate movement, with the human level of science, there is no way to do it, right?"

Li Zhendong thought for a while, and calculated some numbers on paper with a pencil: "If you force it to do it, you can definitely do it. It's a bit difficult. It's nothing more than getting more nuclear bombs! I think about it, the former Tsar's nuclear bomb, 50 million. Don’t the equivalent of a ton translate the entire Asia-Europe continent by 9 millimeters? If hundreds of millions of these nuclear bombs can be produced, oh, this number is my ridicule... Anyway, it should be possible to force the plates to translate."

"But the use of nuclear bombs is simply too rough. In actual operation, it may cause mass extinction of species, and even the entire ecosystem... The great power!"

"I thought of a better way...Use multiple nuclear bombs to explode under the earth's crust together to pry the plates, or the Enlightenment civilization digs deep underground, It caused an explosion in the mantle layer, and then produced a series of chain reactions. These are all possible." Li Zhendong said, discussing with other experts enthusiastically.

"There is a kind of weapon, the continental oscillator! The rapid release of energy in the earth's crust causes vibration, during which a natural phenomenon similar to Seismic Wave will be produced."

Zhang Yuan Not wanting to listen to their nonsense, then turned to the scientific researcher on the stage and asked: "Professor Lu, I have another question. Are there any good mineral resources found on this plateau? If so, It really kills three birds with one stone. On the one hand, it solves the problem of the lack of rare earths. On the other hand, it can also lure certain countries to develop this plateau area that has been neglected."

" It is necessary to build basic equipment to mine minerals. Once all the basic equipment is in place, there will be no problem with building a rocket launch base."

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