One month passed quickly. The scientific investigation of the Taipu civilization has made preliminary progress.

"Does this civilization still use fossil fuels?" "Popular survey on fossil fuels", "probability survey on global warming"..."

On this day, Zhang Yuan is sorting out this information in the captain's room, and he has all kinds of messy reports. He also heard the calls from the people for tourism, including the topic of reforming his own bionics, and was brought up again.

If you use robotic VR technology for tourism, the effect will be much worse. Using virtual world technology for re-engraving will take at least five or ten years. Where can it be so fast? Humans’ weak bodies are impossible to adapt to three times the gravity, no matter how hard they are exercised, they are also impossible. The only way to experience it for yourself is through bionics transformation.

Of course, as for the voice of the people, it is impossible to realize it immediately. If you want to reform yourself, you have to go through some legal procedures.

Li Cheng of the Secretariat replied: "Part of the use is fossil fuel, this planet is very rich in fossil resources. According to our geologists, it is at least 20 times that of Earth! Because of the planet’s It's huge... and part of it is renewable biofuels."

"Oh? Biofuels?" Zhang Yuan wondered.

"Yes, this civilization generally grows an annual herb called'arke', which can extract industrial alcohol and methane very simply and efficiently. Most airboat engines are fueled by this Provided by plants. Only a small amount of military weapons require high-calorific fuel to use oil."

"It is indeed a very good plant. This is a surprise."

Many of the chemical raw materials in Kunlun Mountains are also provided by plants. Therefore, biologists in Kunlun Mountains are thinking that if this plant is really excellent, they can try to introduce it into the entire industrial system.

Zhang Yuan pondered for a while, frowns asked: "Has the Taipu civilization considered renewable energy so early? They are so far-sighted? Human beings only vigorously research and develop when the oil crisis really happened. Controllable nuclear fusion, most of the oil is simply burned. Is there a deeper reason, such as..."

"Not really, mainly because of economic reasons." Li Cheng Academician said with a smile: "Because for this civilization, although there is oil, it is too difficult to dig. Under high gravity, the shallow oil is very scarce, and more pressure is needed to extract the oil. Extraction relies on pumps, gas lifts, and the others to add energy to lift. It is more difficult in high gravity environments."

"High-quality oil is on the deeper surface, leading to the cost of extraction. Very high."

This is also true. In a high gravity environment, the deeper the surface, the rock is harder, and it is more difficult to extract the oil.

It is like Earth's shale oil, with reserves of about 11 trillion to 13 trillion tons, far exceeding oil reserves, but it is extremely difficult to develop, and only a small part of it can be used.

Li Cheng Academician continued: "And this planet is very large and sparsely populated. Its surface area is four or five times that of Earth. The birth rate of the population is not high, about less than four billion. So these farmers choose to live in Large-scale planting of this type of plants in the plains is economical and affordable."

"so that's how it is." Zhang Yuan heard this and asked, "So what do you think, this kind of excellent Is the energy plant of the Enlightenment deliberately left behind? This thing about oil, no matter how much it is, it will be used up, but renewable energy is completely different and can last for a long time."

Finding traces of the civilization of the enlightened has always been the key goal of this scientific expedition. People have been looking for so-called evidence. Impossible, any turbulence or coincidence, is considered to be left by the Enlightenment's civilization. That would be too funny.

Faced with Zhang Yuan’s question, Li Cheng replied: “It depends on the time point of '150,000 years ago', whether this plant named'Ark' is compatible with the Riley civilization. Like'World Tree', a large-scale genetic mutation has occurred. If there is, it can basically be concluded that it is the behavior of the enlightened civilization."

"...This civilization is analyzed from the perspective of Innate, I want It is indeed very difficult to step into space. If controllable nuclear fusion cannot be achieved, even if there is no energy crisis now, there will be one in the future."

"If this kind of plant appears now, the energy crisis will undoubtedly occur. It is greatly relieved and can provide more development time."

Zhang Yuan nodded and said: "However, this does not seem to be in line with the idea of ​​the Enlightenment’s civilization. If this civilization is gradually Stop making progress and keep using this plant struggling on whilst at death's door. Isn’t it the same as the Riley civilization? What is the point of perpetuating it? So I think, for this reason, the probability of deliberately creating this plant is unlikely. "

"According to my personal thoughts: If a civilization runs out of fossil fuels, but does not ignite the spark of nuclear fusion, and leaves the planet, then it will die if you die. There is nothing to regret. "

Li Cheng replied: "I don't agree with your idea very much. I think we need to consider the technical difficulty of leaving the planet itself. If the gravity of a planet is ten times that of Earth, then Can the creatures of this planet leave the planet? Impossible, even our spaceship is difficult to take off and land. Then the emergence of a kind of energy to give these lives a respite is a kind of kindness, right? "

"Our scientists are deducing, in accordance with the technological level of human beings at the end of the 20th century, it is possible to develop step by step in this way, whether it is possible to leave the planet of 3 times gravity and open the large Interstellar Era."

“The related mathematical modeling work is still in progress. Some scientists think it is possible, while others think that traditional rocket technology can hardly help the Taipu people to leave the planet step by step."


"If it really can't, it means that the Innate environment of this civilization is flawed and needs some help. The enlightened civilization with foresight may try to do something in this regard..."

"This idea makes sense." Zhang Yuan saw a photo on the screen, and the human science researcher was visiting the museum.

This civilization also has its own archaeology and is also studying its own origin. This may be the common ground of scientific and technological thinking. Everything wants to go back to the source, rather than sillyly attribute its own existence to Above Spiritual God.

So the current research direction is divided into two parts, one is archaeology, focusing on the history 150,000 years ago.

The other part is to investigate whether the Taipu civilization has technological defects, environmental defects, whether there is hidden help from the enlightenment, and so on.

"There is no particularly good discovery yet... 150,000 years, a series of complex evolutions have been formed. If we don’t use the power of the Taipu civilization itself, we have to make our own scientific research. It is too slow and too slow."

"Our diplomatic team is considering whether we can directly submit such scientific research requests to the other party. Or, it would be better if we could directly read the other party’s archaeological literature. …After all, the other party’s information is not fully disclosed to us."

Zhang Yuan nodded said: "It’s not a problem...The content that we can trade is in this form, and the corresponding price It’s also clearly marked."

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