Just when these Taipu people were in a fantasy and couldn't help themselves, a robot headed solemnly said: "Dear Austrian people, hello. We are human beings from afar. Civilization comes with trade and friendship."

"We are travelers in the sky, from the distant solar system. We uphold the principle of fairness, justice, and mutual consent, hoping to collect valuable civilization Culture, knowledge, and biological specimens of your planet, or some unique technologies, including but not limited to physics, mathematics, art, music..."

"After the transaction is completed, we will pay a certain amount The reward can be scientific and technological knowledge, or material resources..."

The robot quietly reported a series of very procedural regulations.

These regulations have also been drafted a long time ago.

Since he was not directly attacked or heard certain imperative sentences, the president standing in the forefront suddenly sighed in relief. What he feared most was... to hear that the aliens suddenly wanted to conquer Declaration of war like world. In short, many movies are made in this way, and the oath must be sworn vigorously before the war.

Now this is a pretty good start.

He bent down, raised one hand slightly, and made a national etiquette to say hello.

Several generals in the rear waved their hands secretly, and some soldiers who were ready to attack at any moment retreated temporarily and hid.

Every Taipu person here has a solemn and solemn look. As for why the aliens speak the language of their civilization, there is no need to consider such questions; where is the solar system and where is it? The corner of the galaxy is no longer considered within the range...

Of course, the most important thing is safety, including the possibility of being swallowed by aliens. These military scientists had discussed it for a long time, but the final result was an overwhelming failure. The opponent occupies the atmosphere, it is not too simple to strike the ground, but the Taipus do not have any weapons that can hit the weapons above the atmosphere.

Under this disadvantage, the family and life are actually surrendered to the moral character of the other party. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to panic!

Apart from this, the president’s mind has a sharp turn. What he thinks most is...what the other party says is true or false.

If it is true, it is a great opportunity. How can we get the most benefit?

"We are not the only country that trades with this human civilization...How will they choose? If they please each other and obtain alien technology, what should we do?"

"Forget it, then it would be nice to send these plague gods away safely. As long as there is no dispute, it is enough. As for interests and the like..." In a blink of an eye, the president thought a lot, including The country, one's own family, and even one's historical position in the entire civilization, etc., are all taken into consideration. Trying to get chestnuts out of the fire is what these politicians should have.


Wang Junpeng controls the robot and looks all around. Through special VR equipment, the robot's perspective can be completely restored to human eyes.

The sky of this planet presents a kind of deep blue, and the light intensity is weaker than the previous Earth.

In the sky all around, dozens of kilometers away, a large number of empty boats are vaguely visible.

The vision of a robot is of course not comparable to that of humans. Just like Telescope, magnification of several hundred times is not a problem. Wang Junpeng quickly adjusted the focus of his eyes and saw every detail of the spacecraft tens of kilometers away. These airboats are used as a means of transportation, just as popular as the buses in the Earth city.

"This civilized large-scale trade is still not enough to rely on the transport capacity of airboats, and more is done through rivers, so the main cities are all on the edge of large rivers, or they are coastal areas."

"...As for a large number of landlocked countries, they are far behind in terms of transportation, and they must be poor and remote."

"Yes, I want To greatly increase the capacity of airboats, airbags must be made larger. The cost of air buoyancy is still not as good as the buoyancy of water."

"What I am most interested in is whether the Enlightenment’s civilization There have been a series of traces left on this planet? This civilization, it looks like it should be a fairly young civilization. Modern technology has not been developed for hundreds of years, and it is very likely that it has been interfered by the civilization of enlightenment."

"We haven't found it yet...but the traces of the Enlightener were all 150,000 years ago. This time is too long. Since the Tap civilization has written records, it has only been 22,000 years. So the Enlightener has arrived. At the time, they must still be in a very primordial stage, there is no relevant written records...We have to rely on the power of this civilization itself to find clues."

"I don't know if they have archeology. "

In this chat room, the human robot headed by it reached a certain friendly agreement with the Taipu people.

Some human scientists are allowed to visit some buildings in the city, including museums, concerts, etc., accompanied by soldiers of the Taipu civilization. The prerequisite is that private visits are not allowed. Accompanied by, and must inform the itinerary in advance.

This condition is easy for humans to agree to. The president of the other side does not want to expose the existence of aliens in front of the people and cause panic. This is well understood.

At the same time, a small number of scientists from the Taipu civilization were also allowed to board this human transportation spaceship for a so-called "security investigation."

Of course, it is a security investigation, but in fact it is just a little bit of careful thought of the Taipu civilization. They want to know the specific structure of the transport plane, what it looks like inside, etc., and want to determine the real purpose of mankind.

When the human beings really agreed to this request, His Excellency the President was shocked. He simply did not expect the other party to agree. The other party seemed to be more negotiable than expected.

As a result, after the negotiation was completed, some scientists were so anxious that they wanted to go up and have a look. They didn't even want to worry about that many safety issues!

In this regard, humans don’t actually care...

This is a real cosmic spaceship. This civilization doesn’t even have an airplane. No matter how you want to run, you have to get it first. Learn to walk?

Can you copy the entire spaceship by just a few glances?

Of course it is impossible.

In this way, two hours later, Ao Bu Laien put on the bio-protective suit and was full of curiosity. The atmosphere produces violent friction.

"The reason why our civilization did not produce aircraft is that the material technology is not good. The faster the speed, the greater the friction... This material..."

"It would be great if we could trade this material manufacturing method. By the way, the engine technology is not enough...but there are too many things."

His heart beats.

In the crowd, even though I was itching in my heart, I didn't dare to do a little research. In case the spaceship of the other party was ruined and the war between the two sides was triggered, it would be a sinner of the entire civilization!

Everyone can only swallow, panting wildly.

It is only a small part of the area that the Taipu people are allowed to visit, but this part of the area is enough to make them feel crazy, controllable nuclear fusion technology, laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, everything.

"Is this...missile? No, nuclear bomb? Antimatter?"

Although the Taipu civilization also has nuclear bombs, it does not have the corresponding projection technology and can only be projected by airships. , It is possible that the nuclear bomb will blow itself, of course, it is also impossible to achieve a global deterrence.

These Tap people with various thoughts, after visiting for a while, brace oneself came down...

But for the president of Austria and the think tanks in the rear, it is inexplicable sighed in relief, this kind of deterrence is normal.

If there is no weapon at all, they will even suspect that these aliens have any unthinkable conspiracy. The unknown is the most feared. But now, the explanation is still within an understandable range.


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