"The theory of chemical origin" believes that life is born and grown on the planet and evolved from inorganic matter. It divides the origin of life into four stages: first, the stage of generating small organic molecules from small inorganic molecules; second, generating biological macromolecular substances from small organic molecules; third, forming multi-molecules from biological macromolecular substances System; Fourth, the organic multi-molecular system evolves into primordial life.

One of the most important points is that genetic material that can replicate itself. For now, the only genetic material found in each planet is DNA and RNA. Maybe it is because human beings are too unknown and inexperienced and have not experienced enough planets, or maybe this is already a fact of the universe.

Some people find it incredible. Why do different planets have substances with the same structure? In order to better explain this, there is a very famous math game called "Game of Life".

The basic idea of ​​"Game of Life" is to give an initial configuration, and then formulate some basic rules to observe the evolution of life, whether there will be a series of similarities.

At first, all the cells are randomly distributed in a large grid, and the evolution rules are very simple, with only four short ones.

1, "Underpopulation": Any living cell, if there are less than 2 living neighbors in the surrounding area, it will die.

2, "Normal": If any living cell has 2 or 3 living neighbors, it will continue to live.

3, "Overpopulation": If any living cell has more than 3 living neighbors, it will die.

4, "Reproduction": If any dead cell has exactly 3 living neighbors, it will survive.

Just such a few simple rules will evolve extremely complex dynamic images, and these dynamic images will form very peculiar dynamic laws.

What do you mean?

In other words, through this game, it is explained that some very simple rules can evolve extremely complex structures, which actually have a lot in common with the birth and reproduction of life.

The initial environment of the volcanic crater and seabed of each planet is almost the same. The complex environment of high pressure and humidity provides the same rules for the birth of life.

Under these rules, simple organic matter is randomly combined into complex organic matter.

These complex chemicals can further synthesize DNA, RNA and other self-replicating genetic materials, which explains the universality of life in the universe. It also explains why all the organisms that humans encounter have genetic material.

Even though these types of genetic material are quite different, they are still genetic material-centric species.

"It is a pity that we have not found the original DNA and RNA for the time being, that is, the simplest, self-replicating genetic material...Otherwise, this hypothesis will truly become the theorem."

Professor Yamamoto from Unreal Lab and some geographers who are in the scientific expedition of Riley Star initiated this discussion.

Zhang Yuan sat down, just an ordinary listener.

He frowns, he didn’t know what Yamamoto was going to say, so he raised his hand and asked directly: "Professor Yamamoto, time is limited. I want to ask what you said about the mass extinction. That’s it. Are there any scientific experiments on the Riley civilization without approval? Especially biological virus experiments..."

"You have to know that although our current law does not involve aliens The content of civilization, this is a big loophole. But random biochemical experiments are not allowed by morals..."

"Your Captain, I know, I know, I swear I won’t Make this mistake." Yamamoto stood on the stage, rather impatient, probably because there was too much black history, and people around him looked suspicious.

He quickly replied: "Listen to me first, it won't take up too much of your time."

"I just gave an example, the game of life..."

The screen shows various patterns about the "Game of Life", "There are 256 rules in this game. Under each rule, due to different initial conditions, the final result is different."

"But the laws that it can form are still limited. They are: change ends in a constant image, periodic changes occur, image changes are almost random, and images have certain complex laws."

"If this two-dimensional game is analogous to the civilization of a two-dimensional world, can it be understood like this: change ends in a constant image, equivalent to a civilization that is completely solidified, and civilization no longer changes."

“Periodic changes occur, that is, the phenomenon of historical reincarnation appears. Although it is a dynamic image, it no longer progresses. These two categories are all mediocre civilizations considered by the history of new civilizations.”

"Image changes are almost random, and images have certain complex laws. These two situations have the possibility of being non-banal. Our new civilization historiography just wants to penetrate this kind of complex laws. ……"

"Don’t forget, that there are only a few very simple rules that support the operation of the game of life. And we usually believe that the rules that support the operation of the universe should also be simple, right? Can you be inspired by it?"

Zhang Yuan frowns thought. Yes, this is just the simplest two-dimensional image. The real cosmic civilization is much more complicated than the two-dimensional image... But in some respects, can a civilized individual be compared to a three-dimensional image, composed of a certain law What about the geometry?

This is a very new perspective. Many mathematicians have fallen into contemplation.

But it is too difficult and too difficult to really crack these mysteries.

Yamamoto changed his words and continued: "By the way, everyone, the discussion at this time is not about the history of new civilizations, but about the spontaneous extinction of species in this planet."

Major extinction?

The few people below have just heard about this topic and came back to his senses again.

He also didn't sell Guanzi. From a box, he took out a finger-thick, wood-like thing, and started an experiment on the spot.

"Look, this is the core of the World Tree, which is the hardest part. This batch of cores comes from a 15-year-old tree, which is tenacious like steel bars. If there is no tree Heart, World Tree impossible grows so tall. Don’t worry, we have gone through a special sterilization process, so everyone can observe it up close."

Zhang Yuan took a small piece of tree heart handed over by the staff and worked hard. After a break, its hardness is very high.

"It is indeed very good material."

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