Zhang Yuan sighed in his heart. Regarding the issue of the virtual world that has been exposed, he will not consider too much for the time being, at least not the most urgent issue at the moment. He then asked: "Those How is the communication between the Badit people. The people鈥檚 court trial is about to begin, right?"

"The negotiation is going well... They also know that the information in hand is the key to us. Only by proving their value can they survive. They are also willing to give some important information. But they demand better treatment and let us promise their survival."

"Promise? They still Believe this?" Zhang Yuan said with a sneer.

"This kind of promise must be made in a large court, facing the written promise of all people...that is, in the court's judgment, pardon some of their crimes."

"How is it possible? The court? I don't even know how it will be judged." Zhang Yuan thought about it, so that's how it is, he finally understood what sly plan the Budit people were playing.

For a civilization to gain a foothold in the stars, mobility and internal cohesion are very important.

If you say that there is a policy today and a policy tomorrow, and you slap yourself in the face, what cohesion does such a civilization have?

Of course, the Badit tricks are nothing more than trivial tricks. First of all, the human government will not make such a promise. Second, even if the human government suddenly repents, what about shooting them all?

It will only win a round of applause!

The anger of the people can be said to be outrageous. I can't wait to tear these war criminals to pieces in the next second!

"Our diplomat, of course, rejected this promise, and rejected it under the pretext of'executive order cannot command the court'."

Zhang Yuan nodded, said: "Let's go, go with them for a while to see how the whole public trial is going!"

In order to reduce the occurrence of various incidents, the entire public trial does not allow ordinary people to participate on-site. However, government departments will broadcast the interrogation process live on the Internet. Hearing this news, all the people have long been waiting in front of the big screens.

The interrogation of these war criminals can be said to be the most venting process. All kinds of barrage are being broadcasted frantically at the speed of several thousand per second!

Remarks with righteous words, including "Leave them a dog鈥檚 life and demand the maximization of interests", there are also a small group of rationalists, including "calling everyone to look at it rationally", but most of the citizens are abnormal Anger, demanding "all shots", etc., in short, there are all kinds of malicious people.

In this noisy public opinion storm, the government does not intend to restrict too much. The people must have a channel to vent their emotions.

But on the other hand, this kind of trial should be a just trial in the eyes of the people, so how to achieve the best of both worlds is quite important.

Wait for all the participants to sit in their seats, and the court will formally hold a hearing.

"Now the court is announced and the suspect will be brought to power! In order to ensure the fairness and justice of this review, allow this unknown alien civilization to defend its war crimes." The judge knocked. The hammer asked.

"First of all, I need to know the specific name of your civilization."

"Badit civilization." The leader of the Badit people, wearing a spacesuit, slumped The head answered.

All languages 鈥嬧€媓ave been converted by the internal translator, so communication between the two parties is not a problem.

"The position of the home planet of your civilization."

"Badit Star..."

"Specific coordinate system!"

As soon as the aliens came out, the Internet has become a mess, and some began to insult the aliens frantically, dislike the aliens鈥?unpleasant voices, etc., in short, all kinds of abuse.

Zhang Yuan secretly rejoiced that he didn't let the ordinary person participate in the court, otherwise all kinds of rotten eggs, fruits, etc. would be thrown on the ground, and the whole trial process would not be able to continue. Although the new civilization has opened up, the people still find it difficult to control their emotions when encountering such a big event.

"Fight over! They must blow their heads!"

"Weakly say a word...Don't look at how far it is?!"

"Well, if there are light particles, or two-way foil, it will be fine!"

"You think so beautiful. It is because the cost of destruction is far greater than communication, so the universe is not a Dark Forest. "

"The location of the mother star Badit is...Universal coordinates H**0051..." The nobleman didn't know that humans abused him on the Internet, but just said a coordinate, his mother The position of the star, I don鈥檛 know true or false either.

Seeing the other party so readily confessed their home planet position, many people were slightly taken aback. According to the star road map, that star is about 50 light-years away from this place, which is a very long distance.

"I have asked several Badit people detained in different prisons in advance, and they all responded like this...There should be no problem." Wang Junpeng said softly in the vicinity.

Zhang Yuan rubbed his temples: "In other words, they came from such a remote place and deliberately ambushed us? Such a probability should not be great..."

Wang Junpeng said: "The other party is really an interstellar businessman, but he wants to rob us temporarily... It's really bad luck, bad luck, or that our novice performance is too lust for robbery."

Zhang Yuan shook the head helplessly. Without any common sense of the universe, it is indeed a major disadvantage of human beings, but now that these aliens are caught, won鈥檛 they be there?

"In other words, has the level 3 civilization's external exchanges been so frequent?" He was a little puzzled: "This is just a very ordinary fleet, and it has been able to reach this far. Place. From this perspective, this civilization is far stronger than ours, and it has great advantages in itself."

Actually, even if you know the location of the other鈥檚 home planet, it鈥檚 nothing too big. Usefulness.

On the one hand, mankind's scientific and technological strength is not enough to defeat such an old civilization.

A mother galaxy that has been in operation for 100,000 years has long been operating like an iron barrel. It is estimated that it does not take much effort to annihilate the Kunlun Mountains fleet.

Unless the Kunlun Mountains fleet has the ability to annihilate planets, there is so little possibility.

But the technological level that can destroy the planet is definitely not in the category of Level 2 civilization or Level 3 civilization.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that the difficulty of annihilating a planet is too high and too high. Simple estimates may require trillions of tons of anti-matter weapons to destroy a planet!

Even the quality of weapons is thousands of times that of the Kunlun Mountains fleet, and humans are currently basically impossible to touch such an energy level.

On the other hand, even if human beings have enough strength, they can travel through dozens of light years to avenge and destroy the opponent's entire clan! Of course it is impossible... It is not economical or profitable from an economic point of view. After all, fighting is to death, and once a fight starts, you will die.

Zhang Yuan laughed: "But, I think, from the moral level, the guy who can calmly state the position of his mother's civilization is definitely not a morally noble thing from the human point of view... if it is How can I struggle psychologically anymore?"

"In this way, the morality of the other party is really different from our morality. In other words, they think that this kind of behavior is not calculated at all. Selling, but a...deterrent?"

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