On this day, Zhang Yuan stood in a small room in the Kunlun Mountains, quietly looking at this vast and desolate, but vibrant planet. This will be their permanent base camp.

"Okay, Captain Kunlun Mountains, I'm going to be on TV. Dress up a little more handsomely. Don't frowns all day long, yes, relax, relax." Lin Xuanxuan's face was full of expressions. With a smile, he buttoned the buttons on his clothes one by one, and lightly patted the wrinkles on his clothes.

After all this, she put on a nice dress for herself, and the two walked out the door of the room one after the other.

Yes, just today, mankind has been developing for a full one hundred and five years, and it is finally possible to set off again!

It's both exciting and a little disappointed.

All the material resources have been delivered to the spaceship a few months ago, and the staff has counted them in the warehouse many times without any errors.

Now all that remains is the farewell between people.

Yes, farewell...


The central control room is full of people, and some TV station reporters are talking about it. Extraordinarily intense.

"Didn't expect, I can still see the scene of our departure..." Zhao Qingfeng stood aside and sighed lightly, "It's great, every time we set off, it's like a newborn sun. Always full of vigor and vitality."

"I like to see this kind of scene."

Zhang Yuan also followed laughed, he is thinking about the next development direction of mankind.

The external aspect, of course, is to explore the world outside along the cosmic string. I don’t know what will happen in the future, and what kind of story will happen...

For this In all, human beings have equipped Kunlun Mountains with considerable military strength.

23 Haiyan-class frigates and 3 Falcon-class destroyers, this kind of military equipment basically reached the maintenance limit of 8 million people. No amount of spaceship is useless if there is not enough population and economy to maintain it.

As for the internal development direction, it is even more important. The hibernation during the interstellar journey, the planning of the virtual world, and the transcender plan... There are too many things to worry about.

The entire population of 8 million people who implemented the wandering plan is actually a more radical ideological population. Such radicalization may gain greater benefits, or it may directly cause the ship to capsize, even a single wave. If it doesn't come out, it disappears in the universe.

So while maintaining vigorous fighting spirit, we must be more cautious and steady.

Thinking of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he couldn't help but sigh.

The universe is so cruel, judging from the experience of the Gliese civilization, it just shows the tip of the iceberg. But even this tip of the iceberg is daunting enough.

Many people have such questions in their hearts, why not continue to develop in this planet?

At least it means safety, it means...stable.

What if the technological development is slower? This is actually a development idea that most people are accustomed to.

It’s not that the population of the new civilization has become lazy. In the past hundred years, the spiritual outlook of the entire civilization has never been so good. There is a declining Gliese civilization aside as a lesson. Reminding yourself all the time, whipping yourself, it's hard not to work hard!

According to the data collected by the big data system, in the past few years, basically everyone has been working diligently. There are very few people who sneak and commit crimes. The crime rate is also very low.

Everyone is still satisfied with the entire economic distribution system. It is a golden age that has lasted for a hundred years.

The true inertia comes from another level...


Before completely modifying genes, human beings are impossible to get rid of the easy thinking that comes from the roots.

Being at ease, why take risks? If you can develop here, why go to deep space voyage? This is the subconscious mind that belongs to human beings.

But in fact, the development goal of the New Civilization School is not to allow civilization to last forever. To do this is very simple, just find a remote planet and squat.


Now is the time of the most rapid development and the strongest self-confidence in civilization, and 8 million people are willing to leave. But Zhang Yuan knew very well that the basic technological dividends have been eaten up, and if we continue to develop like this, we will only study some small details and there will be no qualitative changes.

So, what about a hundred years from now? Maybe only four million people are willing to leave.

What about two hundred years from now? Maybe there are only two million.

So, now is the best time.

On the other hand, hiding in this planet's slow development cannot be said to be absolutely safe behavior. On the contrary, there are also a series of risks...

There were two Civilization has visited this star, it is not accidental, but inevitable! There happens to be a linear cosmic string here, which is about 3.3 AU, or 448.8 million kilometers, from the current location of the Kunlun Mountains.

Human beings can discover the propulsion method using cosmic strings, and other alien civilizations can also be discovered theoretically.

"In other words, these two interstellar civilizations are likely to sail along the cosmic string. Here, equivalent to is a supply point for resources!"

"Cosmos string It can be said that the natural highway in the Milky Way galaxy, the chance of encountering alien civilizations nearby will increase a lot... Fortunately, civilizations that use cosmic strings for interstellar navigation are theoretically impossible civilizations that are unimaginable. We. This fleet is considered to be a relatively powerful interstellar fleet. If you encounter some interstellar civilizations, you don’t need to be afraid, as long as they can deter each other and maintain equal communication."

"Level 4 Civilizations and above can directly sail with superluminal curvature. Where do they need to travel along the cosmic string?"

Not every star has such a linear cosmic string, on the contrary There are only a few stars in this unique geographic location.

For example, near the solar system, there is no such cosmic string distributed all around, so the poor Earth people can't use this way of navigation.

The spaceship of Earth civilization can only rely on nuclear fusion or light sails to slowly advance. Unless it takes thousands of years to travel a few light-years away and find a cosmic string, it will be able to move fast along the cosmic string.

This is a good thing. It means a large degree of security. It is unlikely that interstellar civilization below Level 4 will go to Earth.

It is also a bad thing, which means...Earth has become an island, with no communication or commercial trade.

Of course, because the entire Milky Way galaxy is also rotating along the central black hole, the stars near the cosmic string will also undergo certain changes. Every hundreds of thousands of years, Heaven and Earth will occur in all geographic locations. Changes in turning upside down. Maybe the solar system moved near a cosmic string.

So, how fast can it be advanced by using the gravity of the cosmic string?

The answer is... it can be close to the speed of light!

Gravitational acceleration is a special acceleration mode, which can be used to propel a spaceship, a planet, or even a star. Black holes are no longer a problem!

The energy contained in the cosmic string is really too big, but after the big bang of splitting heaven and earth apart, it promoted the formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters! The energy of a galaxy is nothing but dust compared to it.

Even though the strings of overwhelming majority have declined, the energy they contain is still far surpasses by the order of magnitude that humans can currently reach.

But then again, limited to spaceship material technology, communication technology, and long-range escort capabilities, humans can only accelerate the Kunlun Mountains fleet to about 10% of the speed of light. No matter how high it is, it will not work, and some safety issues must be drawn.

A 10% speed of light already produces a slight relativistic benefit. This speed is completely dreamlike in the eyes of scientists.

With the hibernation method, a closer star can be settled in fifty-sixty years, which is enough for interstellar travel.

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