But now, in the 56th century, a company called "Eternal Hibernation of the Ring of the Solar System" actually ranks first among so many companies in the Earth civilization, which seems a bit unimaginable... …


This is definitely not a high-tech company, but a consumer company!

Hibernation technology has matured as early as Zhang Yuan's era, and it was always impossible to be a so-called high-tech enterprise in the 56th century.

Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes and felt his heart beating fiercely, and found that many people were also whispering about it.

"So, why is the Eternal Hibernation Company of the Ring of the Solar System ranked No. 1 in market value?"

"Because it receives 1 billion hibernation visits! Annual hibernation expenses of 5,000 yuan, business The amount is 5 trillion, and the gross profit rate is as high as 80%, which has huge room for growth."

A series of data analysis made everyone here stunned.

Hibernation, in the era of Zhang Yuan, not many people accepted it, because after hibernation, once you wake up, you will bid farewell to the entire era. When the time comes, all relatives and friends no longer exist, and a person lives in the future world without anyone I know, and nothing familiar. This is a terrifying thing.

No matter how beautiful the world is in the future, what about living alone? Can I live forever? Of course not?

But in today's Earth civilization, people are gradually inclined to form groups to escape the real world, hoping to use hibernation to escape to a better future world.

In people's perception, the future is always better, isn't it? Even if the entire society has stagnated for a long time, the government’s propaganda still has a bright future, and all kinds of public opinions think so, otherwise people would have rebelled directly!

In this false illusion, the "Eternal Hibernation Company around the Solar System", far surpasses the performance of the second-place energy company, and ranks first in the market value Ranking List!

"Hibernation? It's simply unfathomable mystery. It's so good, why do you want to hibernate into the future? If everyone hibernates, won't the world be messed up? The government doesn't care?"

Zhang Yuan saw the young man sitting next to him, staring with both eyes and a head of incomprehension. These New Generations were born and grew up in a new civilization, enjoying the benefits of rapid social progress, and possessing a strong sense of pride in civilization. They have only heard of Earth civilization, but don’t know much about the previous Earth civilization.

Zhang Yuan laughed: "Li Cheng, there is nothing unfathomable mystery, the entire world stops progressing, and it’s a painful thing to spin around like this. Since some people have chosen DINK, nothing Concerned about the fact that the husband and wife form a hibernation to the future, it is not impossible."

"As for government constraints, in a market-oriented economy, the ability to restrain is relatively small. Moreover, the Earth civilization is not a unified civilization. Under the stimulus of the government, there will always be countries that will let go of this policy... You see, this company is registered in a remote planet, the Nether King Star. The government on Earth is impossible to manage."

"It's just..."

He shook the head slightly, is the future truly beautiful?

Not at all...

What if the future remains unchanged?

He faintly feels that this is a very big social danger.

A company always has to make money. This kind of hibernation is bound to have a time limit. If you wake up after the time is up, the future is not what you imagined? How can a person run from the past to the future, lose his job, lose his personal connections, and gain a foothold in the new world?

Even more, now only 1 billion people enter the hibernation state. What if there are 2 billion, 3 billion, even 10 billion, 20 billion?

Of course, the Earth civilized government department is not stupid. It is passing the United Nations law to restrict similar hibernation behaviors, or that only certain qualified people can enter hibernation. As a result, another wave of demonstrations was triggered. People believed that whether to hibernate into the future is their own freedom, and the banner of freedom and democracy is high in the solar system...

In short, this is the status quo of Earth civilization in the past 100 years. , Unremarkable but as it should be by rights, not thrilling, but it seems something is wrong.

The Captain Xu Peng wrote in his letter: "...Earth civilization has its own law of development. We do not intend to interfere, we do not have the ability to interfere, let alone how we should do it. Intervention. Forced intervention will only lead to wars between the two sides. It has no meaning."

"Earth civilization is a very powerful civilization. Even if there is a war, we will not be able to defeat them."

"Of course, friends of Earth Era, when we sent you this message, we also sent this message to Earth civilization."

"Let them know that when In this universe, there is another human civilization. The seeds sown at the beginning have grown into towering trees, and will gradually surpass them step by step, and even... leave our mother civilization far away."

"My friends, don’t worry about us. We are living very well in the distant Captain Star, and the whole society is very dynamic. The development of science has become very difficult. It’s like being trapped in a quagmire, each step A huge price will be paid for advancement, and the cost of trial and error will become higher and higher, but we will work tirelessly...Even tomorrow may fall."

"We are in control The use of cosmic strings for long-distance propulsion is also the biggest technological advancement in the past five hundred years, which proves that our exploration is not nothing. Now I will give this method to you in the distance..."

"Earth Era Friends of, we are more worried about you. I don’t know if you still exist in the distance, whether you have reached your goal, whether you have encountered problems that you can’t understand, whether you have received this letter..."

"There are always that many difficult things in the world. The downward path is always easier than upward. This is another kind of gravity."

"The sending of these information consumes We have nearly 2 months of productivity, equivalent to two months for nothing. But today, our people are happy, and I am very happy. Everyone is cheering for this event. We don’t even know whether this letter has been You have received it, but we will not regret it."

"Encourage you!"

After reading this letter, Zhang Yuan felt a very subtle Moved, like a cup of tea, nourishes the heart and lungs.

Everyone in the Conference Hall is like that, silent, silent. Some old people couldn't help rubbing their eyes.

Yes, this is human, sometimes very small, sometimes very great human.

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