In a quiet discussion, one of the experts in the history of new civilization asked: "Mr. Zhang Yuan, what kind of civilization is Gaia civilization..."

Zhang Yuan replied: "I am not quite clear, but it should be an extraordinary civilization in our imagination."

"...What I encountered was just an artificial intelligence with a good temper, not The sub-civilization itself. I have stayed in that virtual world and have not seen the real world outside. Therefore, I don’t know or understand the specific situation."

Captain Zhao asked again:" What about the Amoeba civilization?"

"It should be a civilization that is good at trading. And the credit level seems to be good... Otherwise, the artificial intelligence is also impossible to let me take the Amoeba civilization fleet to Earth... …"

"Amoeba?" Another deputy captain frowns, pondered then said.

This term alone is enough to make a series of associations.

"Amoeba" is not only a microorganism on Earth, but also a noun in the business management model, that is, with the leadership of each "ameba" as the core, let them formulate their own Plan and rely on the wisdom and hard work of all members to complete the goal.

"Since the noun "Amoeba" is extracted from the human lexicon, it must not be groundless, there must be a little connection..."

For example "Italy" means "the land of the bull"; "Lithuania", a land rich in water; and china, which means ceramic.

"Then, this term may represent some of the characteristics of the Amoeba civilization."

All kinds of random thoughts, it sounds like there is still a little bit of truth!

Zhang Yuan brow beaded with sweat, I don’t know how to comment. This seems a bit big.

But people can’t help themselves. This is probably the first time in history that humans have had a real exchange with an extraterrestrial civilization!

Furthermore, this news was brought back by Zhang Yuan, a contact person. There is absolutely no falsehood. It is not the kind of fake news fabricated to attract attention.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, and said, "I won’t say how it is for now, but this Amoeba civilization should be far stronger than us..."

"How much Strong? At least one fleet capable of interstellar voyages, able to achieve Stellar Rank and other trades, and to protect themselves from looting..."

"But what is the target of the trade? Amoeba Points should be just a unit of currency. Interstellar civilizations are always impossible to trade material resources."

"I think it is because of my own unique technology that I accept some difficult commissions. Or maybe trade some technology. And information... Technology has barriers. There are too few things that a civilization can accomplish."

"If this is the case, in other words, most civilizations in the universe, They are all communicable."

With just a few words and inferred information, it has greatly expanded the horizons of mankind.

Just as the Native Americans witnessed the real modern civilization, people discovered a whole new world.

An infinitely vast universe appeared in my mind, and civilizations were kind, competitive, and able to communicate.

This is enough!

Captain Zhao clenched his fists: "Everyone, you can't simply think that other civilizations are full of goodwill..."

"The universe is so vast, relatively speaking. The planet is relatively closed, and these civilizations are absolutely impossible to be a single ideology. Who knows what weird creatures are? Just like that Zero-XZ, a super life can destroy a civilization."

" When the strengths are equal, everyone can do trade, and if the strengths are not equal, you may become a robber!"

"Yes, this time, it may be our good luck. If we meet a good-hearted person, the next time will be Not necessarily."

"We still have to develop...Only by ensuring that we are strong, we will not be as passive as we are now. We will not take the initiative to plunder others, but we will never allow them to be plundered."

Many people follow nodded and must continue to develop until they reach the upper bound that humans can reach...This upper bound, of course, completely reaches or exceeds the technological level of Earth civilization!

Zhang Yuan is looking thoughtful in his heart. At present, the entire civilization has a large legacy of Earth civilization. In theory, it can reach the Peak level of Earth civilization in one or two hundred years.

But the Peak level of Earth civilization is far from enough, it is still just a mediocre civilization in the universe.

Vaguely, everyone seems to have seen a broader road: if limited to intelligence or human perception, science and culture can no longer develop upwards, then...

"...Like the Amoeba civilization, wandering in the vast starry sky and contacting the larger world!"

However, this path is not easy.

It requires people to abandon the warm comfort zone, abandon the home planet, and enter the cruel and unknown starry sky. A long journey may consume several generations of youth.

This is too difficult...

If you can lie down comfortably, who would be willing to force yourself to get up from the bed, go for a run, and fight? Laziness is human nature. A small number of people can indeed overcome laziness, but the entire civilization is still determined by the will of most people.

"Therefore, no one can know whether our children and grandchildren can make this choice."

At the end of the discussion, Captain Zhao sighed: "People have no vision. , There must be immediate worries. If we don’t think about this type of problem, our children and grandchildren will not."

"So we must formulate relevant continuity policies... When you have time, think more Think, do the calculations, in one or two centuries, we will be able to end the three thousand years of journey and reach the final destination."

"I temporarily named this plan, the Wandering Plan."

Zhang Yuan did a simple calculation and found that the "Wandering Plan" and the "Planting Plan" that were just proposed had similarities and similarities.

Theoretically, this plan is mostly positive.

Although the home star is good, it is also a hotbed of civilization involution.

At the same time, the "Wandering Project" can contact more civilizations, understand the culture and development history of these alien civilizations, and is more conducive to perfecting the subject of "New Civilization History".

"A single historical sample of human civilization is still slightly inadequate."

"If more civilization sample data can be obtained, it is likely to bring a real qualitative change! "

The heated discussion lasted until late at night, until the doctor came to urge people to rush, and Zhang Yuan left in shock.

Back to his small room, Zhang Yuan suddenly found that he had done a few things.

Second, because the discussion was too enthusiastic, the "Bozeman Quantum Consciousness Converter" he brought back seemed to be ignored for the time being.

But it’s okay, this matter can be discussed tomorrow.

But the second thing, if it is too late, it will be over!

It seems... I forgot about Lin Xuanxuan.

Lin Xuanxuan has been staying in a single room in the hospital and just woke up from hibernation. In order to avoid adverse reactions caused by excessive mood swings, the doctors did not inform her that Zhang Yuan has "survived".

However, today seems to have reached the recovery period, and theoretically, it has a relatively high tolerance.

After swallowing, Zhang Yuan felt that the later this matter was delayed, the harder it seemed to explain.

He hurried to the hospital, "Doctor, that...... can I see my girlfriend?"


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