Next, in this tumult, another biologist, Professor Wei Jiahui, submitted his own bill, the "Human Genetic Modification Act"!

There is no way for human science and technology to develop further. There are many factors, not just the legendary "great desert" conjecture. In fact, there is a bigger reason: human beings... are too stupid!

The intelligence of an ordinary person can reach the upper limit by learning a little Calculus. Let them learn more difficult things, they have begun to be unable to do so. But Calculus is just an ordinary tool for exploring nature. In the eyes of scientists, it is not much different from 1+1.

Limited to intellectual factors, humans have limited memory and can learn very limited things.

All modern subjects have been extremely specialized. Even a genius like Zhang Yuan can't suddenly engage in biological research from space machinery.

But relying on a few top genius alone is not enough to promote the development of the full text.

"So, through gene editing, we can comprehensively improve the intelligence of the next generation of humans and cultivate more and more geniuses!"

"If we can cooperate with the public Supporting the system is undoubtedly a great initiative!"

"Can you imagine the world of mass production of geniuses?"

This proposal...

Zhang Yuan frowned, he doesn't know how to evaluate it. Maybe it was because there were a lot of things accepted at the conference this time, and I felt a little numb.

After a while, someone stood up and questioned: "But, Mr. Wei, how should we achieve this? Everyone wants a higher intelligence, and this is true... But ……"

"Does it need to carry out human experiments again and again? As a biological Academician, I have the right to refuse such cruel and inhuman biological experiments."

People no longer want to discuss "social public support", and gene editing has undoubtedly touched the bottom line of science.

What should I do if there is an error in gene editing and some mutations occur?

Destroy the whole person?

A biologist raised his hand to speak: "Professor Wei, we have not fully understood genes. There are thousands of genes related to intelligence. If every gene has 2 Equivalent genes, the number of the entire combination is 2 to the thousandth power!"

"This number is countless times more than the atoms of the entire universe!"

"How do you decipher What is the best way to combine intelligence? Even the fastest computer is impossible to accomplish this task."

This is an almost unsolvable problem. Even if the genetic data of all human beings are analyzed, compare 2 The thousandth power of is only a drop in the ocean.

even more how, there are more than two types of a gene, such as blood type genes. In addition to the ABO blood type, the human blood type has other blood types, such as Rh, MN, and Xg. Blood type.

Is blood type related to intelligence?

Of course it does! Even if there is no direct connection, there is a certain indirect connection.

In addition, people have 46 pairs of chromosomes, so genes are paired. Therefore, the genetic combination of intelligence will only be much larger than 2 to the thousandth power!

But then, something unexpected happened. Professor Wei was silent for a while and sent a message to the big screen: "Please don’t worry about this. We have found several groups. Relatively good gene combination."


It's just breaking the news!

There was another riot in the venue.

Zhang Yuan looked at the various information on the screen, and the speed of the heartbeat accelerated rapidly. It had something to do with his sudden increase in intelligence.

Mankind’s pursuit of intelligence has existed since ancient times. The social transition through intelligence is known as the most "stable" and "convincing" way of social transition.

Especially in the gray age of lack of energy, oil is exhausted, nuclear fusion flames have been delayed, and the huge survival crisis has led to the occurrence of two world wars!

People yearn for...the appearance of scientific giants.

In that context, the human genetic modification project finally broke the traditional taboo and happened in private.

The first genetic project called the "HIA Genome" sequence. This set of genetic sequences was figured out by investigating inbreeding populations-the probability of intellectual disability and genius will increase.

There is a small probability that a genius will be born, and a high probability that a group of idiots with low IQ will be born.

It is difficult for scientists to explain why this is the case. The genetic code has not been deciphered, and anything can happen.

In short, the "HIA genome" sequence will make human intelligence move towards extreme development.

The second genome is called the "BIA genome".

A gene combination found by investigating people with high IQ.

However, because the genes of high IQ people are too complicated, there is no combination that is particularly convergent. Therefore, this genome sequence is very, very large, and it is not effective at all times.

In general, a child born with the "BIA genome" will have an intelligence increase of about 6%-10% over the average. The safety is relatively high, and under normal circumstances there will be no mental retardation.

If it can be used on a large scale, an increase of 6%-10% is already an amazing number!

The third genetic project is called the "Anti-Eye Man" project.

This plan attempts to break the human inverted retina to the right, to directly liberate the brain's computing power.

The structure of human eyes is exquisite but not perfect. The main reason is that the retina has a large number of defects.

The human retina is attached upside down, and only the top of the photoreceptor cell is in loose contact with the pigment cell layer between the retina and the eyeball wall, so it is easy to fall off.

The object is imaged on the retina, just like the small hole imaging, upside down, only because the brain processes it, it makes humans feel that this World is positive.

This rubbish-like retinal structure not only makes the eyes very fragile, but also takes up a lot of computing power in the brain when restoring visual images.

At the beginning, crazy scientists had such a guess that if we borrowed some of the octopus eye genes and "sticked" the human retina, all the problems would be solved. Maybe, by liberating this part of the brain's computing power, humans can still become smarter.

Of course, for the study of genes, human beings were still at a very naive stage at that time, and any genetic change would bring about a series of chain reactions.

The three plans have success and failure.

"HIA Genome" has brought great results!

a The birth of a scientific giant directly promoted the entire era.

"BIA Genome" is only useful when there are more people. Even in the war years, the relevant departments did not dare to clone humans on a large scale.

But the "Anti-Eye Man" project did not succeed. Unfortunately, the brain has no way to recognize the biological signals brought by the new eyes. These poor "experiments" were blind, and they spent their entire lives in the dark...

It is difficult to describe exactly what happened at that time, but they can faintly imagine the words on the materials. .

Zhang Yuan has a stormy sea directly in his heart!

Cold sweat came out from behind little by little, soaking the whole clothes...

This kind of thing that even he could not accept, has actually happened in history...

Even, he may have the blood of "HIA Genome" flowing on him!

It's simply unimaginable.

He sighed deeply.

Human beings have never been a noble species, never have they been.

When the existential crisis is truly born, what is it?

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