In the midst of this waiting and anxiety, three months passed. Earth Era's highest authority, the Scientific Council was finally officially held.

This session of the conference is quite grand. Knowing that the Earth civilization has entered the "trough of mediocrity", everyone wants to find a solution to avoid the new civilization from entering the same trap.

In particular, the new civilization is still in its infancy, that is, the "seed stage," and it has become easier to make a series of major changes.

People have no long-term worries, there must be close worries, this long-term worries, it is possible that after thousands of years, human eyes can not reach the corner. But if you want to become a truly powerful civilization, you must have such a foresight!

In the vast crowd at the conference, in theory, all staff above the 15th level have the right to vote.

Zhang Yuan met many old acquaintances here, including Academician Ding, Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Luo, etc., as well as Captain Horse with hair grey-white.

This captain may be the fastest aging person in the spaceship. The years have left a series of wind and sand on his face, and the wrinkles on his face are as deep as one after another. The gully.

The last time Zhang Yuan saw him, he was a middle age person, but now he is an old man.

The higher the status, the more frequent the awakening, including his teacher Academician Ding, the rate of aging is much faster than himself.

"Zhang Yuan! Oh, no, I am already Zhang Academician." The captain lightly patted his shoulder and gently said with a smile: "Do you have any special thoughts on the history of new civilization?" "

"There are some mathematics papers I want to show you...just my personal thoughts." Zhang Yuan pulled out some draft calculations stored in the mailbox, and some were about the history of new civilizations. Mathematical model.

"I have read these published content." The captain carefully looked at these documents, "I want to ask you about your specific political position. If the decision we made therefore violates Given the current ethics, how should we choose?"

Zhang Yuan pondered for a few seconds, then firmly said: "I only obey calculations!"

"If you calculate The result is the global optimal solution. So, why do we need a political stand? Can humans’ humble wisdom really manage the entire civilization? Just like a computer playing Go, what looks like a bad game might change after a hundred moves. It has become a masterpiece of chess. This kind of calculation is wisdom beyond the reach of human eyes."

Captain Ma couldn't help but laughed up and shook the head gently.

"If everyone can see as thoroughly as you, then this World should be so simple!"

After about a quarter of an hour, after everyone arrived, Ma Jian He took the stage and said straight to the point in a slightly old voice: "Everyone, I won’t say too much politely."

"The purpose of our meeting at this time is: how to transform our civilization , To build an extraordinary civilization!"

"Maintaining the low entropy of a civilization and making endless progress is our fundamental goal and the true meaning of transcending the value of life!"

"No one wants our descendants to be the same as Earth civilization."

"But the true transcendent civilization has already been on the right path from the very beginning. We, How should human beings do this?"

The silence gradually became silent in the venue. Many people have been preparing for a long time, but they don't want to be the first to speak.

Zhang Yuan looked up at his teacher, Academician Ding just sat quietly in his seat and said nothing.

"Then, let me start by throwing ideas..."

Professor Lin Fangzheng, the chairman of the Science Council, stood up, "I’m here to put forward a point of view and take it. It's called the Social Public Support System..."

Professor Lin Fangzheng sent a copy of the information to the big screen.

First of all, the first point is to deprive everyone of their reproductive rights. It is a crime to give birth to a child in private.

The second point is to establish a system of raising children by the entire society. The next generation of children will be hatched from the artificial womb, and the government will be responsible for education and training.

Third, establish a powerful planned economy system. This kind of planned economy is not the same as in the old times, but through big data, comprehensive planning is carried out.

The three simple items quickly caused a big wave!

Zhang Yuan saw that the Oldest Big Brother sitting in front was blushing and his neck was thick. Obviously, he was greatly irritated, and he was breathing quickly!

"Professor Lin, do you have any basis?" Soon, someone stood up and retorted.

Unacceptable. Except for the third point, almost 90% of people cannot accept the other two points.

Survival and reproduction are human nature. It can be said that half of human behaviors are governed by the philosophical concept of "reproduction".

The family structure with blood ties as the bond has been proved by the millions of years of human history to be a very stable social system.

Now just cut it off, what is it?

In particular, the Science Council is the highest authority of the new civilization. It is impossible to make any jokes here. Once the decision is passed, it must be implemented!

"There is no special basis, but the calculation of the new civilization history can prove that its general direction is positive. For our civilization, this is enough, isn't it?" Professor Lin lightly laughed.

"If social deduction is necessary, I can say something like this..."

"Class is the source of conflict of interest."

"Undermined The concept of generation, class will no longer exist. All children born will achieve true equality, and no one can eat on the merits. Without the concept of clan, a lot of corruption will undoubtedly be reduced."

"Secondly, the social structure of the family to raise children is no longer adapted to Interstellar Era, which is extremely productive... Ordinary parents can really guide the next generation? Unfortunately, many parents fail . Defective parents have nurtured defective children."

Professor Lin's words were not finished yet, a woman immediately stood up, her emotions were very excited, and her speech was very fast.

"Professor Lin, the more human-oriented technology is, the more likely it is to be developed in a normal society, and the society will become more stable and healthy because of this! That kind of anti-humanity policy will not get development opportunities. Either it will be wiped out after development! This kind of policy cannot last!"

"Procreation is the nature of human beings in the depths of genes, how can you eliminate it without triggering turmoil in the entire society. "

Professor Lin laughed, as if he knew she would say this, "Actually, it's not as unacceptable as you think. Many families on Earth are already DINK families. They don’t want to have children. They are romantic. The couple's world is also pretty good. We just want to extend this measure to the entire civilization."

"But, fertility is the fundamental right of man!" The lady's voice burst out loud. , "Do you know what happens if you deprive you of the right to enjoy family affection? What is the meaning of human struggle?"

The debate became more and more intense, and there was a buzzing sound in the Conference Hall.

Professor Lin said lightly: "You are not prevented from enjoying family affection. You can continue to look for a husband who loves you and stay with each other for a lifetime. However, you do not have the right to raise the next generation. If you really like small children, You can engage in specialized education."


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