In theory, the productivity of Earth civilization has long been able to achieve common prosperity for all mankind, but the actual situation is not that simple.

Earth civilization is an extremely complex civilization. The total population of the entire solar system is as high as 100 billion. Everyone has their own thoughts, and every nation has every nation’s culture.

The boundaries of the entire civilization have expanded too much. Even the fastest spaceship takes several months to go back and forth. In this case, there are no more ambitious organizations and individuals that can unify civilization.

Under various agreements between planet and planet, although a general peace has been achieved, how can all kinds of contradictions, conflicts and ideological dispersal be so easy to resolve?


A sun shone brightly morning.

After a semester of adaptation, Ai Ding has been perfectly integrated into this civilian school.

The beautiful and cute robot teacher, one meter tall, is giving them a math class.

"A parabola, because its position in the coordinate system is different, the equation is also different, there are four different situations..."

Her voice is as clear as an oriole. However, there are not many people who listen carefully. Many students just stare at the lecture, but they don’t dare to make a big noise during class.

The teaching level of robot teachers is actually good, but I don’t know why, even after many improvements, the teaching results are still not as good as human teachers.

There is such a scientific test. When students are not told that these are teachers or robots, their education quality is comparable to the best human teachers.

Once informed, the quality of education and the final grade will drop off a cliff.

In the final analysis, it is the psychological factors of human beings who are at work...

However, Ai Ding does not have such a sense of laziness in his heart.

When he wanted to drop out of the original aristocratic school, father had a big temper.

"Aiding, I know you are very opinionated and smart since childhood. But this is really embarrassing for me. Learning in aristocratic schools has many advantages, not only the strength of teachers, but also The connections of classmates, if you miss it, you will really miss it. Life is impossible again."

"Father, I know. The biggest advantage in school is the connections, but... if you have been living with you In the circle of protection, I am just your vassal. What is the meaning of my life? I just want to experience a more real life and learn more."

It is hard to imagine , This paragraph was said by a teenager.

After about half an hour of conversation, father agreed and heave a long sigh: "Well, you are right, inner richness is the most precious treasure. Be a sociologist It’s not bad, it’s your own choice."

"...Student Ai Ding, this question is up to you."

It seems that I found that Ai Ding is wandering. The teacher called him out.

He lifts the head, and a very basic parabolic problem appears on the blackboard.

Even if he didn't listen carefully, Edin, who was born smart, solved it easily.

"From the question, the symmetry axis of the parabola is x = 2. │AB│=6, we can see from the symmetry of the parabola..."

"The answer is very good, Please sit down!"

The robot teacher waved his hand and said earnestly: "Classmates, the college entrance examination will be in a week. If you fail to pass the exam, there will be no university to go to..."

"So, in the last window of time, I hope you can review it, maybe you can improve it?"

I don’t know why, Aiding always feels the character of the robot teacher, It seems to be more gentle than the human teacher.

"Is it because they are too gentle and have no authority?"

Although they already have the authority to punish students, in order to reduce incidents, schools usually will not use punitive measures .

dīng líng líng, the bell rang.

"Classmates, get out of class is over."


The teacher never drags the class. Although she is still the teacher in the next class, leaving the classroom can make the students relax better.

"Hey, the college entrance examination is finally coming."

"To liberate!" The noise in the classroom is praising the end of the entire study life.

"That's not necessarily!" Edin said slowly: "University is not a place to relax. If you really want to study, it may be even more difficult..."

Ignoring who cares about him, many boys are thinking about the future.

"Don't go to college at all!"

A few male classmates even discussed in private about blind dates, fun games between adults, etc., and then each other We laughed strangely.

A big hand wrapped around his shoulder, a tall boy named Ma Zhuangzhuang: "Aiding, taking advantage of a lot of summer vacation time, why both of you go to the party? !"

Graduating from high school, it is the most ardent age.

Edin rejected the offer very disgustingly: "Oh! Unfathomable mystery has a relationship with animals. What is the difference between it and an animal? You go to that kind of party, and it is impossible to find a serious girl. You will be happy if you top the green grassland!"

Ma Zhuangzhuang forced a smile and said: "Bah, Man Sao man...what's the matter with the green grassland, I’m happy, I’m happy," Everyone was playing for fun. After two days of playing, they broke up. Who said that must get married?! I am going to get married after 60 years old..."

Aiding said with a smile: "Sixty Years old, when the time comes, you won’t find a good girl, unless you are rich...if you have money, just play as you like."

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, but the quality is worse! You have a high moral character, when the time comes, don't let me meet you in a messy appointment!" Ma Zhuangzhuang's eyes glanced around, for fear that some female classmates would hear their conversation.

"I won't!" Aiding shrugged indifferently and sat back in his seat.

In fact, it cannot be said that the populace class is more open than the rich class.

Eding has met many wealthy people, such as his own big brother, changing women is more diligent than changing clothes, and even several changes happen overnight...

Including all kinds of rich second generations, the level of chaos in their private lives is as simple as heinous... Russian turntables, depth bombs, collective sowing and gambling sons seem to be able to outline the most despicable desires in human nature.

He himself has tried that kind of "game."

But the emptiness after the release, after more experience, will find it very boring, and it seems to be no different from animals.

He is a little bit confused, why is his Old Brother tirelessly trying such boring tricks.

But in the eyes of others, Old Brother is a normal person, but he is not normal.

Perhaps, humans are just genetically manipulated robots. Only a very small number of people can get rid of genetic control and pursue something more meaningful that they want.

"Aiding, what are you in a daze? What kind of university do you want to take? Or are you... thinking of girls?"

A very beautiful girl suddenly asked next door. Her name is Xia Yueyue, and she is at the same table as Ai Ding. When I saw Ai Ding, he always had a gentle smile on his face.

Because medical treatment is more and more developed, girls nowadays are usually very beautiful. They learn to take care of their skin since they are very young.

"Of course it is Oriental University! How about you?" Ai Ding replied.

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