The changes throughout history and the rapid differentiation of the gap between the rich and the poor made Zhang Yuan dizzy.

He sighed deeply, he didn't know how to comment.

Very unfamiliar and familiar.

It's natural and unnatural.

He seemed to think of the past when the villages in the city were demolished, a group of villagers looked happily and ecstatically, and who could refuse the temptation to get rich overnight?

Think about it, if the price is enough, the whole country is packaged and sold, it seems that there is no problem... I am alive without any dignity, I can't eat enough, let alone "love the country". An empty slogan.

The civilization is still that civilization, but under the influence of time, it is not the original civilization.

In the vast universe, time is an infinitely extending axis. At various time nodes, countless brilliant cultures have emerged, and countless cultures have been obliterated and replaced.

Mankind has changed a lot from forest ancient apes to modern society, from living habits to leaps in thinking, but human nature will never change.

There is still a hundred years of history left. I haven't read it yet. Zhang Yuan faintly feels that something bad will happen.

He sat in a dazed position, deducing Earth civilization, what will happen in the future, even if he has a ready answer in his hand, he doesn't want to know for the time being.

"It's off work, it's time for dinner!" Senior Brother Zhao patted Zhang Yuan's shoulder, "Let’s take a break."

Zhang Yuan jumped up from the stool and sighed silently Take a breath.

The two came to the cafeteria while talking.

The various dishes in the canteen are still so unpalatable.

"This heat control is a bit bad, it's all steamed...Are the cooking robots working for years and months, will not even steam a vegetable?"

Zhang Yuan does miss Lin Xuanxuan's cooking a bit.

"I also think that the food in the past few days is not very delicious. Maybe there is something wrong with the robot...Let’s take a look when we finish eating."

This Growing a cooking robot is actually quite simple. Various programs are accurate to milliseconds, but they are not smart at all, and they are also impossible to distinguish whether there is too much water and whether there is steam leakage.

If the robot is aging and an error occurs in a certain link, it will make the taste of the dishes worse.

"By the way, do we have that kind of intelligent robot here? The kind that can do almost any housework." Zhang Yuan said, "Foundation should send the source code?"

"Of course, in a simulated environment, the entire set of source codes can be run in supercomputing." Zhao Qingfeng said: "But the hardware is not good. There are hundreds of thousands of various parts, so where did we get these packages? Parts..."

"3D printing."

"The first robot is often the most difficult. Even with the exact same blueprint, we have to explore it for a while. In addition, many of the current production lines have been closed, and the research is slower."

"Well..." Zhang Yuan gave up this idea. Obviously, he has better technology, but it is limited in productivity and cannot be used on a large scale. It feels strange to him.

The two of them ate and chatted about the historiography of the new civilization.

Zhang Yuan said: "Congratulations, Senior Brother Zhao. The successful launch of the second deep-space colonial ship Golden Sun, a small prophecy in the history of new civilizations, succeeded again."

"Really?" Zhao Qingfeng laughed, "The future is unknown. How do you know that the third ship will not be launched? You only looked at the history of the first two hundred years, and there are a hundred years behind."

Zhang Yuan said with a bitter smile: "Because the Deep Space Foundation has begun to decline... it is impossible."

"I think the Foundation has no influence. There are three deep-space colonial ships."

The more he studies, the more he understands the horror prediction ability of the new civilization history: two ships are all of human civilization.

Just as Professor Wang Zhong said at the time on Earth, this is not a question of technology or economy, but a question of the quality of Divine Grade.

Time and civilization complement each other.

In some ancient times, soldiers were able to die for the Imperial Family, give up their lives, and even commit suicide by caesarean section; in some years, some people were able to sacrifice everything for their faith...


But in peaceful times, people find it difficult to understand the stories that happened in the past and find them unimaginable.

Earth Era was born in the time when humans worshipped knowledge most. And during that time, the influence and organizational capabilities of the Deep Space Foundation were also the greatest.

The Golden Sun was born during the period when the interstellar trade and interstellar business were most prosperous. Just like the great nautical era from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century, rapid technological innovation and the temptation of money made people have the most fanatical desire to explore abroad.

"Their appearance all have strong characteristics of the times, not appear out of thin air. Judging from the current ideology, people have regarded aerospace engineering as a commonplace thing. , The project to circumnavigate the solar system is also close to completion."

"So, it is difficult for people to have a third time to launch a colonial spaceship."

"Very good analysis." Senior Brother Zhao patted said, “Through the complex calculations of the new civilization history, there will be a probability of more than 60%.”

He compared his fingers: “After 367 years, there will be a A large-scale conference on the history of civilization. If you are interested, you can choose to wake up at that point in time."

"No problem." Zhang Yuan laughed, can everything be planned after 367 years ? Well, it's just a night's sleep, nothing at worst...

After eating, the two spent a few more hours trying to repair the cooking robot.

Five hundred years of sailing time, the frequency of failures of the entire spaceship is getting higher and higher, and the places that need to be maintained are gradually increasing. Fortunately, the faults that have occurred in the past are small faults, not big mistakes of the core problem.

After solving this little trouble, it was already night. Zhang Yuan and Senior Brother Zhao bid farewell and came to the Star Library alone.

The voyage is only one-fifth, but as the distance increases, it is more difficult for spaceship to receive signals from Earth. With the gradual decline of the Deep Space Foundation, one day, this organization will not be able to afford increasingly high signal launch costs.

"Hey, maybe."

Zhang Yuan just hope that that day will come later.

The feeling of being alone is very subtle. It's time to learn about the next history of Earth.

Quickly click on a news report, from the 27th century, a follow-up survey on the demolished households.

[Malayan demolition household’s mentality of getting richer]

Malacca was a poor and small country. In Zhang Yuan’s era, there were no mineral deposits, no capital, and no talents. It's just that prairie, where the people are basically on the verge of fate.

But now, it's completely different.

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