However, what is surprising is that a report a few years later showed that the "Robot Bill of Rights" was passed and a trial has begun in the country. Anyway, for the otaku in the island country, it doesn’t seem to be the worst for their girlfriends to engage in human rights.

Black and white, the red and bright seal shows that this proposal is not a joke.

Because of the similar appearance, anthropomorphic robots actually have "human rights"!

Zhang Yuan wanted to laugh somehow, not knowing how to describe his feelings. He is very unfamiliar with the entire human civilization, and many things have deviated from his own perception.

This kind of uneasiness is just like seeing an airplane flying in the sky in ancient times, for fear that it will fall over, it is a kind of uneasiness in the face of unfamiliar things.

It is like the ancients who saw modern people's "dog rights", "feminism" and so on, and they were full of incomprehension.

And Zhang Yuan, he is this uncivilized ancient man.

After thinking for a while, and shook the head again, Zhang Yuan finally accepted these new things.

He has a very good advantage, since it has already happened, just accept it.

The fact is impossible because of imagination and any deviation occurs.

He said very uncomfortably: "Old Zhao, can you tell us whether the robot is rebellious or not...I am a little panicked."

Zhao Qingfeng sighed. : "You think too much, of course not. So far, humans have not deciphered the true mystery of self-consciousness, so it is impossible to create strong artificial intelligence."

"By the way, there is a newest self. The theory of consciousness, called'Boltzmann self-awareness', is very interesting, you can go and find out."

"Let’s talk about it when you have time."

I heard that there is no robot rebelling. Zhang Yuan immediately sighed in relief. Since the worst may not happen, theoretically, there can be no big mistakes in the development of human civilization, right?

Reading one report after another, on the whole, human civilization is still progressing rapidly.

Even with all kinds of small contradictions.

Small conflicts will not hinder the development of civilization.

In order to cater to the increasingly complex space industry, each child's learning pressure is quite heavy, and there are not many talents who can stand out. But because the new population base is large enough, there will always be more geniuses born in this civilization and make greater contributions.

The increase in high-quality population, coupled with the stimulation of economic interests, has greatly accelerated the progress of the development of the circum-solar system!

Finally, Zhang Yuan entered hibernation for the second time. After the 60th year, the second deep space colonial ship "Golden Sun" appeared!

The "Golden Sun" has been 245 years away from the "Earth Era".

"Dear colleagues of Earth Era, everyone, I am the then chairman of the Deep Space Foundation, Ding Fengsheng."

"I have great news to announce! "

"Today, the'Golden Sun' deep space colonial ship officially set sail at the Mercury Industrial Base."

"I am here, on behalf of all the staff, wish They have a good journey!"


The report showed a middle-aged man: "Earth Era ancestors, hello everyone. I am the ship of the Golden Sun. Long Yao Xianfeng."

"Today, my mood is disturbed and complicated. It is exactly the same as you used to be, because we are about to set off."

"...Earth civilization has entered since Since the space age, there has been rapid development for more than four hundred years. This is an unprecedented golden age."

"We don’t know how long this rapid development can last, or whether Earth civilization can Get rid of the ultimate prediction of new civilization historiography..."

"We don't even know how difficult the future will be."

"We will become a new seed and become Earth civilization Insurance."

"In short, a thousand words are combined into one sentence, I wish us a good journey. I also wish you a good journey."

Seeing this ship more than "Earth "Era" is larger and more advanced, and the super mothership carrying a million people slowly leaves the space port.

Zhang Yuan’s eye sockets are slightly moist, this is the only familiarity he finds in the strange Earth civilization.

As if recalling the day when "Earth Era" just set sail, everyone sent their sincere blessings.

Era 2509, mankind’s second colonial spaceship "Golden Sun" left the embrace of the parent star.

Target, Captain, a star 12.8 light years away.

Because the tonnage of the "Golden Sun" is too large, it is loaded with a huge amount of resources and equipment, even if it uses the highest level of navigation technology, it can only accelerate to five thousandths of the speed of light. Therefore, the entire voyage process still needs more than two thousand five hundred years.

Of course, as far as the current planetary development technology is concerned, there is no longer any need to stick to Earth-like planets similar to Earth.

The first point to consider is the planet's gravity. The planetary gravity cannot be too large, otherwise the human body will not adapt, and the space elevator construction project will be very troublesome;

Secondly, the stars cannot be too violent, and flare bursts at every turn is actually quite annoying, and it cannot be old age. A star, or a member of the trisolaris.

"Captain Star" is similar to "Gliese". It is a red dwarf star with a long lifespan.

Anyway, when the time comes and then go on a closer field inspection, I can always pick out a good planet.

"Hey, the estimated second colonial ship has appeared." Zhang Yuan sighed with emotion, "They have a larger population, more advanced technology, and they carry more equipment... The foundation is better."

That being said, compared to "Captain" and "Gliese", Gliese is obviously better.

The most critical factor is gravity. The gravity of Gliese 581g is close to or slightly higher than that of Earth. It is very comfortable for humans to live above and will not cause various physiological diseases.

The only shortcoming is that the Gliese 581g's rotation angle is relatively slow. It will be more difficult to set up a space elevator, and another way of aviation may be required.


The next report.

On the one hand, the continued development of all mankind, on the other hand, something not so wonderful has happened.

From the annual financial data, Zhang Yuan found that the Deep Space Foundation is in a slow decline. The Earth civilization is growing, but the financial data of the entire Foundation is not only not growing, but slowly falling.

The main purpose of the Deep Space Foundation is to help humans develop aerospace engineering, not for profit. From some perspectives, it does not compete for real capital.

At present, the infrastructure of the entire aerospace industry has come up, and the Huanyang Engineering Industry has entered a stage of rapid development, and private capital has been able to handle various investments in it.

In this case, the Deep Space Foundation inevitably fell into a dilemma of being overwhelmed.

(Five change is over, good night friends!)

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