Lin Xuanxuan was a little angry, and she scolded Zhang Yuan in her heart. She had no eyesight at all. She obviously lost 1 catty!

It took a while before the heart that was about to explode was calmed down.

She showed a professional smile: "There is no live broadcast now, just relax and just talk a few words casually. there any special way to generate inspiration?"

Zhang Yuan coughed and replied: "Inspiration? I don't know if you have Mathematical Olympiad questions?"

"Of course I did it."

"Doing scientific research and doing Mathematical Olympiad questions Almost, the only difference is that scientific research has no standard answers and it is difficult. As for the divine light flashed feeling, I actually don’t know how to do it."

"How did you do Mathematical Olympiad Divine light flashed, when you make a topic, you have a similar feeling when you do scientific research, so what is the promotion of impossible... Anyway, you have to accumulate knowledge first, and you must have enough tools to do it, right? Then just keep thinking and thinking , Have you been thinking about it?"

The beautiful female reporter thought for a long time, but she didn't know what to ask. She just thought the answer was a bit funny.

She doesn't understand the academic aspects. At most, she will report some of her usual life and study conditions, and then report on the future impact and so on.

"So, tell me about your usual living conditions."

"Ai, don't overreport."

Zhang Yuan shook his head." A successful person like me is already lucky enough, there is no need to add more topics to generate more heat."

" should pay more attention to those who have not succeeded, and give them more A lot of encouragement. The pain and hesitation of exploring in the fog is really hard to tell to outsiders, and sometimes I don’t know how I came here." Reporter Lin thought for a while, said with a smile , "You said, we also know. However, the operating law of this World is to reward those who succeed, not those who fail. Otherwise, who would be willing to work hard to be a winner?"

"Hey, what you said is really right..."

It took another half an hour to accept the entire interview.

Later, I saw that Zhang Yuan was confused, and this nice little elder sister stood up and left without petitioning much.


As Zhang Yuan elated was sleeping, the entire conference video and papers had been passed back to Earth.

Many scientists already know that a young man on the spaceship eliminated the turbulence problem!

Nor can it be said that it is completely eliminated, but the "next time solution" of this problem is pushed to a heinous difficulty!

"Next time solution", you may really need to study mathematical methods to explore things like "smoothness".

This matter caused a huge sensation in the circle. Some qualified laboratories have already started, and finally the most important "plasma turbulence experiment".

Of course, it did not cause too much enthusiasm outside the circle. For ordinary person people, they simply don't understand the "turbulence" and other issues. There is no way to comment on things you don’t understand.

People are more concerned about food, clothing, shelter and transportation, as well as things that are closely related to them.

Even if the sunspots see this problem, there is no point to focus on. Otherwise, it accidentally exposed the fact that he was illiterate.


Wake up from bed, it is 2nd day early in the morning, and it’s been a long time since I slept so securely.

Zhang Yuan habitually began to check his personal mailbox.

A lot of congratulations from colleagues, including congratulations from many scientists on Earth.

Although it is very troublesome, I still have to reply one after another and express my "heartfelt" thanks.

Some documents are experimental reports of plasma turbulence. Some mad scientists have rushed to work overnight and completed some of the simplest tests.

With a heartbeat, Zhang Yuan carefully read the above experimental data.

Very good, all met expectations.

This means that his algorithm is also very suitable for plasma turbulence.

His heart gradually relaxed. There is no big problem with the last piece of the paper and it can be completed.

"Zhang Yuan, congratulations, surpassed your father in this field!" is a congratulatory video sent by Professor Wang Zhong.

"How does the scenery on the top of the mountain feel? Is it a glance at the many mountains that seem small?"

Zhang Yuan laughed.

It feels really good, but a bit lonely.

The more you know, the more you don’t know. He can already confirm that the turbulence problem can only be approached from his current ability, but there is no way to really solve it.

Professor Wang continued in the video: "After the plasma turbulence experiment was verified, we held a scientific seminar overnight..."

"Many scientists believe that your algorithm is better than yours. Father’s method is more effective and the constraint accuracy is higher. This will usher in another upgrade of the nuclear fusion industry, which brings a certain degree of feasibility to miniaturization."

"...even The nuclear engines on Earth Era can all be updated."

"But after careful research, we still feel that we should let'Earth Era' continue to go far, and there is no need to upgrade this time... …"

"Because of the upgrading of the aerospace industry, the first is reliability and safety, and the second is economical benefits. Although your solution is advanced, it will take at least a few years or even several decades. Through long-term practice, its reliability can be ensured."

"The classic engine of Earth Era has passed the baptism of time and is reliable enough, but all astronauts cannot delay several decades. This hope You can know."

Zhang Yuan nodded.

"One more point." Professor Wang said with a smile: "The superior has notified me. If you want to stay in Earth, you will not be punished at the national level..."


Zhang Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

"However, from my personal point of view, I still hope you can leave."

"The prosperity of young man, in the mortal world is not worthy of nostalgia, everything, let’s look at it for three thousand years Come on!"


Amidst various discussions, Europa finally arrived.

This satellite is quite far away from Earth, about 630 million kilometers, and the signal propagation time between ground and wood is 2,100 seconds.

After several turns, Earth Era slowly docked at Europa’s starry sky port. The spaceship itself is even larger than the port.

Europa is the second largest moon of Jupiter, with a diameter of 3183 kilometers, and its gravitational acceleration is only one-eighth of Earth.

Looking from the distant space, you can think of it as a huge ice ball. The ice cap on the surface of the planet is 100 kilometers thick.

According to the analysis of scientists, there may be liquid water under Europa’s thick ice layer, and there may even be extraterrestrial life.

However, the ice layer of more than 100 kilometers is really a bit thick and outrageous. Up to now, there is no particularly good way to drill through the ice layer for scientific research. According to speculation, even if there is extraterrestrial life, there are at most some microorganisms, which will not affect humans.

The total population of humans here remains at six million.

They have built a complex and huge survival paradise in the thick ice sheet, which provides a good example for future interstellar immigrants.

Earth Era will be here for almost a month. In this month, the entire spaceship will be filled with nuclear fuel, replenish water resources, and make the final replenishment of resources. Immediately afterwards, the redundant population will enter a state of hibernation, leaving only a small number of staff, and start a long interstellar voyage.

The real voyage is finally coming.

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