Chapter 128: The Sight of the Dead

When Chu Dong heard this, he smelled Fu Xin.

“You told me before that your father went to the tomb, did these soldiers go during the tomb?”

Fu Xin said of course: “Go!”

“Then did your father often disappear with the mansion soldiers, long or short?”

Fu Xin nodded again.

Upon hearing this, Chu Dong guessed that his father was not a full-time tomb robber.

Because of the bronze coffin, Chu Dong feels that most of the ancient officials may be related to the tomb. The method of formation of ancient officials may have been to enter the soil. Could it be that he was an official in the soil during his lifetime and continued to be an official after his death?

Judging from the clues of the download, the court is likely to cover up the traces of the ancient officials while studying the ancient officials at the same time. That’s why there are so many technologically fault-like products.

Normally, the science and technology tree of a world is gradual. It is impossible for you to evolve directly from a farming society to an interstellar civilization.

However, Yishou Dan, through the quiet golden water, clearly has a gap with the normal cultivation level of this world.

Although certain technologies will be monopolized by rights, they will not be monopolized to the point where the folks have no traces at all, unless this technology emerges out of thin air and has no research process.

[Combing the logic map]

All kinds of information were sorted out by Zhi Brain one by one, and suddenly one of the interesting things was noticed by Chu Dong.

The development of the world should be similar, and this world shouldn’t be so special. For example, why Chu Dong has never heard of similar things like bans by chivalry and martial arts.

With power, it will swell. In human nature, Chu Dong has never heard of any Practitioner warlock swelling to rebellion. This is not what Chu Dong knows little, but Chu Dong has studied the history of this world.

He once asked Yang Yiqing to collect a large number of official and unofficial histories, but no similar incidents of rebellion were found.

[The only possibility is that the court has absolute crushing power][Ordinary Warlocks or Practitioners cannot obtain the power of resistance through the combination of individuals or even groups][Combined with existing information, the most favorable evidence is as follows]

A scene appeared in front of Chu Dong, that was the moment when Yang Yiqing was asked to kill. It was a branch ending that Zhuge Qiu had seen for Chu Dong. It was a possible thing, and everything here should be based on evidence.

But there is a big bug here, why wouldn’t Huang De save Yang Yiqing?

Why did Zhu Rou go to rob the field instead of Huang De and Chu Dong? Chu Dong didn’t think that Huang De would ignore Yang Yiqing because of the order, and Chu Dong was afraid of the Practitioner in this world when he had a sniper at the time?

With so many favorable conditions, they still didn’t save, maybe there is only one answer.

Huang De knew that it was impossible to succeed, so he didn’t do meaningless things. He even told this to the side. Chu Dong absolutely made sense. The success rate was 0, so Chu Dong would not go.

Zhu Rou went, but failed. Is there any higher power above Yin & Yang?

[In this ending, Wisdom Brain has been unable to understand logic][On the day Yang Yiqing was asked to kill, you and Huang De were still working hard in Lin Ming’s mansion][Behavior and personality are completely contradictory][The biggest possibility is that Huang De knew that he could not succeed, and had a serious disagreement with Zhu Rou][Huang De believes that the only remedy may be to solve this trouble][Only after substituting this condition, the logic of this ending can be understood]

Chu Dong thought for a long time, it seemed that there was only this kind of explanation.

Even if Huang De takes care of his retirement, he is still far away from the court. In any case, he does not want to make matters worse.

It may not be that Huang De is really sincere to the court, but that he dare not.

Once things are smashed, they may be out of his control. Huang De is in a high position and will definitely know things that ordinary people don’t know.

The imperial court that has mastered fault technology and the blood gold coat of suspected royal technology really depends on a group of warlocks? If the cost of Yishou Dan and Tongyou Jinshui is low enough, will some people be able to enjoy countless Yishou Dan? He Tongyou Jinshui.

Then this Fu Bo’s identity is very interesting, the warlock has Yin & Yang division, then what organization will Practitioner be?

Chu Dong didn’t continue to ask about Fu Bo’s things before, because Fu Xin was also half-knowledge, she never thought that her father would hide from her, and everything was rationalized by her brain.

He began to focus on what happened after Fu Bo entered the city, and Fu Xin also said everything she knew.

Half a month ago, Fu Bo led the mansion soldiers into the city to suppress the bandits. The next day there were refugees out of the city, desperate.

However, I have not seen Fu Bo lead people out of the city. This phenomenon lasted for a full day, and then someone went into the city to investigate. It didn’t matter if I looked at it, I found that the city had been almost completely slaughtered.

Rogues will kill, but there are few killings on this scale.

The strange thing is that there is not a single corpse of a gangster or a soldier in this city, only the innocent residents.

As for the refugees who came out of the city, they were hiding in hidden corners and survived the slaughter.

Fu Xin said with lingering fear: “I’ve been in that city too. I want to find clues about daddy, but inside…

It was terrible. There were corpses everywhere, but there were no living people. All were killed by swords. Some people were beheaded on the street, at home, and even in their sleep.

They cut off the heads of the people of the government, built a wall with their heads, and blocked it at the gate of the city.

And those people’s eyelids are all…

All have been cut off. ”

There is a big problem with the logic of this group of gangsters. Normal gangsters should go if they grab the money. Killing one or two people does not matter. But if the court does not catch all the gangsters and behead their heads, it will be difficult to convince them. Public.

The massacre of the city must have alarmed the emperor. After that imperial decree, everyone will hunt them down. There is no way to survive and there is no deep hatred. Why massacre the city?

And there is a problem with the people’s way of death…

There is a saying that the eyes of the dead can see Nether, gathering so many heads to make them look at the gate of the city, this is more like some kind of… ritual, or an evil method.

As for Fu Bo’s identity, obviously he shouldn’t carry out such work as banditry suppression.

Fu Bo once told Yang Yiqing himself that he did not bring soldiers, and asked a military general who did not bring soldiers to use his own mansion soldiers to suppress the bandits, revealing weirdness everywhere.

Chu Dong pulled his horse whip vigorously.

“Hurry up, I’m a little curious about what happened!”

The three of Chu Dong are Practitioners, and their physical recovery speed is good. They have been running fast, changing their horses every time they arrive at a station, and will not stop to rest when they encounter a city on the road.

At noon on the second day, the three finally arrived at their destination, the small city near the border, Sishan Mansion.

Fu Xin took two people to a camp, not very big but dozens of people.

As soon as the three of them entered the camp, a man rushed out. The man wore a sword with a sword, and walked with wind. He should be less than 30 years old.

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