8th floor – Lv. 55 Disciples (4)

As you progress through the rogue-like game, there are times when you have to throw everything into luck, whether you like it or not.

This is irresistible.

Lucky ginseng. Anyway, luck is 70%.

Of course, betting without any basis is bullshit. The reason is not luck, but 30%.

I still don’t know what will happen on this floor.

But there is some kind of support that the future me would have prepared through the Temple of Time.

In fact, this is a very solid basis, and even if it is not, it is more than 50%.

In this labyrinth, if I had to choose another reliable companion besides me, there were gods who stood at the peak of the exile.

But I can trust myself more than those gods.

I’ve never seen an exile better than me.

At least so far, I’ve been the best for 97 years.

“Because my uncle said that, I strangely trust him again…. But can’t you explain in more detail about the temple of that time?”

The girl mumbles to herself and asks.

“Have you not played a lot of games secretly? Is it difficult?”

“I don’t think there’s ever been a game of time travel!”

“Is that so?”

The concept of time travel can be difficult for some people.

Surprisingly, the youngest understood easily, and the hunter knew it as the target was the Temple of Time.

The girl grunted as she drew something on the floor by herself, and then started to smoke steam over her head.

That’s not to say it wasn’t real, it just means that the expression on his face was that great.

He closed his eyes and placed it on the girl’s forehead. melts away

“Oh, it’s cold! What is it!”

“It’s hot.”

Let’s draw a picture on the floor too.

“If you pray once per person, you can use the Temple of Time. You can use it even if you are not a believer.”

Now I pick up a stick and paint on the floor.

A girl is looking at a picture drawn on the floor with interest.

draw a straight line

And the faces of the party members were drawn in the middle of the line.

“I paint more prettier.”

I was too lazy to ask why, so I erased the girl’s face and painted it more painstakingly.

Add a bit of shading as well.

The party members are amazed.

Make a tick mark on the line. and enter the number. Our party is currently located on the 8th floor.

Then circle the 16th floor and write [Temple of Time].

“Here we go back to the even-numbered floors of the past. One by one.”

“Isn’t that possible?”

“You can if you want to. But look.”

Our party on the 8th floor goes up to the 16th floor. There, I pulled an arrow on my face and went up to the second floor.

“This has already been observed by the stump fairies from the second-floor fairy village.”

“You seem to have gone to the second floor, but I don’t think we’ve seen it.”

The hunter answered.

“Girl, if you are observed by your past self while traveling to the past, the God of Time will grant you power.”

“Uh, are you forcibly returning to the temple?”

“That’s right.”

I also nodded.

“That’s why you can’t see it because you’re avoiding it. And except for the second floor, you have to think that no one has ever come from the future.”

“Because you don’t have to?”

“Yeah, it was hard, but anyway, it was a problem that we could solve on our line.”

“It may not be the case in the future. I definitely thought it was getting more and more difficult. I wondered if this was the case.”

If this is ‘right’ or ‘not’, it is definitely ‘no’. In the first place, this cannot be

In that sense, Kakrish was definitely not at a level that he could overcome on his own at that time.

There was a way to catch it, but the risk was too much. So, it went through the trick.

Maybe that’s why the future me returned. Things have progressed from the 8th floor to here as I go back to the past and kill Kakrish.

“Then, someone is also on the 8th floor. Because the 8th floor was also reprinted in the aftermath of the 2nd floor. There’s no way I can’t ignore that.”

Strictly speaking, it started twisting from the 6th floor. Still, I think I covered the 6th floor by myself. No external force was felt.

“So you’re thinking that one of our future us has already arrived somewhere on this eighth floor.”

“Yes. I understand correctly. There is probably only one. Since the 11th floor is called space, other party members must have invested in it.”

The girl closes her eyes and moans and moans. The sound of the girl’s tiny head spinning violently could be heard.

“Okay. You didn’t think there was a way, but you thought that someone in the future would come up with a way, didn’t you?”

“I don’t hate smart kids.”

When I stroke my hair, it rubs happily. She seems to have become a cat after hanging out with the leaf fairies.

* * *

Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re completely dependent on it.

The time travel of the labyrinth is inconclusive.

I remember the first time I met the Temple of Time.

To be precise, they did not reach the Temple of Time. If the temple hadn’t spawned at the entrance to the kingdom, it would have been inexplicable.

The future me thoroughly supported myself at the time.

But the current me was stupid.

How stupid he thought that the future was decided.

So, I just rushed around casually.

As the traces of my future began to be discovered, I thought that reaching the Temple of Time itself was confirmed no matter what I did.

But that wasn’t it.

I died and was ejected for the next round as it is.

Isn’t it a form that has to branch out into various world lines and do it right until the end to be confirmed?

I’ve never had time travel outside of the labyrinth, so I can tell.

Still, it was a valuable lesson, so the second time I met the Temple of Time, I put it to good use.

The third is now.

“So we have to do our best. Don’t think you can’t die here.”

“It’s an undetermined future. It’s too difficult.”

“[Racial Mainstream] works similarly, so you’ll find out.”

The girl tried to spit vapor from her head again and I rebooted the girl. It’s been stroking me hard.

In fact, I took that form of time travel as one of the proofs that this world is a game and that I am the protagonist.

With my death, this world ends. Only the next round is created.

So maybe this is how it works?

Well, there is no definitive answer anyway. The important thing is not to explore how this world is formed.

It is the task at hand.

I did my best to instruct how to carry out a delayed war against the Greenskin Shock Battalion, and I also gave a lecture on elemental techniques as an attribute.

The Leaf Fairy priests admired it, and the God of Nature sent a message with delight.

[The God of Nature is pleased with your actions.]

God is bound to the throne of God more than we thought and there are many parts that are limited.

So, they want to increase their influence on the continent by using the old exiles as followers.

The same is true of the dissemination of the spirit’s operating method, which will be studied in the future.

The server, that is, the god of nature that exists beyond the continents, is known.

The followers of nature exist in the future, in the past, on other continents, and in the universe.

Nevertheless, it would be difficult to tell the future even in the form of divine revelation, except under certain circumstances.

The gods in the story are described as omnipotent, but they do not show that omnipotence in reality.

Perhaps those gods were also prisoners of something like the gods of the labyrinth.

Anyway, I did my best.

When the sun was rising in the middle of the sky, there was a report that the ogres and trolls had a hearty lunch and went to war.

Our party left the castle and started making a big detour.

Fortunately, I was able to write the horses of the fallen cavalry.

* * *

The labyrinth’s power stat raises physical and physical abilities. Agility stats are also involved to some extent.

However, there are times when the action is somewhat strange. Is the semicircular canal not strengthened?

The girl complained of motion sickness. So I grabbed the reins and now the horse runs wild.

After thinking about what to do, I put him to sleep with magic and tied it tightly to my back so that it wouldn’t fall off.

The hunter knew how to ride a horse. The youngest did nothing as the hunter rode on the back of the horse holding the reins.

I don’t know how long the castle will last, but it takes three days to reach the fortress no matter how fast I ride.

ran day and night It was a forced march that made my body choke, but not as much as the horses.

When a horse carrying people became tired, it was released and moved to an empty horse. After repeating it a few times, the words are now tired.

On the second day, at dawn, all the horses were exhausted and ran out. There was also a story that died suddenly from overwork. The tired horse meat was not very tasty.

After such a forced march, he finally entered the realm of the Orc Empire.

Greenskins do not put barriers on their borders. They don’t even monitor the territory.

Their life is a series of struggles, and the death they meet at the end is the glory of going to the side of God.

It was easy to operate inconspicuously within the territory. The northern part, where the temperature is low, is not a favored land for greenskins.

Although conquered, the population density is low.

Few troops are stationed there. Although there may be more troops coming up from below.

There is no such thing as defense. They do not fear losing territory, nor do they consider it a loss when war begins.

I’m just crazy about the longer war.

The itchy feeling was everywhere. They even saw the orcs fighting among themselves from a distance.

From here on, everyone in the party was in a bad mood. All sides are enemies. If caught, it will be difficult to survive.

Now, instead of letting go of the words, I had to kill them. Greenskins don’t use horses more than meat.

Of course it doesn’t grow When the horses suddenly move around, no matter how stupid they are, they feel strange.

The weather was also bitter. It’s time for summer to end It didn’t feel warm even though it was heading south.

Having to sit on a horse that is blown by the wind all day makes my body wet in many ways.

At dawn on the third day, the fortress finally began to be seen in the distance. I stopped talking.

It was a cold and barren wilderness. The rocks are sparse and there are no villages around.

“Magic is convenient. I sleep with it. Everyone only sleeps for three hours from now on.”

“How about you?”

The girl asks angrily. Suspected of overdoing

I set up a magic circle and answered.

“I’m going to sleep with the camouflage hanging on. Me and the hunter will wake up before anything happens, so don’t worry you two.”

“Um, fine. Then what.”

So everyone put me to sleep with magic, and I got out of the stomach.

I don’t know what my future self might have done. The current me should do the best I can.

He takes out the potion bottle that he had put aside for a long time and had forgotten.

As an artifact that keeps the liquid inside fresh in any case, the angel’s tears still have not lost their divinity.

If the spring water of recovery is an aqueous solution of a mixture of divine and magical powers, then the tears of angels are not water, but divine itself.

If I had to say which one is better as a catalyst for potion production, it is of course the tears of an angel.

I ate one of the invisibility fruits harvested on the 6th floor. Fruits with beneficial effects should be eaten in general to be effective.

It looked weird, but it didn’t taste bad.

He started moving to the nearby goblin village he had looked at. The materials were brought. Let’s make a potion for infiltrating the fortress.

* * *

The disciple sighed again.

The Stormcry Brigade was declared annihilated. The battalion commander of the Lavamaul battalion was a sinister and evil troll.

He did not intend to share command with the commander of the orc regiment.

It has been like that since the morning of arrival. The trolls didn’t like orcs very much. It is clear that they regard their backwards compatibility as such.

The regimental commander quickly surrendered. The old orc warrior, despite his disgrace, decided to withdraw from this battle.

Teddon’s opinion also contributed to the decision.

“I advise you as an old friend. Don’t meddle in this battle.”

The commander of the orc was absurd rather than angry.

“God is watching, you say that?”

“You must be busy looking elsewhere now.”

“How do you know that?”

“There’s a way to know everything. Trust me.”

The old orc warrior was strangely docile in his disciple’s standards and accepted Tedund’s opinion.

The Stormcrying Brigade took the shape of withdrawing with the remnants of the defeated.

The warriors who wanted to remain remained. They were young people who wanted to go to war and go to the side of God.

“Disciple, it’s not that we don’t become docile when we get old. Everything is bound to fall in the face of the winds and winds of time. Even our fighting spirit and hatred.”

“I’m not yet.”

“It will be complicated.”

The master smiled slyly.

At the discretion of the brigade commander, Tedundt was temporarily reinstated. In the end, the punishment was to be executed again, or it was judged that it was more urgent to collect the troops immediately.

Many of the shamans died, and the rest could not even vomit.

To put it bluntly, shamans are a class of people who are less aggressive from their youth.

“They are like snakes. They’re not like Orcs.”

“Orcs who take a step back from the physical struggle fight for power. It’s just the difference between taking the opponent’s head on the battlefield or sitting in the barracks and grabbing the opponent’s head.”

“It’s no different than a human.”

“Isn’t that what all living things that think and live have in common?”

The master said, ‘It’s funny that you say you’re not an orcish from your mouth.’ and chuckled.

He didn’t even say any more. Instead, he was interested in the little vampire he kept carrying around.

The little boy recovered enough to walk on his own, but still did not speak. It’s like an aphasia.

It was a clan that even a disciple who was a saint did not know well. It doesn’t match any of the vampire clans I know of.

Her face looks like blood from the East. Nevertheless, the hair is silver and the iris is red.

A little further east, I heard that humans with this appearance live in the less cold grasslands.

It seems that there were vampires there too.

How did they come all the way to this place and get caught by the Greenskins?

Truly pitiful… … .

Wait, what is this? mercy?

I suddenly had a thought.

Now, even seeing a vampire that resembles a human and is nothing more than a corpse makes me feel sorry for him. I… … under. Oh God.

I miss the voice of God that I can’t hear anymore.

Where should I lean? Oh God. I miss you so much.

However, as an Orc, there is no way to go back and get revenge, or to reach God again.

* * *

Do Dodongt and Saints have a grudge against me? Judging from the current situation, it is highly probable.

But the future me returned to the second floor.

It’s probably not just because of Kakrish.

A few goblins were raided and captured.

The god of war and savagery hates goblins.

It is because they feel that they are not fit for the struggle in the name of war because they are physically weak.

Therefore, goblins who could not even become assassins engage in handyman jobs. It’s like slavery.

In other words, nobody cares that much.

Even if it increases or decreases, and even God does not consider him a proper believer, he does not often confirm whether his or her followers are correct, let alone prophecies or messages.

Goblin’s blood captured by angel’s tears… … I mash things that are hard to put in my mouth and put them in.

Miscellaneous ingredients that fairy wizards and other wizards of the territory had are also added and heated with magical power.

It must be heated with magic, not fire. For the past three days, the body and the magical power have been restored to a perfect state.

Transfer to another bowl for about three hours and decoction with low magic power.

The smell is so bad that some greenskins may feel strange.

He dug a hole in the ground and poured magical energy into it.

By the time the drug was complete, the party members began to open their eyes one by one.

The girl turned into ax eyes and glared at her.

“Mister, haven’t you slept? What is that?”

Somewhere between doubt and curiosity, his eyes move non-stop, as if tossing and turning.

As if to say something, he pressed his index finger to stop his round lips and cast a spell.

It is a magic that paralyzes the nose and taste.

“Ugh, what did you do? I feel strange all of a sudden.”

I handed the potion I just made to the girl who was sniffing her nose hard.

When told to swallow just one sip, the girl becomes suspicious and drinks.

“It’s hot.”

frown a lot After a while, the effect started to show.

body shrinks The fair skin turns into a hideous green, and the clear eyes turn into a dull and slitted ugly shape.

“Kerrreuk? What. What?”

The voice cracks and cracks.

The clothes were too big and spilled.

An ugly goblin stands in front of me.

The youngest and the hunter open their mouths.

“[Polymorph ? Goblin] potion, well made. It’s of great quality, isn’t it?”

The youngest, who had been watching the girl collapsed in disbelief, crept up to me and took my hand.

what did he do

“What are you doing to the girl now?!”

I was very angry with the Goddess.

No, but, you have to sneak in.

First, let’s meet Twitund and think about it. Maybe the future me who went back to the second floor did something?

Or that’s what you think.

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