12th floor – Lv. 1350 Demi Rich Shakma(2)

Shakma felt interest before embarrassment. Wizards who choose to become undead because they are old are usually like that.

There are many legends about the exiles. Shakhma collected most of them.

And I was expecting a little.

The exiles in the collected legends are indomitable warriors who wield unparalleled strength and power.

Of course, we have to take into account that there is an exaggeration to the extent that it is a legend.

But even half the story is a great hero.

Shaqma liked that fact.

In an era when firearms became commonplace and firearms were taken for granted, there were too few people who could be called heroes.

He might think so because he’s an old skeleton wizard who can’t laugh more than smashing his teeth.

Of course I understand. No matter how great a wizard he is, there is no way he can defeat the army alone.

The same goes for warriors and spirit warriors.

The development of the times has reduced even the great warriors and heroes to an individual.

Only now, even with a fleet, is it only possible for dragons to fight alone?

Shaqma himself doesn’t know how many battleships his opponent has, so there’s almost no way to be active in a full-fledged war.

So it’s just annoying to deal with such a huge group.

The resin rolls out of alignment to gain and maintain a position.

In the yard where the war started, you can be more free.

It was also out of such discomfort that he began to study exiles.

Shakhma was an old man, from a time when a single hero turned the battlefield upside down, and was one of those heroes.

I’ve never done anything heroic, but I was really looking forward to it and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Great power is power, and no country has been able to treat him easily.

If we wanted to get rid of it like we do now, there was nothing we couldn’t do, but it wasn’t something we were avoiding because it was dirty.

So the proud old wizard wanted to become stronger.

Exiles who use powers outside of providence are good subjects. The problem was that the research was not progressing well.

The Exile Party that appeared in front of us now had the power to quench that thirst.

First of all, the tactics were very sophisticated.

Richie shuddered at the thought of having experienced a battle-like battle for the first time in decades.

not a few decades. several hundred years

In the past, it was common to hold a gun and flirt with things that we would not have made eye contact with.

There was no one who showed the strong power that was created from a trained body and magical power.

The exiles were comparatively better. Because they knew how to handle my body.

But no one was as good as this party now.

First, Rich had to explore the skills his opponent had learned. The scale of the magic he has accumulated over the years is closer to that of a nuclear fusion magic furnace than a single wizard.

If you want a recurring confrontation, you can. You only need to focus on defense with huge magical power.

Of course, this is a confrontation from his point of view.

The opponent was in a desperate midst.

The connection was very neat.

Even the three approaching him can easily break through his magic barrier. If it had been a body that was alive and not an undead, he might have died at the same time as he appeared.

However, if he only protects the LFV, which is like a heart, he is immortal.

His ability to regenerate through magic is just another word for immortality, considering his magical capacity that cannot be depleted.

So, Richie leisurely watched the opponent’s movements.

The periodic lightning strikes are a little painful, but even the stimulation is refreshing.

This is the first time an exile carries such a level of relic.

A legacy of the great old times that cannot be realized even with the infinitely advanced technology of the present.

I am also very fond of it.

* * *

I gave up the attack.

Of course, the firepower of a Matthew is terribly powerful.

However, a lich is a being that is comparable to a dragon in terms of the amount of original magical power.

An undead made with only the capacity of magic in mind, Rich.

The result of the secret arts created by ancient wizards to escape the limits of life span and living body.

Although it has the form of a skeleton, its essence should be regarded as a magical creature.

Then you might think that magic doesn’t work better, but in the case of a lich, he is more vulnerable to pure physical attacks.

An overflowing amount of magical energy was condensed into the humanoid skeleton.

Any means of attack I provoke are weakened only by the existence of that enormous magical power.

The densities are so different that it is impossible to achieve results by bumping into them.

Game-wise, the lich is a monster with a terrifyingly high magic resistance.

On the other hand, the attack of the girl and the pro-boy effectively rips through the magic barrier and penetrates the inside.

But if it’s about a named reach, it doesn’t mean anything unless it’s damaging to the LFV.

Even the cut and broken bones are quickly put back together and regain their shape. That skeleton is only a medium to fix the Lich’s soul in reality, not its essence.

Instead, I focused on defense.

Shaqma constantly performs the somatik, a beast in order to use spells.

Rich’s vocalization without vocal cords is a magic in itself, so it is difficult to implement other magic.

So it’s a gesture The hands take on different shapes and even begin to mobilize the feet.

At the end, even the movement of the ribs begins to take on a magical meaning.

I did my best to stop it.

Sever the physical movement before it becomes a magical phenomenon.

Even if the girls and the pro-boys weren’t as precise as me, they cut the opponent’s magic intermittently.

However, in the meantime, Rich also implements some skills.

The girl’s sword almost touched the LFV.

It flashes and the shield appears.

That’s not magic.

It is a [skill] that just appears without any omens or rules.

And wizards are not NPCs who can acquire such skills on their own. The same goes for [dash], which is used occasionally.

It should be regarded as the result of research. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a Shakhma reach such a famous level.

Is it the result of neglect and neglect?

As it is a server with minimal interference in the kingdom due to its extreme difficulty, there are too many NPCs who have been neglected and behaved uncontrollably.

Older exiles usually try to move NPCs with some intention, so there is a certain pattern.

It is rare for a Shakhma to be neglected in this record.

The old wizard who liked to research and train on his own had grown too strong.

* * *

Somatic, which moves the ribs, was the least recently studied, and it could replace the role of the magic circle installed outside to some extent.

The rice cake, which I threw in a good mood, wondering if I could cope with this, returned with great satisfaction.

One of the three people approaching, the man who appears to be a vampire magician is using his magical properties to the maximum efficiency.

The basic specifications as a wizard cannot even be compared.

However, the activation speed, that is, the interference and reaction speed of magic, is at the same level even in a situation where the difference in basic skills is widened.

Instead, the range is infinitely narrow. So I tried to shake it off.

I tried to do it with short distance teleportation, or a skill.

Colleagues are great at keeping distance physically. The other two, who are physical strikers, cling to each other.

In particular, it is impressive that the girl moves as quickly and precisely as the vampire sword master.

Would you be a pure human?

Even that short blink is not allowed to magically increase the distance.

Literally, magic like a blink of an instant.

It is not a waste to say that both the foreshadowing and the realization are fleeting.

The vampire Matthew reacts even to that and cuts it off in the middle. It doesn’t completely block it.

However, magic that touches space or time can be fatal even with a slight error.

Knowing that fact, it interferes precisely to the extent of fatality.

Shaqma finally admitted that it would be impossible for him to cast great magic.

Instead, I decided to start small with my own will.

* * *

The speed of thought is equal to the speed of light. So I can’t catch up with it.

All you have to do is make a prediction. Even if you predict, you don’t know exactly what it will be. So it should be roughly crushed.

Magic warfare is a battle between the speed of thought and the rotation of the brain. The somatic of the old wizard became empty for a moment.

This is more of a sensation than it really is.

Attempts to move magical power are faked. There is no magic at the end of that gesture.

The direction and the movement say so.

Then it’s a little magic. realized by thought alone.

I thought from the beginning that this moment would come.

Interferes with the surrounding magical power at once.

Before the tsunami-like magic that flowed from Richie’s body was consumed first.

Of course, there are limits though. It is soon covered in magical power like the tsunami and is dyed with the color of the enemy.

But before it goes all the way to an explosion or lightning or fire or cold.

I first turned it into an explosion.

And the magician’s explosion can give directionality.

* * *

For a moment, Shakhma didn’t know what had happened to her.

The gap was quite large.

The dozens of magical barriers that were constantly regenerated flew away in an instant. It was through his own magic.

It was kind of a magical counter punch.

Few wizards reveal exactly how their magic will be performed.

Encryption is important in magic warfare. The act of hiding from the enemy what one wants to do until just before the manifestation.

This has nothing to do with specifications such as magic capacity, instantaneous magic output, and control precision.

That’s why a skilled battle wizard is precious.

I never thought I’d be able to catch this.

So it’s true that he was careless.

However, while they were guarding and punching each other, they were pushed back for a moment in the pure skill of magic warfare.

The vampire instantly controlled the magic that he had spread. For a moment when it mixes with the mana in the atmosphere to become its own magical power.

It was a very fleeting moment. If you want to do Shakma, you can do it.

But I can’t say for sure if I can do it in the meantime.

Shakma was completely powerless because she was hit with a counter punch from her own magical power.

It’s a short gap, but in the meantime, the skeleton of the body is dismantled and broken.

Both prosecutors knew for sure what they had to do.

Stings extend from both sides towards the Life Force Vessel.

A hammer wrapped in lightning flew once more and flashed.

This is not a crisis to be laughed at.

It was a moment of crisis that would never happen again in his life.

Shakma activated [Skill].

At the last minute, lightning from an old relic lightly flashed across the LFV.

Richie vanished in terrible pain.

* * *

“Damn it, is that [Flashing Dagger]?”

[Flashing Dagger] is a skill that many exiles learn. Although it is very difficult to use in battle, there is nothing quite like escaping.

When did you fly it? never seen And I didn’t think I had the personality to prepare for such a mouse hole.

This name is definitely different from what I knew.

The girl and the proboy sat down.

The vampire proboy was a mental problem, and the girl looked physically exhausted.

It is the limit of living human beings.

“Wow, really. I really thought I was going to die. It’s like the first time I saw you.”

“What is that? There was such a monster on this planet? Only the fairy mafia cared about it.”

If you are most comfortable, the inspiration in the position you were most comfortable with will come to you.

“It seems that about half of Mjölnir’s lightning capacity has been consumed.”

“It will be difficult if you recover and come back. Let’s run as best we can. Please, we have to find the stairs from the hunter’s side.”

Said the girl, calming her trembling hands with excitement and fatigue.

“You seemed to be in a lot of pain at the end, can’t you chase after me?”

“Probably, he teleported to a completely safe place. A wizard of that level can’t pursue him once he’s out of sight. It would have been nice to have anti-magic equipment.”

A vampire’s body is not fatigued. It is different from the girl whose mental fatigue also accumulated with physical fatigue.

Proboy and I decided to move first.

“You’re physically fit.”

“Oh, I’m fine.”

“Be nice and don’t bounce.”

The girl was coldly lifted up.

A monster with a level of stamina capable of flying through the sky with [Dash] was almost discharged in just one fight.

The recovery will be that much faster thanks to the stats, but this consumption itself is already a work in progress.

“Whoa, no way. It’s more dangerous than what I told you in the future. From the next floor onwards, I’ll just have to keep calling the Federation Fleet through Goddess. Especially on the 15th floor.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

The spirits agreed.

And I was thinking of one more variable. Wherever Shakma is, someone should appear through the Temple of Time.

It hasn’t been consumed except for the little ones yet.

So who is it?

If anyone can beat that monster… … .

And if it’s the reason you’re not showing up right now… … .

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