DC Tyrant

Chapter 311: endless august-4

August 2.

In the morning, the sun shines from outside the windowsill, illuminating the top floor of the Emperor Building bright and transparent, and the dust swims in the air, wriggling slightly.

Bardi's skin glows and absorbs the energy of the sun.

He lifted the quilt, the quilt was messy, he stretched his spine behind his shoulders, the spine twitched and stretched like a dragon, and he was quite refreshed, then he looked at the raven lying on the bed and patted her white Ass, Raven turned over and continued to roll over to sleep.

Seeing that she didn't have the strength to get up, Bardi got out of bed by himself, walked into the bathroom, and took a shower.

Thinking while washing.

When he completed his control of the earth, he accidentally saw the traces of the Flash and Batman, and condensed the lightning and struck Batman to death, while the Flash traveled through time again, and did not know where to go.

On August 1st, he spent a whole day to carefully check the difference in the whole world. However, there was no change in his head, and there was no new memory change. If there were any new ones, because of his own The soul will get its own consent before it can enter its own head.

Without any change, it was completely impossible to know what the Flash's last struggle was. After a day, Bardi could only secretly raise his awareness and gradually return to normal.

After taking a bath, Bardi put on a bathrobe and came to the living room, and the door of the house was opened by little Hera.

"What are you still doing here? You won't forget the interview, will you?"

Little Hera put her hands on her hips, glared a few times, and then directly pulled Badi, who was wearing a bathrobe, away.

Little Hera didn't mind that he was wearing a bathrobe to be interviewed by a friend. Badi also saved the trouble. He didn't change into formal clothes, so he was dragged by Little Hera to her room.

The excited little Louis was sitting on a chair with a serious look, staring at Bardi with excitement and burning eyes.

"Look, this is the legend, His Majesty Bamulotti in life." Little Hera said indifferently: "Quickly interview, we will go to the playground after the interview."

Bardi smiled and spread his hands, rubbed the hair on the top of little Hera's head, and greeted Louis.

Louis has suppressed her excitement several times. As far as she knows, this is the first time that His Majesty Bardi has accepted a life-like interview, which may win the Pulitzer Prize.

There is no doubt that you will get an unprecedented interview with His Majesty Bardi's life-like side. No pig head dares to put other news over his head.

Just thinking about it makes Lewis excited, the 12-year-old Pulitzer Prize winner.

Although it depends a bit on relationships, and a bit on His Majesty's life-like aspect, this is not a kind of strength.

"Cough, the interview begins." Louis pretended to cough a few times, suppressing his excitement, showing his young reporter qualities.

Bardi nodded and looked at her with a smile.

"Your Majesty, what will you do first thing in the morning?"

"Open your eyes... just kidding, take a shower, and refresh yourself."

"What's for breakfast?"

"Depending on the mood, sometimes eating barbecue, ocean, sushi, it's all different."

"Morning work schedule? The latest work plan?"

"To inspect the implementation of the policy, the recent plan ... plans to build a water tourism city on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, so that my people can see the world in the ocean."

"Is it too late, it will be developed into outer space, and we can also watch the space scenery."

"Yes, the current single-soldier Iron Man armor is enough to allow ordinary people to travel in space. I will not be stingy, so that more ordinary people can see more scenery and broaden their horizons."

It was a very ordinary interview. After the interview, little Louis and Bardi took a photo, and then left with little Hera.

An ordinary day, passed as usual.

August 13th.

Underground Research Institute.

After obtaining Doomsday cells and Hale's brain memory, the process of Doomsday cells has been greatly advanced, and now he has been able to produce a more perfect serum than the Doomsday cells made by Joe-El.

"After calculation, the gene repair chain of Doomsday cells, fighting against body factors, has succeeded."

"From the fact that Luther was turned into a monster by the defective gene serum, and the perfect Doomsday gene was laid, and he was still able to regain his vitality, possessing the power of evolution and the energy to repair the body, it can be seen that our research has basically been successful. "

Jenny was wearing a white coat, holding a tablet, and said introductively.

After Luther failed to study the Doomsday cell, he turned into a monster, and was locked up by Bardi and used as an experimental body.

And Jenny, who loves creatures and has a talent for biological research, directly replaced Luthor and became a member of the Doomsday Cell Research Laboratory.

"We eliminated the cytokines of Doomsday's rage. The emotional factors that made Luther uncontrollable, the tyranny of his mind and the desire to kill were weakened, which would weaken the power of Doomsday cells a lot, but it would not have any burden on the sanity. , Of course, this is for your powerful soul, Badi, ordinary people still don't have the injection of Doomsday cells."

Bardi nodded. On the same day, he injected Doomsday Serum, allowing Doomsday cells to gradually improve, evolve, and enhance his physique in his body.

From the time of carrying the earth, mentally, the heavy pressure on the earth has already pressed the powerful Kryptonian body of Badi to the point where it is a little hard to breathe.

The earth is not easy to carry.

The appearance of the Doomsday Serum is just enough to allow oneself to enter the next stage, carrying the earth, which is a lot easier.

On this day, Badi was injected with Doomsday Serum, and there was no accident.

August 15.

Rarely, Bardi, together with Raven, Pamela, and Jenny, celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival in the East.

Several people covered up their appearances. The three women walked hand in hand on the streets of the East, talking and being curious, looking at different races and festival atmospheres from the Metropolis.

After Badi's order, the whole of the East has a lively atmosphere beyond the past for this festival. The retro-modern Mid-autumn lantern boats swim around the lake for tourists to enjoy. There are many laughter, and the lakeside is full of spring.

There are also many official staff members, wearing ancient costumes, Hanfu from different eras, costumes of various ethnic groups in the East, and even whites and blacks from other regions, who traveled across the oceans to participate in festivals.

This holiday is very beautiful.

August 30.

Emperor Building, at night, the setting sun.

dinner time.

Raven, Pamela, and Jenny created a gourmet meal. Several women sat at the dining table and chatted happily while eating.

"Buddy, why didn't you invite Fiora to dinner?" Jenny asked strangely. They knew that Fiora and Buddy had some affairs on Krypton.

"Let Fiora alone, restore Krypton's honor on the moon... Is this really good?" Pamela said.

"We can invite her."

After that, Raven took out the communicator, contacted Fiora, and was politely rejected.

Bardi shook his head lightly and said helplessly: "It takes time, both me and she need it."

The crowd nodded.

Raven nodded and suddenly became serious: "That's right, it looks like we're going to break our waists tonight."

Pamela and Jenny were holding their mouths, holding their mouths, holding their mouths, no, they couldn't help it.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Badi indifferently forked a piece of beef and ate it.

The next day, the three girls could not get up.

August 31.

Suddenly, Badi's expression froze, and a sonic boom erupted from the Emperor's Building, soaring into the sky and flying towards the outskirts of the metropolis.

In the air, distance vision is far away.

Suddenly, I saw a hole being torn out on Highway 6 in the suburbs of the Metropolis.

The Flash's eyes were splitting, and the blue electric arc was swaying. He ran out of the torn opening like a madman, leaving traces of the arc scorched black on Highway 6, and then tore the space and disappeared in Badi. in front of you.

This is since the Flash disappeared a month ago, Bardi saw him again, and still didn't understand what the Flash was doing!

the same day. Bardi was puzzled.

This strange phenomenon cannot be calculated by any calculation.

In the end, he could only continue his normal life.


Aug 31, 23:59.

Bardi closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Time jumps.

August 1, 00:00.

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