Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 45 Dragon, sharp claws, steel teeth, long beard

At this time, in the captain's cabin of the Qujiang Golden Dragon, Tudou and his four companions drove the Golden Dragon to a position of 1,000 meters above the ground.

Through the glass in front of you, you can see people on the ground densely packed like ants and houses like building blocks.

Dragon! A voice called from the loudspeaker.

Tudou agreed - Jiaolong is his real name.

I'm Lao Duan, let me tell you the situation.

The 'Golden Dragon' was under control, and Bai Huixin ran away.

Huh? How did you run away?

There was a man who was very good at fighting. He also found out my identity and rescued her. In addition, there is a virus in the system of 'Golden Dragon', and it is a virus with a very high intelligence level.

Will something bad happen?

No, 'Claw', 'Steel Teeth' and 'Long Beard' are searching for them. I have also cleaned up the system. The virus basically does not affect our control of the 'Golden Dragon'.

Yeah. We just had a meeting.

Is there any conclusion?

Zheng Qianji probably won't give in.

Isn't this the result of previous computer deductions? You guys just don't trust machines so much.

So it's up to you.

Don't worry, I still say the same thing: I am a machine, I can only perform tasks accurately and coldly, and I will definitely complete the task accurately and coldly.

After Jiaolong said this, a sharp alarm sound suddenly came from the system speaker - beep! beep! beep!

Any questions?

The temperature of the power chamber has increased abnormally and the cooling system is overloaded. 'Qingfeng' and 'Lanlin' you two, go take a look!

The two people beside him, wearing plain round-neck robes, left the console without saying a word, opened the door and walked out.

The total power system of Qujiang Golden Dragon is located at the bottom of this giant robot, which is in the center of the abdomen. From the captain's cabin at the top, you need to walk up a spiral metal escalator.

Qingfeng and Lanlin communicated using wireless signals while walking.

Why can't I feel any abnormal temperature?

Yes, it's already so close. If the temperature in the power room exceeds the threshold and causes the alarm to activate, it will be at least 30 degrees here.

The two of them walked along the metal stairs thumping, thumping, thumping, and suddenly, at the end of the escalator, a medium-sized and slightly burly figure appeared.


It's the man who saved Bai Huixin just now!

catch him!

No, execute directly. 'Qingfeng', you go! 'Lan Lin' go to the power room and have a look!

Within 0.3 seconds, Jiaolong, Qingfeng and Lanlin completed the above dialogue through wireless communication signals.

Qingfeng pounced on Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang rolled over directly from the spiral metal escalator railing, and then ran quickly towards the tail of the Golden Dragon.

Qingfeng followed closely behind.

Even if Tian Yang tried his best, Qingfeng, as a military-grade robot, would easily catch up with him.

5 meters!

3 meters!

1 meter!

The distance between the two sides is shortening rapidly.

It is expected to be caught within 3 seconds, confirm again, and execute directly? Qingfeng asked using a radio signal.

Execute directly! Jiaolong's answer was still firm.


Qingfeng raised his right hand, straightened his index and middle fingers, and brought the other three fingers together to poke Bai Yangyang in the back of the neck.


Everything is normal in the power room, there is no temperature abnormality! Lan Lin suddenly interrupted.

'Qingfeng', how are you doing here? Jiaolong asked.

This time, Qingfeng did not answer.


'Qingfeng'! What's going on?

No matter how Jiaolong and Lanlin called, Qingfeng did not respond.

It was forced to shut down by the daylight.


Just as Qingfeng was chasing after her all the way and poking at the back of Bai Yang's neck with her finger, Bai Tianyang shouted: Ying'er, now!

Qingfeng suddenly stumbled, lost his balance, and suddenly rushed forward.

Seeing that his extremely heavy mechanical body was about to press on him, Bai Tianyang rolled to the side with all his strength, but in the end he couldn't hide completely, and his left leg was still pressed by Qingfeng's left shoulder.

Bai Tianyang held back the severe pain and continued to shout: Ying'er, hurry up!

Three robotic arms stretched out around it. Each of the robotic arms at the front held a flaming welding gun, spraying flames directly at Qingfeng's head, left crotch, and right chest near the shoulder.

Qingfeng trembled for a while, stretched out his hands and pinched Bai Tianyang's head.

The skull rattled, and Bai Tianyang felt as if his head was about to explode.

Ah! Ah!

he screamed in despair.

But suddenly, Qingfeng stopped moving and his whole body froze.

All three of his brains, or artificial intelligence control modules, were cut off from his limbs - he was paralyzed.

That's right, Bai Yang's plan just now was to use himself as bait to lure a robot to a certain place and stop it.

The robots produced by Tianhe generally have a main brain paired with two redundant auxiliary brains to ensure that the entire system can continue to fight even after one of the brains suffers a heavy damage.

However, Bai Tianyang was not very clear about the specific locations of these three brains. He only knew that the most commonly used solution for civilian robots was to place one each on the head, left hip and right chest near the shoulder.

You can take a gamble and perform a surgical operation on the robot as quickly as possible to cut off all the electronic nerves connecting his brain and limbs.

And Ou Ying perfected this plan: she knew that there was a maintenance workshop in the belly of Golden Dragon, and there was a mechanical arm in it that could pick up the welding gun.

Everything went well, Qingfeng was restrained all of a sudden.

Immediately, Ou Ying directed the robotic arm to move Qingfeng away from Bai Baiyang.

How are you? Ou Ying asked - at this time, she was in the maintenance room, and her appearance appeared on the screen of a computer.

Bai Tianyang stood up, took two staggering steps, and said: The bones are not broken, it's okay. Then he sat down slumped and said: Quickly, take out his brain, connect it to the system, and analyze the bomb. Information.

The welding gun on the robotic arm continued to cut on Qingfeng. Soon, the three cylindrical artificial intelligence control modules were removed and placed on the maintenance platform, connected to the computer in the maintenance room.

There is no information about the location of the bomb. There is no information related to the word 'bomb'! There are just piles of garbled characters! Ou Ying's voice came through a computer.

Bai Tianyang said: Show me the garbled code.

A bunch of inexplicable text immediately appeared on the computer screen:

Longluo Xibao

There is doubt left in the cheeks

gnaw the fly


婈妦 Department

涴賳kicking 潽Dujue 衄旍米

Bai Tianyang thought for a while and said: In the pile of gibberish in the log, look up the two-word phrases or three-word phrases that have appeared most frequently in the past five days. They may have used secret codes.

Soon, the word 旍米 appeared on the computer.

Bai Tianyang said: It's so stupid, such a simple password method. Ying'er, you should be able to guess it.

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