Daisy in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 69 Recuperation and Change

Miss Wen stood up and brought her a big bowl. Daisy was very happy at first, and she knew there was a lot of food in the bowl, but when she saw the food in the bowl, her heart dropped.

A bowl of rice porridge! The soup was thin and watery, and the bottom could be clearly seen. It looked like it was for refugees.

Daisy clicked her tongue, it was not easy to be picky now, just eat some.

She picked up the bowl and started drinking without using a spoon. She hugged the bowl and started drinking.

Miss Wen seemed to want to stop her. Whose patient would wake up and drink porridge like this? But Daisy waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, and in less than two minutes, she drank the entire bowl of porridge.

The intestines and stomach begin to work, turning food into nutrients and supplying them to the body.

However, this is just a bowl of gruel. Although the bowl is not small, it cannot hold it and is full of water!

Daisy only felt that her body had completely digested the rice porridge at the same speed as she drank it, and her stomach returned to the state of hunger.

Um... um, do you have any meat here? she asked very embarrassedly.

Colleen Wen's mouth opened slightly. It was the first time she had seen an awakened patient with such an appetite. Could it be that the porridge she cooked was delicious, so her appetite increased greatly?

With a kind attitude and gentle temperament, Colleen Wen didn't say that she liked to eat. If she didn't eat, she was just worried about Daisy's health.

Don't worry, I'm a superpower. These foods can help me quickly restore my body's energy. Mariko had seen teleportation before, and Colleen Wen had also treated her when she was in a coma. She shouldn't hide it no matter what.

Daisy thought about it for a moment and already remembered this girl. Colleen Wing did not have superpowers, but she had excellent swordsmanship. She would be Iron Fist's girlfriend in the future, and she would also be given the title of Heroic Daughter of the Dragon.

A proper family member of a righteous hero, she did not hide her situation and spoke frankly.

Miss Wen has a very good surname. Although she has a fierce side when picking up weapons, she is usually very gentle. Seeing that Daisy was about to faint from hunger, she quickly gathered the ingredients and cooked a large table of dishes.

Mariko also went to help.

Wolverine came in and took a look at her patient, then stood outside the house smoking with nothing to do, while Daisy also lay on the bed pretending to be dead.

An hour later, dinner officially started.

Facts have proved that Uncle Wolf is also very good at eating, but he usually relies on alcohol and tobacco to anesthetize himself and never talks about it.

With another foodie helping to share the burden, Daisy finally doesn't look so different. Unlike Wolverine, who eats haphazardly, she has a hidden talent that clearly eats a lot, but looks very elegant when eating.

If you don’t count the portions and just look at the appearance, everyone will think that Wolverine has eaten all the dishes on the table!

After eating until she was 30% full, she finally had time to check herself. After waking up, she found that there was a slight change in herself.

Her frequency vibration is mixed with something else, a pale golden energy line, or it can also be called an energy string according to string theory. This kind of string is very tough, and her frequency has been expelling this foreign energy, and finally It was successfully resolved, but it was also contaminated with a trace of its own characteristics.

She didn't need any advanced reasoning skills to know that this was the qi left over when Mrs. Gao shattered the transmission channel.

String theory is neither the star-absorbing method nor the Beiming magic. The trace of qi at that time has been dispersed, but the characteristics have been retained and simulated.

This allowed Daisy to study Qi from a scientific perspective.

According to her understanding, qi is actually a type of string. Those who use qi regard themselves as a whole, an internal cycle in which the strings are in a closed state.

There are big and small strings, big ones like galaxies, small ones like electron quarks.

The usual practice of Qi users is to strengthen their own strings, simply to improve the quality of their strings, and to enhance their originally ordinary human strings to the level of high-dimensional life. If they can live for millions of years, they can eventually evolve and become part of the universe. According to Eastern thinking, this is the unity of heaven and man.

However, the goal is powerful and the future is bright, but human lifespan always has its limit.

Realizing that this path is dead, the Chi user can only focus on the present. They regard Qi as a combat ability. When the user fights, Qi will form a closed channel in a specific area. For example, if power is needed, the arms will be closed, and if speed is needed, the legs will be closed.

The internal energy surges, and in a short period of time, the user will gain strength and speed that are far stronger than ordinary people. At that time, they are like high-dimensional life forms.

After eating, Daisy was still studying. She wanted to see the secret of Qing Qi. It would be great if she could imitate it by frequency.

It's a pity that she can't fully analyze this kind of thing. It's a bit dangerous to practice it with only a partial understanding.

The characteristics of Qi have brought some changes to her. She originally relied on vibrations to sense the enemy and friends, but now the range has become larger and the perception is more accurate. Combined with the beast intuition of the White Tiger Talisman, she has become a bit like a humanoid radar.

As for the red dragon seen in the coma, it should be the guardian beast of Kunlun, the giant dragon named Shou Lao. Every generation of Iron Fist needs to defeat it in order to gain the power of the dragon.

It is said to be the power of the dragon, but it is actually several dimensions inferior to the power of the Phoenix, which has a similar name.

Daisy remembers that there was a female Iron Fist who relied on the full power of the dragon to defeat the falling fragments of the Phoenix Force...

Of course, even the power of a divine dragon can kill her. Even Mrs. Gao and a homeless dog could beat her to death, let alone the holy land of Kunlun.

Her only thought now is to recover from her injuries and then kill Mrs. Gao!

Although he wanted to kill people, Wolverine took Mariko and proposed to go back to Tokyo to save people after the meal, but Daisy still refused to go with him.

The injury was not completely healed, and now she was just delivering food, and she didn't want to face Mrs. Gao yet.

She also reminded Wolverine to pay attention to the opponent's kung fu, but Uncle Wolf didn't pay attention at all. How strong can a dry old lady who is less than 80 pounds thin be?

In her eyes, Daisy, an agent who grew up in a peaceful era, still had little experience and knowledge, so her warnings fell on deaf ears.

Mr. Logan, Mrs. Gao has lived for more than four hundred years. Her strength is not as simple as it seems. She was still giving her final persuasion.

Don't worry, I can handle it. Uncle Wolf held his cigar in his mouth and spoke in a perfunctory tone, obviously not taking her words to heart.

Daisy could only tell Mariko to be careful, and promised that her injuries would heal and she would rush to help.

Watching the two of them walking away and slowly disappearing into the forest, she sighed. She was really not optimistic about Wolverine's way of doing things without a plan and fighting as he pleased. She hoped they wouldn't lose too badly.

The forest slowly returned to calm, and Daisy casually chatted with Colleen Wen. This girl's father is American and her mother is Japanese. During the chat, Daisy finally learned that the Wen surname was not Wen but Wing, because Both are of mixed race, and the two of them still have something in common.

The women stayed up in the middle of the night discussing some gossip topics, but that was it. Colleen Wen was a very conservative person, and Daisy was mentally ill and didn't have those strange thoughts. We chatted casually for a few words, and then went to sleep.

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