Cyberpunk: Spartan Walker

Chapter 37 Taking a nap before the battle

The prosthetic old man's clinic.

The prosthetics for sale were scattered in the display cabinets, the dark environment, the messy surgical instruments and medicines, and the blood-stained operating table all showed the sloppiness of the owner.

Hey, doctor, give me the best abs here! David walked into the clinic and shouted to the prosthetic old man who was watching Mewtwo and had an indescribable lower body.

Oh~ you're here again, why haven't you turned into a cybermaniac? I've been waiting for the Siamwestan on you for a long time. The prosthetic old man took off the Mewtwo device and said with a trembling voice.

Ha, even if I can't wait forever. David turned to Lucy who walked in behind him and said, Lucy, sit down and wait for me for a while. You'll be fine soon.

It's okay, don't worry. Lucy pulled up a chair in front of the prosthetic old man's workbench and sat down. The computer on the table was playing today's news.

Kid, come here and lie down. The old man with the prosthetic body pulled over the shadowless lamp that was emitting red light in the corner, and then went to look for the prosthetic body that was about to be replaced.

David took off his yellow coat, lay on his back on the operating table and asked, Do you have any recommendations?

How do you like Qilusi's latest abdominal muscles? Look at the price. The prosthetic old man found a box in the display cabinet, which contained a brand new abdominal muscle prosthesis.

No problem, just this one. The money entrusted by the abandoned factory has been obtained, and Military Technology can give money much faster than ordinary middlemen.

That's good, kid. You'll get rich after becoming a cyberpunk. The prosthetic old man put on the surgical prosthetic hand and sorted out the surgical instruments.

Yeah, I came to you to update the prosthetic body to make more money. David's heart rate began to accelerate, and his forehead was sweating slightly. Every time the prosthetic body was modified, he would experience tremendous pain, and his body was already affected by it. conditioned reflex.

If you have symptoms such as hand shaking, dizziness, nausea, etc., remember to tell me, otherwise you may become a cybermaniac. The prosthetic old man adjusted the height and inclination of the operating table, and then pointed the shadowless light at David's abdomen .

These symptoms will not occur. David bared his teeth slightly and smiled at the prosthetic old man: I am special.

Ha, every cybermaniac would say this when he was alive, bite this. The prosthetic old man stuffed an iron rod into David's mouth, and David bit it to withstand the coming pain.

Here we come. The prosthetic old man raised the scalpel, then slowly lowered it, cutting open the skin, fascia and muscles of David's abdomen layer by layer.

Uh-huh. David's eyes widened and he bit the iron rod with his teeth. The severe pain caused his forehead to be covered with a lot of sweat.

Lucy on the side didn't want to hear the suppressed scream, turned her head slightly, and forced herself to watch the news being played.

Good evening, viewers, this is the evening news of News 54. Next, we will give you the latest news. A spokesman for the biotechnology company recently stated at a press conference that the latest antibacterial chemical synthesis drug has been successfully developed, code-named H3. It is expected to be put into production within this week.”

Biological Technology? David's commission the day after tomorrow seems to be to rob a freight train. Could it be related to this H3 drug?

Lucy became interested, temporarily put David's screams behind her, and listened attentively.

Biotechnology stated that this new drug has a very strong killing effect on the recently popular new bacteria, and its mechanism of action is related to inhibiting the DNA replication of bacteria. To this end, Biotechnology will dispatch an armed combat robot just introduced from Kangtao Company and the most advanced 'Elk' armed helicopter currently on the market to protect related logistics.

Lucy is not stupid and naturally knows the importance of this information, so she starts recording this broadcast.

Experts analyze that the new H3 chemical drug may have a serious impact on the biochemical weapons of Military Technology. It is understood that the stock price of Military Technology has fallen sharply in recent days, approaching the threshold for forced closing of the trading window.

The announcer lowered his head to sort out the materials in his hand, then raised his head to continue broadcasting.

Star mayoral candidate Jefferson Peralez's mobile presentation will be held soon. It is reported that this presentation will launch three floating platforms and move around the Night City. Please read this below Taiwan reporter’s interview with Mr. Peralez.”

The screen switched, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with slight wrinkles at the corners of his eyes appeared on the screen.

Hello, citizens of Night City! My name is Jefferson Peralez. Jefferson showed a kind smile.

This mobile seminar is the first since Night City was built. Many relatives and friends asked me, why do I need to hold such a mobile seminar with such a high risk factor?

Jefferson paused and said loudly: Because I am with every citizen of Night City! Anyone who knows me well knows that I was born in poverty and spent most of my childhood on the streets, so I understand the poverty of the people at the bottom. and struggle.”

Then he raised an arm and said: Friends, citizens! No one understands you better than me! I promise to change this dirty and despicable Night City after taking office, and you will definitely have a bright future!

The screen cuts back to the News 54 studio.

According to rumors, Jefferson Peralez has certain interests in the Arasaka Company. In order to provide adequate protection during this briefing, the Arasaka Task Force has initiated personnel transfer procedures.

There will be an advertisement later. 'Cars are better than mom' auto repair shop! Our car repair skills are better than your mom, and we are sure to satisfy you! Take a look at the old cars we have repaired.

Lucy looked away from the advertisement. At this time, David had completed the transformation surgery.

Let's go, David. Lucy walked to the operating table and helped David, who was pale and his limbs were cold.

Wait, this is the immunosuppressant this time. The prosthetic old man threw Lucy a paper bag.

Thanks, doctor. Lucy accepted and took David out of the clinic.

Heh, thank you for what. It's like I don't charge for it. The prosthetic old man chuckled softly, lay back on the blood-stained operating table and continued to watch Mewtwo.

Lucy and David's residence.

The bright moonlight disappeared in the clouds, and the neon lights of the Night City shone into the living room. After reflection, blue and purple intertwined in the air, smearing the scattered furniture.

The door opened automatically, and Lucy helped David sit gently on the sofa.

Are you okay? Don't go if you don't have a commission tonight. Lucy looked at David distressedly. He had no ideas of his own and worked hard for other people's dreams.

No, I can do it. Just rest for a night and it will be fine. There was a dull pain in the abdominal muscles, and larger movements would cause a stabbing pain like a needle.

Fool, why are you trying to be brave? A plain hand touched David's cheek.

The wind blows the white clouds and the moonlight shines through.

This house is a bit small to live in. Let's go take a look together later. David smiled and gently hugged Lucy.

As long as I'm with you. Lucy tilted her head slightly and leaned on David's shoulder.

A rocket took off in the distance, its tail flames lighting up the Night City.

Monthly Ticket Ball~Recommended Ticket Ball~

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