Cyberpunk: Spartan Walker

Chapter 35 Bloody Factory (1)

Next to an abandoned factory.

It was just before sunrise. Tommy's military theory and practical experience told him that enemy troops were often the most tired and distracted at this time, so human soldiers often carried out dawn raids. As a response strategy, many combat-experienced UNSC troops have a routine of early morning combat alert - all soldiers enter the fortifications in case the enemy chooses to launch a sneak attack in the early morning.

Falco's tank, an improved version of the Emperor produced by Chevrolet, was parked in an alley not far from the factory.

Rebecca, take it. Tommy threw the MA37 assault rifle to Rebecca.

Eh? Don't you use it? Rebecca asked in surprise. She knew the power of this gun after having used it once. The fall of the Pelican made this gun useful again.

Your firepower is not enough. Next time I take you to buy a gun, I will also take these two grenades. Tommy took off two more M9 high-explosive multi-purpose grenades from his waist and stuffed them behind Rebecca's back to load weapons and ammunition. In her satchel - the grenades were so big that Rebecca had to use two hands to hold one.

This Tommy took special care of her in front of the team members, which made her a little embarrassed.

Little sister, you might as well marry him on the spot. Falco, who was sitting in the driver's seat, joked.

Kill you, stinky old man. Rebecca turned to Falco and cursed.

David, are you ready? Tommy asked.

Okay, ready. David nodded.

Let's get started.

After getting out of the car and getting slightly closer to the entrance of the abandoned factory, David activated the Siam Westan. The sudden surge in his nerve response ability made him see the world slowly. The surge in muscle strength made his figure invisible to ordinary people. .

He quickly ran to the door, threw a dark package inside, and returned to the ambush point.

The gatekeeper guarding the door saw a shadow flash past and disappeared without reacting. He wiped his eyes, thinking he had seen it wrong.

Hey! What's flying in here?! The bored doorman found the package and shouted loudly.

Boom! There was a huge explosion in the package, and the abandoned factory trembled violently. The gatekeeper was blown to pieces on the spot, burned and scattered in all directions.

I'm going, get ready. Seeing everyone nodding in confirmation, Tommy activated his mobile invisibility cloak, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Rebecca entered an ambush position and waited for the guys from the Whirlpool Gang to rush out.

His! You, you, and you! Get out of here! Their goal must be what's in this bitch's head! Uzumaki helped the boss order several groups of people to go out.

Noises and curses came from inside the factory, getting closer and closer. David couldn't help but sweat. It was the first time for him to face so many people head-on.

Oh, I'm scared. Rebecca smiled when she saw his appearance.

No. David raised his pistol and pointed it at the door.

They waited until they were within range.

I'll give you a taste of the cake! Rebecca pressed the activation button of the M9 grenade, and then threw it into the noisiest place.

Oh no! Grenade! After seeing what was thrown in, Whirlpool A quickly flew away.

Boom! A terrible explosion swept behind the door. The power of this grenade far exceeded the local products of Night City.

A palm with only three fingers fell at the feet of Uzumaki A. Uzumaki A covered his neck and let out a choking sound of ho ho. The fragments of the grenade scratched his neck, and blood spurted out from between his fingers. It seems that there is more air coming out and less air coming in.

The gang members behind who were not affected by the explosion were not only not timid, but this Shura hell-like scene aroused their bloodiness and rushed forward desperately.

Bring over the sentry machine gun!

The Whirlpool Gang took out automatic machine guns from the warehouse and deployed them in front of the fence on the second floor. The barrels of the guns were turned to start firing.

【I'll take care of it. Qiwei's eyes flashed red, and she hacked into the machine gun's operating system in a few moments.

[Turn the gun around. No, there are hackers on the other side, and I'm being restrained. ] Qiwei said lightly that the contest between the two hackers happened invisibly, and the sentry machine gun became the battlefield, swinging left and right from time to time, but did not fire.

Old woman is really useless! Come together! Hahaha!! Rebecca laughed wildly and picked up the MA37 to fire. The full-metal armor-piercing bullets hit everyone's stumps and scattered their limbs, and their internal organs were scattered everywhere.

Click the magazine was empty, Rebecca curled her lips, the biggest problem with this gun was that there were too few bullets. She reached for her satchel, took out an M9 grenade, threw it, and then replaced it with another magazine.

Boom! The power is still the same, but the casualties of the prepared gang members are much smaller.

If we continue to fight like this, we will all be doomed! Release that lunatic! Uzumaki B roared.

The ground on the first floor of the abandoned factory was already pitted. Blood and human tissue gathered in the depressions to form a small pool. Broken limbs were scattered everywhere. This place had become a scarlet world.

Click Another magazine was empty. Rebecca reached into her satchel and found it was empty - the MA37 assault rifle had run out of bullets.

Hey. She put the rifle back into her shoulder bag and took out the pink-blue pistol. Since there were only a few gang members inside, I guess the pistol could handle it too.

[The other party’s hacker’s signal was suddenly disconnected. 】Qiwei's forehead was sweating slightly, and her body temperature rose rapidly due to the large number of calculations.

[It must have been Tommy. 】David said on the channel, his hands shooting non-stop.

Roar!! The sound of broken chains and roars came from deep inside the factory.

Don't attack us, ahhhh!! The screams of the Uzumaki Gang and the sound of limbs tearing came from the source of the sound.

There were no enemies in sight. Rebecca temporarily stopped firing and looked at David and said, What is that thing screaming strangely?

David shook his head. This was the first time he heard such a cry.

The ground began to tremble, gravel jumped up and down, and the sound of huge footsteps came closer and closer, followed by roars.

That's Cybermaniac! David shouted after seeing the person clearly, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly. He used to watch Cybermaniac Mewtwo and knew the terror of this kind of people.

Because they like a high degree of cybernetic transformation, there are many cybermaniacs in the Uzumaki Gang, and it is rumored that each of their gang members is wandering on the edge of cyberpsychosis.

The cybermaniac with explosive muscles roared and rushed towards David and Rebecca. The glowing red optical implant drew a red line at such speed.

Bang bang! Rebecca shot at him, but the weak bullet bounced away after hitting him. Rebecca regretted that she had emptied the MA37 bullet.

Cang! The sharp long knife popped out from the Cybermaniac's arm, and the sharp edge pierced their eyes.

I'll hold him back! David shouted, Si'an Westan activated, and David's figure disappeared.

[Give me some time to reboot his system. ] Qiwei still looked calm and unfazed.

David's figure flashed around the cybermaniac, the gun in his hand kept firing, and the bullet hit the cybermaniac's head and bounced away.

The cybermaniac swung his knife randomly at the shadow left by David, but couldn't cut anything. He was so angry that he looked up to the sky and roared.

【Easy to handle. 】

Crack Electricity and sparks flashed across the back of Cybermaniac's head and atlas, and then he lowered his head and remained still.

Successful? David stopped, sweating profusely, and his legs were shaking - his unmodified legs simply couldn't bear such continuous high-speed running.

Huh? David was startled, and the cybermaniac suddenly raised his head and grinned at him with a scary smile.

Then the cybermaniac raised another arm, the forearm split, and the black barrel popped out.

David activated Sianwistan again, barely avoiding direct grenade fire.

Boom! The grenade exploded after colliding with the ground. David, who could not completely avoid the explosion range, flew out with black smoke, and then fell heavily to the ground.

【Old woman! Why doesn't it work? ! ] Rebecca shouted in the communication channel.

【how so? ] Qi Wei's tone at this time also had a hint of panic.

Roar!! The cyber madman raised his long knife and rushed towards David.

David looked at the rushing cybermaniac in horror. Such a short distance was not enough for him to get up and start up the Sianwistan.

The blade was about to see blood.

Buzz. The beep swept past David, and the smell of roasted meat came.

The cybermaniac's arm was disconnected in an instant, and then there was another buzzing sound. The cybermaniac's head moved, and the blood spurted out hit David's trembling mouth.

A figure wearing power armor slowly emerged, and the buzzing sound came from the energy sword blade in his hand.

I'm not late, am I?

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