There was nothing new in the class this morning.

Although Lulu has successfully cleared and returned to one, Modi did not tell the news to others.

On the one hand, it was too shocking, and on the other hand, it was also afraid of damaging the enthusiasm of other people.

After class, Lulu deliberately took a step late and fell behind the crowd.

Modi knew she had something to say, so he stayed.

"teacher, I want to learn ancient languages ​​in the system." Lulu grabbed the corner of her clothes and said.

The invisible Yang Xuan was taken aback, and then directly gave Lulu a thumbs up.

This is really sleepy, come to the pillow, it rains in time.

"Oh? Why do you suddenly remember to learn ancient languages?" Modi asked with interest.

Lulu thought for a while, then said: "teacher, when I was returning to the first time, I seemed to hear a lot of people talking in my ears. They spoke ancient languages. I want to figure it out. What did they say."

Modi stood up, his eyes widened: "Did you hear the whispers of the ancestors?"

Lulu looked blank:" What is the whisper of the ancestors?"

Modi did not answer Lulu’s question, and asked nervously: "You really heard a lot of people talking about the ancient Heavenly Wolf Language?"


Lulu lowered her head: "Yes, but I don't know what they are talking about."


The tea cup in Modi's hand suddenly shattered and the tea splashed. In one place.

"You come with me." He ignored the broken teacup and took Lulu's hand and left.

Lulu was taken away blankly, Yang Xuan thought for a while, and followed it secretly.

Modi pulled Lulu around and twisted through several corridors, and finally came outside another gorgeous room.

Before knocking on the door, the door opened automatically, and an old voice came from inside: "Come in."

Modi walked in directly with Lulu. Yang Xuan Stealth also followed in.

The layout of the room is not as luxurious as the outside. It is simple and simple. At the back of the room, there is a long wooden table. Behind the wooden table, there is a row of huge bookshelves filled with various books.

An old man with a white beard and glasses, sitting behind a long table, holding a pen in his hand, writing something on the paper.

"Modi, what's the matter?" The old man did not look up and asked indifferently.

"High Priest, my students heard the whispers of their ancestors."


The pen in the hands of the old man broke directly, and the face of the white-bearded old man There was no peace on the road, and his face was full of excitement.

"Is this true? Did you really hear the whispers of the ancestors?"

"It is true." Modi was also full of excitement, pointing to Lulu and said: "High Priest is her, my student Lulu, she heard the whispers of the ancestors."

The old man turned his gaze to Lulu in an instant, opened the mouth and said: "She is the one you said and only listened A genius who enters the zeroing state in one class?"

"It's her!" Mody nodded.

The old man took a deep breath and his eyes flickered.

"Hello Lulu, I am the High Priest of the priest, you can call me Jace teacher, I will ask you a question, and you must answer it truthfully."

Lulu nodded: "Okay, Jace teacher!"

"What did you hear after entering the state of unity?" Jace stared at Luluwen.

"I heard a lot of people talking, but they seem to be speaking the ancient language of Heavenly Wolf, I don't understand." Lulu affirmed.

Jace's eyes were already showing excitement, and he asked: "Lulu, this is a big deal. You can't lie."

Lulu shook her head: "teacher, I didn't lie. I really heard a lot of people talking."

"Bless the wolf god, bless the wolf god, there is a successor to the Heavenly Wolf Race. There is a successor." The sacrificial sacred eyes burst into tears, hands making Strange gestures, keep praying.

The same goes for Modi, too excited.

"This matter must be reported to the council and directly to the Great Emperor. It should not be too late. I will arrange it now." Jace trembled with excitement.

Lulu looked left, looked right, her face was dazed, and finally couldn't help but ask: "teacher, can I know what happened?"

"The great happy event, the great happy event." Jess White Beard was trembling: "If you can hear the ancestors whispering, you will be the next Great Emperor heir."

"Huh?" Lulu Directly stunned.

Even Yang Xuan was surprised.

Lulu is the next heir to the Great Emperor?

Next, Jess explained to Lulu a bit, and Yang Xuan understood it.

It turned out that the Great Emperor of Heavenly Wolf Race was not recommended, nor could it be the cultivation base Cheng Emperor.

As the Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor, he not only shoulders the heavy responsibility of leading Heavenly Wolf, but also shoulders the great responsibility of communicating with the wolf god.

The so-called whispers of the ancestors are actually the will left over after the Great Emperor returned to the embrace of the wolf god.

Originally nothing, but the problem is that Heavenly Wolf has kept his power in his own will. If someone can hear the whispers of the ancestors, it means he is qualified to accept these wills and wills. Power in.

Naturally, this person is the next Great Emperor successor.

Hearing this, Yang Xuan suddenly thought of the Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor whose cultivation base had grown inexplicably.

When I saw the Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor in the circle of the universe, the cultivation base he showed was not very good, but when I saw it again, it turned out to be the power of the Five Emperors.

Could it be that he communicated these wills and inherited their power?

It is possible.

Yang Xuan secretly speculated.

"teacher, can I learn ancient languages?" After listening, Lulu's concern was on this.

"Yes, how can't you? I must learn! I will teach you personally." Jace settled.

This task can only be completed by Jess. In Heavenly Wolf Race, the ancient language is not something that everyone can learn. The whole priest of the gods can only be mastered by a few three people. Among them, the well-know figure, It is Jace, as the High Priest, Modi will not, he will only return to one moment of prayer.

The next thing was logical. Jace arranged for someone to report the news to the council and the Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor. He took the position of Modi and personally taught Lulu's Martial Dao learning and ancient language learning.

The future emperor, who can care about this honor.

Deprived of his honor, Modi dared not say anything and could only leave in anguish.

As a result, Lulu also moved, and moved to the side of Jace's room.

By the way, Yang Xuan, a hungry invisible student, also came to Jace.

However, he always has a sense of urgency.

He has a hunch that the Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor is coming soon.

The following days will be simple and regular.

In the morning, it is clearing and returning to one, and the learning time with martial skill is taught by Jess himself.

With that, Yang Xuan also learned some secrets of Heavenly Wolf Race.

In the afternoon, it was a cultural class. Jace took out a thick dictionary of ancient languages ​​and taught Lulu to learn ancient languages.

This is Yang Xuan's current top priority. Hidden to the side, together with Lulu, he became a good baby and studied hard.

In this way, half a month passed, and the news from the council and the Great Emperor Palace finally reached the priests:

Three days later, the Great Emperor and the Supreme Council Chief will arrive together God priest.

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